Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 68: 1 sword and stone!

"Is this the chief coach?"

Chu Wushuang looked up and looked at the old man with a look of disappointment in his face. The other was old and his eyes were cloudy, as if half of his feet had stepped into the coffin!

This kind of casually walking a few steps will be panting, and it is even more worried that the old man who will fall at any time is the chief coach?

"It's him?"

In addition to Chu Wushuang, there are also some people who saw this legendary chief coach for the first time.

But more in my heart was disappointment.

As long as the people of the White Tigers, have heard the prestige of the chief coach. When the opponent took over the White Tigers, the White Tigers were still the weakest of the four guards. It was his shocking wrist that allowed the White Tigers to grow up to become the strongest in the Guards!

He had once entered the beast mountain alone, sharpening his qi, for three years! Not only did you kill countless monsters in Wanshoushan, but also the black dragon army who was scared by its own fright did not dare to step into the mountains half a step!

He once fought against Lei Yunfei of the Yunwu dynasty, and was not weaker than the downwind, but now Lei Yunfei is already the state teacher of the Yunwu dynasty!

He once tried to capture the ghost snake of Baishui Lake ...

He used to ...

Looking at the gray-haired and waning Yan Hezhi, everyone had only regrets.

Chu Wushuang even sighed:

"Three major sorrows in life, Jiang Lang is exhausted! Beauty is late! Heroes are balding!"

Why isn't it true for the rest.

They are struggling to get Yan He out of the mountain, but the other side is in this state, let alone fight against Mr. Chu to avenge them for the White Tigers, I'm afraid that only half of his life is left before he enters the ring?

"You worry about me?"

When Yan Hezhi saw the expression of everyone, how did he not know what everyone thought. He smiled lightly: "In the past five years, I have been living in the wilderness without leaving the house. I have already broken through the trance and reached the state of true energy and perfection! At the same time, the sword power has also reached the true unity of power!"

"Since you don't believe it, let me have a look!"

As soon as the words fell, he saw his right hand raised at will.

At this moment, it seems that time is still at this moment. And an inexplicable mighty power came out of Yan Hezhi's body at the same time. When this mighty power reached its extreme, his silver hair was dancing without wind, and his turbid eyes shot out the captivating spirits!


Yan Hezhi said gently, and then waved with his right hand.

This understated action turned out to be like a roar of thunder and thunder, with all the power to kill everything, cut out a sword mang that was more than ten feet long and spread to the distance!

Countless towering trees were slashed by Qi Qi under the rush of this Jianmang, and even a piece of bluestone more than 20 meters high in the wild was split, and the incision was smooth as a mirror!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

With a big tree crashing to the ground and the loud sound of bluestone falling to the ground, it seems that the whole world has resumed operation!

Among the crowd stunned, Yan Hezhi smiled and held his hands together:

"Do you think that my sword can kill Mr. Chu?"


At this moment, everyone awakened from shock and were shocked. This sword is already far beyond Mr. Chu. If it is cut out in front of him, I am afraid that Mr. Chu will be cut in half before he reacts!

Chu Wushuang looked at the towering tree that was cut flat like a leek, admiring his heart.

This moment.

He only treats Yan Hezhi as a god!



Chu Jingtian exhaled a long spit of breath, watching the ‘Guti Dan’ in his hand could n’t help showing a touch of pride.

"This 'Old Body Dan' is indeed the hardest to make in the third-order elixir. I ran out of mana and could only sustain my spiritual fire with vigor. I also almost failed! Now that Lu Fatty got this elixir, he would definitely be able to start the hegemony. Lower body! "

Thinking to himself, he ate another Yangqi Dan.

"But this time, alchemy has also made me a lot of gains, and I actually stepped directly into the peak of true energy. If it is at the normal speed, it will take at least half a month!"

"Sometimes alchemy is better than martial arts. The sharpening effect is more obvious!"

Put away the elixir, Chu Jingtian then went out.

He made an appointment with Zhou Jintian, and identified his secret box for him today. He had a little expectation in his heart, hoping to open the blood of the demon king containing the blood of the true dragon in the secret box of today.

If he can drive out, he can use this blood to step into the second ancestor dragon mystery. If it ca n’t be opened, he can only wait for Qin Ruoxi's news and postpone the opening of the third house!

When he came to the “Jinlong Store”, Zhou Jintian was already there.

"Chu Shizi, you are finally here!" Zhou Jintian rushed to greet him. "Everyone is here, we are waiting for you!"

"Anyone else?" Chu Jingtian asked.

"Such a large number of secret boxes, our Jinlong shops must not be able to eat all of them. In addition, there are Feiyuan and Yuelai shops!" Zhou Jintian quickly explained. "Every time the secret box is the three of us together! Only the rest we eat will flow to the market."

"The batch of secret boxes you gambled for in Secret City yesterday was the one with the lowest quality!"

"So it is!" Chu Jingtian nodded.

The origin of the secret box is mostly unsightly and can't reach the table.

The sources are mostly relics, tombs, etc. Due to the high risk, commercial firms with real capital are reluctant to take risks, and small shops do not have the financial resources to swallow all the secret boxes, so they can only cooperate with other shops.

The two went into the shop and saw that there were already two people waiting there.

Yihao is a 27-year-old beautiful young woman with exquisite facial features and charming face, wearing a red tight leather skirt, a peerless stunner!

The other was a young man with a similar age, handsome in appearance, but always a little cold or cold in his eyes.

Zhou Jintian quickly introduced:

"Chu Shizi, this is Li Yunxiang, the owner of Feiyuan Commercial Bank! This is Shi Haitao, the owner of Yuelai Shop!"

After he finished speaking, he arched to two groups of people: "You guys wait for a long time, this is Chu Jingtian and Chu Shizi, the king of Beiliang! He is the master of the palm that I invited this time, and now people have Here we are, we can start! "

Chu Jingtian?

When everyone came in, they already saw Chu Jingtian. At that time, my heart was still secretly wondering how Zhou Jintian brought a young man who didn't know him. After the other party's introduction, you can know the identity of the other party.

Li Yunxiang looked at Chu Jingtian with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Regarding Chu Jingtian's deeds, she has already heard the cocoon, but it is only recently that the unskilled sister-in-law has become a second-order animal trainer. Yesterday, she opened a batch of value in Wushi Great secret box.

"Zhou Jintian used this waste to be a master of the eyes?"

There was a slight contempt that appeared in the corner of Shi Haitao's mouth. Although he had heard what happened in Wushi yesterday, he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. He thought it was just a rumor.

In addition to Zhou Jintian, Chu Jingtian was invited to be a master of palm-eyes, and both Shi Haitao and Li Yunxiang also invited palm-eye masters to stand behind them.

These two palm-eye masters look like a seventy, eighty, and have been immersed in this way for decades. The secret boxes they have passed through them are tens of thousands. At this moment, the two palm-eye masters couldn't help looking at each other, naturally showing a slight disdain for Chu Jingtian.

In their opinion, what qualifications does such a hairy boy have to be a master of the palms?

"Now that everyone is here, let's start!"

Li Yunxiang clapped his hands.

Immediately, someone brought a secret box from the back room. Chu Jingtian looked up. The materials of these secret boxes were mostly rocks, but also some metal materials. From the appearance alone, it is much higher than the batch of secret boxes he saw on the stall yesterday.

"This is the first secret box, let's get started!"

After the secret box was put on the table, the two palm-eye masters immediately stepped forward and looked carefully.

Zhou Jintian also quickly explained the rules between them to Chu Jingtian.

These secret boxes come in accordance with the rules of the highest bidder.

Of course, just by appearance and material, the price of these secret boxes is far more than those ordinary secret boxes on the market. At least five thousand purple gold, as many as tens of thousands. The value of the treasure in the secret box is completely determined by the master with the eyes, and then the three parties start bidding.

Earn more and earn less, the competition is the palm master's skills!

If someone else is not optimistic about a secret box, but you are optimistic about it, and you have opened a valuable baby, naturally you are making a lot of money. Conversely, if you spent a lot of money and bought an empty secret box ~ ~ or the treasure in the secret box is worthless, it is a loss.

During the conversation, the other two palm-eye masters were already optimistic. After returning to Li Yunxiang and Shi Haitao, they whispered a few words, and they nodded thoughtfully.

"Chu Shizi, it's your turn!"

Li Yunxiang didn't know what the palm-eye master said, a strange light color flashed in the beautiful eyes, and he turned his eyes to Chu Jingtian.

"I'll see how he identifies?"

Shi Haitao snorted coldly, and his contempt flashed.

The palm-eye masters behind the two also seem to have one after another, they naturally want to see how Zhou Jintian, the invited Chu Shizi, is gambling!

Unexpectedly, Chu Jingtian didn't get up, took a light glance at the secret box in the chair, then retracted his gaze, and said lightly, "I'm done!"

"That's over?"

Chu Jingtian's hand immediately made everyone feel helpless.

You know, the two former palm-eye masters were meticulous in identifying the secret box, and they wished to stare out their eyes, trying to make a difference.

But Chu Jingtian is so casual, can it be called an identification? How does he palm his eyes?


Shi Haitao could not help but frown, and laughed in a low voice.

Li Yunxiang is also difficult to hide the disappointment in the eyebrows.

As for the other two palm-eye masters, they have nostrils, and they look down on Chu Jingtian more and more.

"Chu Shizi!"

Zhou Jintian could not help secretly seeing each other so rashly. However, after seeing Chu Jingtian's appraisal method yesterday, he only invited the other party under the blood.

But don't invite a big-tailed wolf and lose your blood!

"Rest assured that with me, I will never let you suffer!"

Chu Jingtian smiled a little, an old attitude.

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