Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 7: Chu Wushuang!

"It's him?"

When Zhang Zhijiao saw that he had not yet started preaching, someone wanted to leave, and naturally he was very angry.

He is the leader of the Guards, whether it is cultivation or strength, he can be regarded as a leader, how many people want to listen to his preaching are not qualified. He wouldn't have come over if it hadn't been for the Northern Liang Palace.

Doesn't it be tantamount to slap the other person in public?

"Huh, who am I? It's Chu Jingtian! This mud that can't help the wall is not worthy to let me breathe!" Zhang Jiaotou silently glanced at Chu Jingtian and retracted his eyes.

纨 绔 The behavior of this sister-in-law has been heard for a long time.

"He committed a heinous crime. If it wasn't for the King of Liang Liang, he would have been beheaded by the Wumen Gate. How could he be so happy?"

"I only teach me, let him toss!"

Others saw Zhang Jiaotou unhappy, and they all looked at each other's eyes, and found that they were Chu Jingtian, all shaking their heads secretly.

On the day of the Royal Palace Council, Chu Jingtian made a public appointment in March, which really shocked many people.

Some children even think that Chu Jingtian will be just like his name, but if he doesn't, then he will be shocked! But who would have thought that he could not stay behind in the house every day and didn't know what he was doing. Gradually everyone thought that his March appointment was just a delay.

"No dog meat can be served on the banquet, waste is waste, and it will never change!"

"The King of Liangliang has always said what he must do. What if Chu Jingtian delays for three months?"

"I don't believe it, he can make up for the crime he committed in three months!"

The king's children shook his head secretly.

Even some people, like seeing flies, deliberately distanced themselves from him, for fear of being in the slightest relationship with him.

Lu Chuyao blame, as if to blame him for angering Zhang Jiaotou, but did not mean to leave, still sitting together side by side in shock.

I saw Zhang Jiao holding his hands behind his head and glancing across the crowd, as if who he was looking for. When everyone was confused, he asked:

"Why didn't Chu Wushuang come?"

"Back to Zhang Zhitou, Brother Wushuang was sent to the bandits!" Some children of the Wangfu replied.

Professor Zhang Zhang nodded with satisfaction. "With Chu Wushuang's qualifications, I really don't need to listen to my preaching anymore. Even joining the Guards is more than enough."

Everyone heard Zhang Jiaotou saying that, a little envy appeared in his eyes.

The Guards!

This is the most powerful army of the Dayan Dynasty. It is divided into Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. Only the most powerful fighters can join the Guards, and the children of the family are honored to join the Guards!

However, if ordinary family members want to join the Guards, they must enter the ordinary army to kill the enemy and make contributions. Now that Chu Wushuang has qualified to join the Guards, one can imagine how powerful he is.

"Well, when is it like Chu Wushuang?" Chu Yao chucked Chu Jingtian with a finger and whispered.

"Like him?"

Chu Chu sneered and did not speak.


He is Chu Jingtian's cousin and the elder's son. Chu Wushuang in the previous life can be regarded as a spring breeze and enjoy prosperity and wealth.

"Chu Wushuang, you first entered the Guards, and the bandits became famous in the first battle. You were promoted to be a centurion and promoted to a thousand captains in the same year. At the annual meeting of the royal palace, you humiliated me with high spirits, but I was unable to refute. I think of you as the successor to the king of Beiliang, but I am abandoned! "

后来 "Later, in order to force my father to the palace, you took away the inheritance of the palace. You are willing to worship the Prince Nine's door as a running dog, be promoted to the rank of captain, and to be the commander of the Guard! Even in the end, you will become General Sima!"

"Since I've returned in this life, I won't make you feel better, I want you to taste that taste too!"

Chu Chu sneered in his heart.

Seeing Chu Jingtian not speaking, Chu Yao thought that he was talking seriously, hurting Chu Jingtian, and quickly comforted him.

But when others heard Chu Yao say that, they were disdainful and rudely ridiculed.

"Only he can learn the brother of Brother Wu Shuangshuang? The two of them have a cloud and a mud soil, which is a world apart. Too many and too many resources in the palace are wasted on Brother Chu Jingtian. If it is used on the brother of Brother Wu Brother Shuang, I am afraid He has been extraordinary! "

A majestic figure with a tiger-backed back, said many children of Wangfu who are older than their peers.

"Chu Hu, you're right. This waste is taking up too much resources, even if a little bit is exposed from your hand, it will be enough for others to eat it. If I have his resources, maybe early You have reached the peak of inner strength! "

Another thin young man with a bamboo pole, eyes cold like a viper nodded, echoing.

前 The former is called Chu Hu, and the latter is called Chu Leopard. The two of them approached Chu Wushuang and approached them as an idol. Now when I hear Chu Yao say so, naturally I feel full of disdain.

Other people also taunt.

As the son of the King of the Northern Liang Dynasty, Chu Chu Jingtian naturally enjoys resources that others cannot compare to. But unfortunately, Chu Jingtian in the previous life devoted himself to eating, drinking, and having fun. He never thought about cultivation.

This seems to others to be a violent conspiracy. Of course, some people are angry.

However, Chu Jingtian is treated as inaudible. If these people know what Chu Jingtian thinks, they will be afraid to laugh away.

今天 "Today, we are mainly talking about the internal strength of gas refining, and the use of martial arts techniques!"

Zhang Zhangjiao's voice is like Hong Zhong, full of penetrating power, ringing through the entire martial arts field.

Everyone listened, and suddenly they drew their ears to listen, for fear of missing any word.

I only had Chu Jingtian yawn and secretly bored.

The so-called inner strength is the strength that the heaven and earth aura gather in the body. Beginners, the inner strength gathered in a mess, distributed on all limbs.

Only the young can gather the inner strength in Dantian, like a gathering thread.

The next peak and completion, the inner strength of Dantian will continue to increase and expand.

As for the master of Neijing, it is a process of turning Nejin into Qi. This inner strength will gradually form a cyclone in Dantian, until it finally turns into a true qi!

After reaching the true energy period, you can release it vigorously.

He is like Zhang Jiaotou, who is the peak of inner strength.

There are dozens of coaches like him in a guard.

I want to be the Chief of the Guards, so at least I have to be full of masters, even higher. Otherwise, let alone teach the Guard, it is impossible to suppress the Guard. How can others convince you?

After he finished speaking, the Zhang Zhitou practiced palm, boxing, sword and so on.

The martial arts skills of the puppet army were a little less fancy, but they were a bit more sharp and killing.

After half an hour.

This is the end of Preaching by Teacher Zhang.

"For internal strength, you need to work harder. In half a month, it will be the time when the Guards are recruited. Anyone who has reached the internal strength can enter the Guards."

"Of course, if you want to be promoted, it is the easiest to become a ten captain, as long as you kill the enemy. But centurion, only the peak of the inner strength can do. The thousand captain, at least to achieve the inner strength is complete! Captain, you need to be a master! "

Everyone heard the words, and they were all excited.

Even more, some people are already gearing up and want to try it now.

Zhang Zhangjiao nodded secretly.

With a little bit of care, these children of the family can grow into the Guards in the future. The qualifications are slightly better, enough to worship the centurion and even the thousand captain!

Of course, except some waste!

When I thought of it, Zhang Jiao's head glanced lightly at Chu. But soon, he closed his eyes, and even if he delayed for a moment, he was extremely disgusted.

Chuhu shouted at this moment:

"Teacher Zhang, what kind of position would Brother Wushuang have if he joined the Guard?"

Xu mentioned Chu Wushuang, the frost on Zhang Jiaotou's face melted away immediately, he nodded:

"No one can be an exception. Even if the prince enters the Guards, he must start with an ordinary soldier. But with Chu Wushuang's qualifications and strength, as long as he can make a contribution, he can be directly promoted to be a centurion!"

"Wow! Centurion! Doesn't this mean that as soon as we enter the Guards, Brother Wushuang is our immediate boss?"

Someone shouted.

"I heard that ~ ~ Ordinary people want at least two or three years to become a centurion. Chu Wushuang's eldest brother can really be promoted, it is really envious!"

You know, the garrison is rigorous, and even the emperor Laozi cannot walk through the back door.

Qi Chu Wushuang actually got such attention, showing that he is powerful.

Wu Chushuang's talents, Mo said that in the Beiliang King's Palace, it is the top row in the entire Dayan Dynasty. In previous lives, Chu Jingtian was naturally jealous.

如今 But now, when I hear others praise and praise Chu Wushuang, Chu Jingtian just feels like praising a baby just walking.

"As long as you can cultivate carefully, you can also come to Chu Wushuang in the future!"

Zhang teaches his head and stands, and nods. "Next, let me show you what I said before, the two are practicing. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

Everyone heard the words, they all stood up, looking for their own team to connect with each other.

I saw Chu Bao looking around, as if hesitating a bit, actually came straight to Chu Jingtian.

Everyone saw this scene, it was a moment, and then they came over. The object of Chu Bao's practice has always been Chu Wushuang. But Chu Wushuang went out to kill the bandits. Chu Leopard naturally had no target for practice, so he could only choose Chu Jingtian.

During the pause time, everyone looked at Chu Jingtian's gaze, and they all took a look of gloat.

Although Chu Chubao's strength is not as good as Chu Wushuang, but among the younger generation of Wangfu, it is definitely not bad, not many can beat him.

"Chudao, Brother Wushuang is not here, you can practice with me!"

Chu Chubao said with a smile.

When everyone thought that Chu Jingtian would find an excuse to refuse, I saw that he didn't think about it, nodded his head, and said:

"it is good!"

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