Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 70: Take me, spit it out for me!

"It's going to be big!"

Zhou Jintian's heart was a little confused. But at the same time he was secretly wondering, what kind of methods did Chu Jingtian use to deal with Shi Haitao?

You know, which one of them is not the hob meat on the rivers and lakes of the shopping malls.

Zhou Jintian would like to persuade Chu Jingtian to take this breath, and he can see that the other side is firm and can't help but go back.

Soon another secret box was sent up.

This time Shi Haitao has learned well, he did not send a master to appraise, but just stared at Zhou Jintian leisurely, apparently he wanted to repeat the tricks and prepare to grab what the other person liked.

"This idiot is too treacherous!"

Zhou Jintian hated his teeth, but couldn't help but look at Chu Jingtian.

However, after seeing Chu Jingtian's glance at the secret box, his brows were slightly frowned.

"Now that everyone is optimistic, let's start bidding!"

Li Yunxiang patted the table.

She raised a finger and said, "This secret box, I bid five thousand!"

After speaking, she looked towards Chu Jingtian.

Chu Jingtian's performance today is really too eye-catching and almost missed. The secret boxes that were robbed by Shi Haitao were all worthy treasures. She never dared to hold the teenager in contempt!

However, she didn't cut off as much as Shi Haitao, mainly offending people too much.

As for this secret box, she only offered it for 5,000, because the palm-eye master determined that there was nothing in the secret box. If no one bid, she would buy it at the lowest price. If someone pays a high price, she won't fight.

"Chu Shizi, is there anything in this secret box?" Perceived by Li Yunxiang, Zhou Jintian quickly asked.

"Yes! And the value is extraordinary! This time you have to take this secret box at all costs!" Chu Jingtian said.

Zhou Jintian's eyes brightened, and suddenly he was interested.

With so many secret boxes, Chu Jingtian didn't tell him so, nor did he have such a decisive tone. Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate, so he asked:

"One hundred thousand purple gold!"

"I have 200,000!"

Shi Haitao repeated his old tricks and wanted to beat Zhou Jintian in price and cut off this secret box.

"you again!"

Zhou Jintian was extremely angry.

If it was any other secret box, he would definitely give up, but now he is unwilling to let go.

He wanted to see what even Chu Jingtian called a valuable baby!

"Twenty-five thousand!"

Zhou Jintian said.


Shi Haitao raised his brow and continued to raise prices.

Li Yunxiang on the side did not even have the opportunity to speak, and watched this secret box soaring directly from 5,000 to 500,000, a full 100 times the price!

The palm-eye master behind her was also full of sorrow. He used his experience to determine that there was nothing in this secret box, but it was so disturbed by both sides that it was suddenly dead!

Zhou Jintian hated his teeth.

Half a million is close to his limit. If he buys this secret box, he will have no money to participate in the next secret box. Thinking of this, he quickly looked at Chu Jingtian.

"At all costs!"

Chu Jingtian glanced at the secret box and seemed to be reluctant to bite his teeth.

"Eight hundred thousand!"

Zhou Jintian gritted his teeth and lifted out his old man.

Shi Haitao over there was also startled.

What kind of treasure is in this secret box that actually made Zhou Jintian so bargain? Thinking of this, he silently glanced at Chu Jingtian, only to see the other party staring at the secret box could hardly take his eyes off.

He couldn't help but move.

"This kid's first few secret boxes are not like this, is it possible that there is really something in this secret box?"

Although jealous of Chu Jingtian, Shi Haitao understands that the other party's means are not ordinary.

In the field of gambling, basically, the older you get, the better your experience and technology, and the older your eyesight becomes. Regardless of which one, it will take a long time to achieve. But this is shocking, but it is a strange one!

"one million!"

Thinking of this, Shi Haitao made up his mind.

After all, Zhou Jintian's destiny looks, but he can't hide his eyes.

After the price shouted, Shi Haitao also gave a provocative glance at Zhou Jintian and Chu Jingtian.


Zhou Jintian shouted ‘this, this, that and that’ for a long time, and finally he stumbled back. He originally thought that when he called 800,000, the other party had already given up, but he did not expect that the other party was even fiercer than him!

Seeing Zhou Jintian's appearance, Shi Haitao became more and more certain that he had picked up treasure.

He took the secret box from Master Palm Eyes and looked at them with a smile.

"Boss Zhou, I'm sorry, I snatched this secret box again!"

Although Shi Haitao was an apology in his words, the expression of that eyebrow flamboyantly was that he was cheap and sold well!

Li Yunxiang sighed secretly, she is such a person who despise Shi Haitao. Everyone comes to gamble, the competition is the palm of the hand. As a result, you are better off, and it ’s really shameful to grab someone else.

However, this secret box can make Chu Jingtian so enthusiastic, and let Zhou Jintian shout out the price of 800,000, and now it is snatched by others, I am afraid they are not upset?


But when Li Yunxiang looked, he saw Zhou Jintian's regret, but Chu Jingtian's face was indifferent, and there was even a bit of irony in the corner of his eyes!

"Did it?"

She moved in her heart and looked at Shi Haitao with a smile:

"Boss Shi, you are really a big wrist! Million Zijin bought a secret box, I wonder if you can open this secret box and let us see the treasure inside?"

Shi Haitao laughed. Although he couldn't help but feel some pain when buying this secret box, he couldn't help laughing when he thought of the treasure in the secret box.

"In this case, let me open your eyes and see what kind of treasure is in this secret box!" Shi Haitao said, and began to break the battle with blood.

"The ghost wants to see it!"

Zhou Jintian snorted coldly, and another secret box was cut off, and he could not wait to tear the other side. The thought of the baby in the secret box was his own, he shed blood in his heart.

But although he didn't want to look at his mouth, his eyes were involuntary.

The two palm-eye masters present also watched one after another.

They want to see what secret treasure this Shi Haitao bought at sky-high price!

Accompanying a burst of golden light.

The secret box was opened, Shi Haitao was reaching out with a smile to pick up the treasure in the secret box. If he can open the treasure, his Yuelai shop will definitely become the top existence of the Dayan Dynasty. Maybe he can press the Qin family Go on!

But all of a sudden it was empty. At this moment, his heart fell to the bottom.

"how is this possible?"

He flipped the secret box and it was empty, but there was nothing!


Seeing this scene, everyone present could not help but exclaim.

At this time, even if Shi Haitao was an idiot, he immediately understood what was going on. He smashed the secret box and angered:

"Chu Jingtian, you count me!"

"You said that I counted you, do you have any evidence?" Chu Jingtian raised his eyelids slightly, smiling with a smile. "I didn't force you to buy it, everyone saw that you voluntarily grabbed it!"

"Oh, Mr. Shi, congratulations, you have spent millions of purple gold and bought an empty box!"

Hearing this sentence, Shi Haitao almost did not vomit and bleed.

He became more and more certain that this was the trap that Chu Jingtian set for himself, but he didn't even think about it and jumped straight. That was millions of purple gold, and it hurt him, at least for two or three years.

Zhou Jintian looked at the empty secret box, and looked at Shi Haitao, who was about to vomit blood, and then returned to God. He was still thinking about what method Chu Jingtian used to clean up the boy, but he didn't expect that the blink of an eye would make the other party fiercely follow suit!

"Haha, this boy has intercepted our secret box several times, and less than half a million has been earned. Now let him spit out even the most profitable!"

Zhou Jintian laughed.

He used to be full of resentment but had nowhere to blame, but now he spit out his anger, only to feel refreshed.

"I know countless people, and no one has ever been like him! Such fierce and decisive wrists, I have never seen it from a teenager. Such people can only make good friends with them ~ ~ and not offend what!"

Li Yunxiang sighed inwardly.

If someone dares to tell her that Chu Jingtian is a waste of learning, she will definitely slap it without hesitation. Today this teenager is subverting her perception!

He is like a ferocious beast. If you don't provoke it, it will be harmless to you. But if you provoke him three or five times, how can you retreat from your whole body?

Chu Jingtian's eyes were indifferent.

No one in this world has ever been able to **** his stuff and still be happy!

Shi Haitao was unwilling and wanted to turn around with the last bit of capital. But then Chu Jingtian set up two traps without leaving any traces, letting him spit out hundreds of thousands of purple gold again.

This time, not only did he not make a profit, but he lost all the money. He finally resigned with hate.

But everyone knows that after today, the imperial city will be completely without Shi Haitao. The market is like a battlefield. He has planted such a big heel today. How can those who are usually offended by him not fall into ruin?

I'm afraid it won't be long before his industry will be eaten away by others, maybe he will be driven out of the Imperial City!

Shi Haitao withdrew from the midfield, and the only secret box left was Li Yunxiang and Zhou Jintian, which were equally divided, naturally less gunpowder and more peaceful.

After reading many secret boxes, Chu Jingtian lost interest.

‘It seems my expectations are too high! ’

‘There ’s nothing too precious in the tomb of this master. The most advanced one is only a second-order top-grade flying sword. How could there be the blood of the true dragon of the third-order demon king? It seems that this time I ran for nothing again! ’

Just when Chu Jingtian was disappointed and ready to leave the scene early, a secret box was sent to him immediately to attract his attention! He looked at it casually, and couldn't help but close his pupils, sending a burst of doubt.

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