Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 719: Beast Scorpion

"The ghosts are so distant from the distance, I'm afraid that is the real core of the Cliff Palace!" Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes slowly.


Everyone heard the words and quickly looked around.

I saw the dark clouds over the sky, as if the gesture of wind and rain.

"Go and see!"

Dong Cheng martial arts.

When the next group of people quickly reversed their direction, they went deeper.

The mysterious existence of beheading and killing the noodles previously opened a passage in the dense forest with the body, and it was convenient for everyone to pass along the way. Just as the march progressed, the mysterious existence seemed to disappear suddenly, and the dense forest became difficult again.

"That guy must haven't gone far. Everyone be alert!"

Chu Jingtian's thoughts swept all around, she cried.

Everyone heard that they immediately raised their vigilance to the extreme.

"Chu Tangzhu, look ..."

As the crowd moved forward, the dense forest, barely visible, gradually widened.

Through the gap between the forests, Dong Chengwu closed his eyes and quickly pointed forward.

"That is?"

Everyone heard the words and quickly looked up.

I saw a huge palace at the location pointed by Dong Chengwu. There is nothing special about this palace, what makes it shocking is that it stands in the void.

On the periphery, there are five huge white bone pillars that support the temple in a strange position. From a distance, this palace is like being dragged in the air by a huge palm!

Even if they were far apart, everyone could feel a sense of sensation, and continuously swept out of the palace. It seems that the place they went to this time is even more terrifying than Longtan Tigers.

"this is?"

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes and thoughtfully.

"Chu Tangzhu, did you see it?" Wu Leixi was surprised.

The latter nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Dong Chengwu didn't understand, looking at the crowd like a maze, couldn't help asking.

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes and made a right-handed movement. He said lightly: "This is called" Xiu Luo Awakening Array ", it is a means of raising ghosts. I don't know if you feel it. All the Yin in this mausoleum Shaqi has been gathered in that palace. If I guessed well, there should be a terrible ghost of Seven Realms in that palace! "

"Ghost Prince?"

Everyone heard the words and couldn't help but feel shocked.

A few clever ones have already guessed the identity of the ghost king.

"Yes, I can set up such arrays in the mausoleum in the Cliff Palace. I am afraid that there will be no other people except Cliff Cliff!" Chu Jingtian saw that many people had already guessed it and did not conceal anything at the moment.

"Isn't he dead more than three thousand years ago?" Fan Xuanran couldn't help it.

Gu Qian said absolutely coldly: "Dead, at most, it was just physical destruction. His previous life was a famous strongman in the magic gate, how could he watch his fall? No wonder in the data, since the last time the battle between the magic and the magic, he He never showed up again, and the outside world was rumored that he had fallen, and he never thought he was hiding here! "

They nodded and said yes.

Since the last war, Mo Ya's whereabouts are unknown, and Zheng Mo has no news of him.

It is rumored that after Mo Ya's fight with Taizong Taizong, the previous generation of Dao Zong, he was seriously injured and died without a name. Who would have thought that he actually hid in Qifeng Mountain, not far from the avenue of Xianzong, and turned himself into a ghost repair?

Chu Jingtian nodded and said, "Yes, these magic gate warriors have a lot of means, even more endless, this Cliff Palace must be the backhand he left for himself!"

"Then we are going to destroy this bone-in palace?" Dong Chengwu proposed. "If it were allowed to exist in the White Bone Palace, I am afraid it would be a ghost who would be a disaster!"

Everyone nodded.

It was Chu Jingtian's eyes that saw an imperceptible light.

If it wasn't for Dong Chengwu to speak, he wouldn't remember who was inside the Cliff Palace. For Dong Chengwu, when Mo Ya went out, it must be a powerful ghost that scourges the human world, but Chu Jingtian knew that the other party would become the head of the twenty-four magic kings.

‘Why did that face look so familiar? It turns out that it ’s under the control of the enchanting Tianjun! ’

Chu Jingtian looked cold.

No wonder he didn't recognize it.

There is a big gap between this face and the previous life. When he met this face in the previous life, his body size was at least twice as large. The face with a thousand faces was merged into a face, and a face-to-face meeting could make Dong Chengwu The existence of this level is to beheaded.

There are countless enchanting enchanting gods, but only three of them are the most powerful. One is a human face, one is a scorpion monster, and the last is a white-bone snake.

If this is really the tomb of the enchanting Tianjun, then they killed a human noodle, and there are still two enchanting here.

Recalling the death of the human face, Chu Jingtian's complexion changed, and he quickly shouted, "Be careful, we are being stared at by the Beast Scorpion!"


The crowd was stunned, and before the words of Chu Jingtian had reacted, the whole earth trembled suddenly.

"Is this an earthquake?"


Just when this idea emerged from the minds of everyone, a horrible figure flew directly from the ground.


Without much thought, everyone left quickly.

Sure enough, just before the crowd swept away, the ground on which they had previously collapsed collapsed, showing a huge tiankeng, innumerable splashes of dirt and gravel.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, a terrible monster appeared slowly in the collapsed tiankeng!

It was a huge monster like a scorpion. Its body shape is the same as that of a mountain peak, and it is even more terrifying than the previous human face. Its whole body is covered with black carapace. The needle of the scorpion tail is raised high, with turquoise poison on it ~ ~ The most shocking thing is its two huge, scissors-like pliers, which are still stained with blood and meat Crumbs. If you hit it, I'm afraid it will be beaten into puree!

When they saw this giant forceps, everyone couldn't help but have the words that Chu Jingtian said earlier: ‘The face of the human face was cut into two sections directly, and the wound was very severely damaged. It should be pinched by the giant forceps! ’

"Is it it?" Dong Chengwu looked at this huge monster and couldn't help but ask Chu Jingtian for proof.

"Yes, the human face is supposed to be beheaded by it ... This forest should be its site. The human face hastily fled, broke into this place and was beheaded by it. And since we stepped into this forest, At that time, it should be targeted! "

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes.

Beast Scorpion!

How can this guy deal with it!

(End of this chapter)


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