Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 74: Technology shock 4

"Can't die? Huh!"

Yan Hezhi gave a contemptuous smile and was too lazy to speak.

This kind of injury to Wang Chong can't escape death. Even he could barely live a few days. Now this kid actually put on such mad words, making his heart full of irony.

"Mr. Chu ... Hey!"

Fang Chengjing saw that Chu Jingtian was feeding Wang Chong with elixir, and he quickly tried to stop it.

Wang Chong was too injured to swallow. The previous ‘Sang Shen Dan’ was melted in honey tea and fed a little bit. Such a large elixir could not save Wang Chong ’s life at that time, but strangled him on the spot!

Just when everyone was in doubt.

The moment Wang Chong swallowed the elixir, he just felt a stream of heat flowing down his throat, and quickly swept through his limbs. The heat flow contained powerful vitality, and he was dragged back from the gate of the ghost.


Looking at Wang Chong's bleak and pale complexion turned rosy, his breath also strengthened, Yan Hezhi couldn't help emitting a burst of doubt. "What kind of elixir is it that can cure dead bones?"

"Hua Long Dan!"

"I made it with the blood of the third-order demon king, and added eighteen kinds of rare elixir of wanlong bone powder and ambergris. I made a total of eleven, nine of which have been taken by me for use. Cultivate the Dragon Mystery! "

"One for a friend, this is the last!"

Chu Jingtian slowly got up, a pair of eyes under the mask fell on Yan Hezhi's body. His eyes suddenly became sharper, and everyone could feel the anger hidden behind these eyes.

Yan Hezhi looked up slowly, his injuries almost swept away in an instant, and even became stronger than Wang Chong before, his eyes flashed.

He originally thought that the other party was just a little fart with both magic and martial arts. When he first saw him, there was still a feeling of 'but so', but now he has a terrible storm.

"Hua Long Dan! Eighteen years of my life, Yan He has never heard of this elixir. I didn't expect that Dan could rescue a dying person. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it!"

Yan Hezhi murmured, but said that in the end, his voice became louder and louder.

The people around the White Tigers outside the ring were shocked to cover their ears and could not help but recede towards the rear.

"But unfortunately, you have run out of the last Hualongdan and lost your last means of life. You dare to insult me ​​the White Tigers and kill my three chief teachers. Today I must let you clean with blood!"

"Mr. Chu!"

Wang Chong suddenly cried out when he heard that Chu Jingtian had used the last Hualongdan on himself.

And the people around, could not help but regret it.

Owning this Dan is equivalent to one more life. If you want to get it on the market, you don't know how many existences will break your head, or even ruin your family. But now I just gave a named disciple!

"Yan Hezhi!"

Chu Jingtian looked up at the ring platform, and Liman flashed in his eyes.

"Hua Long Dan is precious to others, but to me it looks like a mustard. What about Dan? What about Wu Dan? You hurt my registered disciple and humiliate me in public. How can I spare you?"

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards the ring.

Suddenly the audience was boiling.

Everyone had no hope at all, and regarded Chu Jingtian as a tortoise, thinking that he did not dare to show up in the face of the mighty Yan He. But now he is also aggressive, and rescues the dying Wang Chong in an unbelievable state. He is even more opposed to Yan He's tits, without half fear.

The grievances that waited so hard for that night were swept away almost instantly.

"Bitch can teach it!"

Fang Chengjing's eyes flashed, watching Chu Jingtian stepping onto the ring, he just felt that goosebumps were all over his body, and the long-lost blood was boiling all over him!

"Master Fang, can Mr. Chu be Yan Hezhi's opponent?" Someone asked.


Everyone looked at Fang Chengjing. Everyone knows Mr. Chu's strength, but he doesn't know how strong he is. No matter Ye Zhichen, Chen Beiwang, Dong Chengwei could not help him. Only Fang Chengjing had studied with Mr. Chu on the ring, and he probably knew more about Mr. Chu's strength.

I saw Fang Chengjing Shen Ning some time, this is the way:

"Mr. Chu ’s martial arts and martial arts are not a generation of tasters, but they have a deep understanding of martial arts and techniques. But his cultivation is too low. Xiaoqicheng. "

"He can still kill the strongest peak of the true energy by means of both magic and martial arts. However, when he meets the strongest true spirit, he is afraid of more means and will not be able to return to heaven!"

Everyone heard the words and couldn't help nodding.

Yan Hezhi is too strong and is only one step away from Master Qi. With such strength, the ten-square-meter ring is just a blink of an eye to him. No matter what skills and methods you have, you have to lie down with one punch.

As if Wang Chong was defeated at the beginning, Wang Chong broke the sword to the extreme, but Yan Hezhi only lightly waved and defeated him. Even if you have millions of ways, they can't reach the other party's trick!

"No, Mr. Chu will win!"

Wang Chong stood with his hands up, watching Chu Jingtian who was already on the ring.

Everyone heard the words and shook their heads secretly.

There is a huge difference in strength between the two sides, and the result is already a matter of course. How can there be accidents?

Looking at Chu Jingtian, ten steps away from himself, Yan Hezhi slowly shook his head:

"You dare to go to the ring, this is something I didn't expect. But you are still a bit bloody, and I will give you the way to die!"

As soon as his voice fell, he raised his palm and grabbed at Chu Jingtian.


A sharp whistling sounded, and the surrounding space was torn apart, that is, a piece of pig iron was afraid of being torn by him.

"Is this to kill Mr. Chu in one hit?"

Seeing Yan Hezhi's attack, the soldiers onlookers couldn't help crying out.

The White Tigers could not help but frown, and their faces were full of pride. The reputation of the White Tigers, Qi Ronger, and other defilements, now is the time to pay the price to recast the reputation of the White Tigers with your blood!

Fang Chengjing and other practitioners are unbearable and unwilling to look at it again. Even if you can reach the sky, you can't stop the opponent!

However, Chu Jingtian smiled lightly, and saw his right hand grabbing, his breath soared. The pure innocence was like a flame covering the body, and a shocking stream of wind burst directly from him.

This strong infuriation even set off a huge hurricane, which lifted all the onlookers around Huantai out.

Feeling this strong breath, everyone could not help exclaiming:

"Very energetic! Mr. Chu has actually reached consummation!"


Yan Hezhi also gave a frivolous dismissive:

"No wonder you dare to go to the ring, and dare to kill me arrogantly. It seems that you are relying on this true and successful cultivation, right? But what?"


"When did Mr. Chu reach his fullness of qi? When he last met Ye Zhichen, it was clear that only qi was small! This is only nine days. How did it grow so much?"

Thousands of people were horribly surprised.

"Maybe it was based on 'Hua Long Dan', and it came from cultivation!" Said one martial artist, Shen.

Everyone remembered what Chu Jingtian had said before, eleven of the dragons, and he took nine of them to practice the ancestral skills of Zulong. What is this ancestral mystery technique that can make Chu Jingtian improve so fast in a short time?

"But this method, of course, has improved Xiuwei, I'm afraid that it will also exhaust its potential!" Someone shook his head secretly, and a hint of hope lit up in his heart. "But this battle, I'm afraid there is a good show!"

Everyone speculated about the possibilities.

But they didn't know that Zulong's mystery was the mastery of cultivating the celestial ancestors, and had nothing to do with qi.

So everyone is still not optimistic about this teenager.

Even if he barely achieves true energy, his opponent is Yan Hezhi, only one step away from the true energy master, the fierce head coach in the White Tigers. Although this scene has twists and turns, it does not have much influence and change on the final outcome.

But I saw Chu Jingtian's imaginary right hand slashing down and saw an extremely condensed golden blade split from the void. His right hand turned into a knife, and his vitality was at the forefront.

"how is this possible?"

Yan He's face changed ~ ~ Facing the blade that was beheaded, his heart jumped wildly, and he felt an unprecedented crisis enveloped him. At this moment, he burst out of his whole body, and the whole person changed from extreme movement to extreme silence, avoiding each other's chores!


When everyone was surprised that Yan Hezhi abstained suddenly, they saw a golden light blade that almost could not be described in words. The ten-meter-long ring-shaped platform was divided into two by Chu Jingtian.

A long knife mark spread from Chu Jingtian's feet, not only cutting the ring in half, but also splitting more than half of the venue!

"What does this mean?"

Yan Hezhi's face was pale.

He thought he could easily win it. He could cut off the opponent's head at most by scrapping his hands and feet. But the sword of the other side made his unparalleled confidence be cut in half like this ring!

"How could he have such strength!"

The White Tigers all exclaimed, shaking with fright.

This beating by the opponent almost split the entire venue into two halves, and its power was far beyond that of Yan Hezhi's sword. If this chopping is on a person, even the body of the dragon elephant, the iron casting body must be broken into two pieces!

The whole venue was dead.

The crowd stared at Chu Jingtian with a stunned look, as if they were beheaded by the chopped dais. No matter who they were, Chu Jingtian and Yan Hezhi thought that they were seeking their own way to death, but this beating turned their hearts upside down!

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, Chu Jingtian smiled coldly, his eyes fell on the face of Yan He who was shocked:

"With only this little means, who gave you the courage to kill me?"

ps: Thanks, the three big guys for their reward ~

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