When the crisp sound of the sword rang, everything seemed to stop working. This subtle and inaudible voice was actually suppressing Yan Hezhi's Whistling Dragon, and then a dark and simple sword swept out of Chu Jingtian's mud pill palace and pointed forward.

Yan Hezhi's sword has the power to cut the sky, and wherever he passed, Yantai was torn on the spot, and there was almost nothing under the sword.

"On the basis of your broken sword, do you want to stop the Royal Dragon's Dragon Sword?"

Seeing Chu Jingtian's sword, Yan Hezhi disdainfully hummed. The vitality in the eight major vortexes in the body poured into the Dragon Sword. In a blink of an eye, the Dragon Sword burst into a whistle, and fiercely pressed towards Shen Yuanjian!

boom! boom! boom!

The two horrifying forces, like hurricanes enough to destroy them, crashed into each other fiercely in mid-air.

The impact caused a terrible huge wave on the spot, and even the surrounding air burst into a crushing bang. The long-wounded platform was directly razed to the ground, and even the whole venue was stirred upside down.

The warriors and cultivators who watched the battle around were taken off by the wind.

"So strong!"

"I didn't expect Mr. Chu to have a hole card!"

Feeling this amazing confrontation, everyone quickly got up and looked towards the field. They want to see who will prevail in this final showdown!

But this look was exclaimed by everyone.

In the hands of Yan He, the royal dragon-sworded Dragon Sword reached the second-class superb flying sword, but it was directly smashed into fragments by the humble Shen Yuan sword and shot out.

And Shen Yuanjian is still grappling towards Yan Hezhi!


A tearing sound sounded, and Shen Yuanjian blasted in from Yan He's eyebrow, and then swept out from the back of his head.


Yan Hezhi's eyes widened.

His eyes were full of wonders, and he never dreamed that his own Dragon Sword could not resist the opponent's Shen Yuanjian's blow. Nor did he expect that he would die in the other's hands.

Under the shocking eyes of countless people, the chief coach who has been in charge of the White Tigers for decades, like a felled tree, fell directly from the air and fell into a pool of blood.

"call out!"

Shen Yuanjian shook his sword body, shaken off the contaminated blood, and returned to Chu Niutian's mud pill palace again.

The crowd looked at them with wide eyes, and the inconspicuous Shen Yuanjian had no cracks or scratches after smashing the dragon.

This change caught everyone off guard. And those who are ready to welcome the White Tigers, have never thought of it!

"Head coach ... dead?"

The heads of the White Tigers and the chief instructors looked at Yan Hezhi, who was lying in a pool of blood, and even couldn't believe it when they looked at the almost dead eyes.

The chief coach they had tried so hard to die actually died in the other's hands.

Even if Yan Hezhi took out the final killer, he was easily crushed by the opponent.

"But that's it! I dare to kill me with this strength, I really don't know who gave you the courage!"

Chu Jingtian shook his head slightly.

He had no dust on his gown, and like Ye Zhichen's killing before, the other party didn't even touch his clothes. From the beginning to the end, Yan Hezhi was forced to jump up and down by him, with almost no fighting back. Only the final cutting of the Dragon Sword brought him a little trouble, but this was not enough to impress him, and even the strength of his master practicing the master was not revealed.

Everyone at the venue bowed their heads.

Earlier, when Chu Jingtian said this, everyone thought he was dying. Now, naturally, no one dares to doubt.

"The White Tigers can't get crazy again this time!"

Everyone looked at everyone in the White Tigers who showed grief and indignation, and shook their heads secretly. Even the head coach died in his hand, and the White Tigers never had a character who could take it.

"I'm afraid no one can stop this Mr. Chu!"

Countless people have such a thought.

"If you want to deal with him, at least you need to know Master Xuan, Master Qi, and Master Heng Lian! But these three kinds of existence are rare in the folk, and most of them have been recruited by the royal family. Those who can't become white tigers can also invite the royal family ?"

Chu Jingtian walked out with a loss of his hand.

Only the seven heads of the White Tigers came forward.

"You want revenge for Yan He?"

Chu Jingtian looked at each other with a smile.

"Although we know we are invincible, we will never sit by the funeral of the White Tigers. We will kill you here today even if we have spared our lives!"

The seven head coaches pressed up, showing Chu Fantian blocking the way.

In their opinion, Chu Jingtian and Yan He were exhausted long after the war. Even if they are still a little bit energetic, the seven of them are enough to confidently hang each other.

"People from the White Tigers, you are too bullying!"

Wang Chong stepped forward with a drink. Song Shuhang and other blue dragon regiments also stood behind Qi Jingqi. As long as the other party dares to act, they will never stand idly by.

"You've done too much. This is a fair fight on the ring, but you have repeatedly shot at people. Don't think that we, the true practitioners, are bullying!"

Fang Chengjing snorted coldly. Dozens of cultivators behind him had secretly sealed their seals and drank spells. As long as Fang Chengjing ordered, the overwhelming technique would absolutely kill them on the spot.

But Chu Jingtian smiled and looked at each other and said:

"I said long ago that if you don't agree, I will kill you until you serve. In this case, I will send you to see Yan Hezhi together!"

After he finished speaking, his right hand was already waving, and his body was full of anger, sweeping his body on the spot.

"Do it!"

The seven great coaches felt that each other's momentum had not weakened at all, and it was hard to hide their horror. They thought that the other party had exhausted their lights, but they did not expect to have such strength, but at this moment the arrows had to be fired on the string!

Seven people broke out at the same time, powerful real energy was poured into the weapon technique, and a blade of light sword was formed in an instant, and Chu Jingtian, facing the center, was crushed away.

"You also want to kill me by these means?"

While everyone shot, Chu Jingtian smiled disdainfully, rolled his right hand, and slowly pressed down.

Suddenly, a long hand with a sky-high sky was formed in the back-filled inflation, and then rolled like a mountain.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the huge infuriating collision, those martial arts were crushed on the spot, and the terrible shock wave spread out, and the surrounding ground was blasted out with pits of several meters deep!

"not good!"

Seeing that the other party slaps them at will, and directly resolves their siege, some of the chief coaches have already resigned and are afraid to fight again.

‘This guy is too strong, just because a few of us are not opponents at all. He is in the limelight right now, so let's not fight against it. Big deal hiding in the White Tigers, I don't believe he dare to rush into the White Tigers and kill! ’

This was also a helpless move. Even the chief coach was killed. The power of the seven people was not the enemy of the other. What is the honor and shame of the White Tigers in the face of life and death?

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

Chu Jingtian saw that everyone had already thought of escaping, and disdainfully gave a cold hum, a fierce right-handed shot on the spot. That Great Sky Master also crushed down and smashed the seven head coaches directly into the ground.


There was a quake like a quake, and everyone felt that there was a tremor at their feet, and when they looked up, there was a figure like Bai Hutuan and others. There was only a depression that was several meters deep. The huge depression was really A palm print.


Everyone in the White Tigers wailed.

Although it is said that the positions of the head of the college and the head of the college are not established by the Great Yan Dynasty ~ www.readwn.com ~, but are exclusive to the military. If it is killed, the Dayan Dynasty will not hold it. But no one dared to offend the back of the Guards.

But now this young man, despite the might of the White Tigers, kills ten of his chief coaches and one chief coach with his own strength.

"How dare the light of firefight contend with Haoyue?"

Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers. It looked like he didn't kill the seven chief teachers at all, but was as casual as stepping on an ant.

Watching this scene, everyone couldn't help lamenting.

"The White Tigers are afraid that they will begin to decline from today!"

Several captains stood among the crowd, watching the young man's heart rise in grief. They are already able to guess the future ending. Because of the change tonight, the White Tigers are afraid to be reduced to the bottom of the Four Guards.

Chu Wu looked stunned at each other.

He never imagined that someone could be so powerful, and his mind was mixed. On the one hand, there is infinite longing, but on the other hand, it is extremely sad.

One of Yan He died today, and Mr. Chu's reputation will inevitably make him famous, but I am afraid no one will dare to beat his edge. And I am afraid that no one dares to take the hatred of the White Tiger!

In the eyes of admiration, or awe, or worship, or praise, Chu Jingtian slowly turned around and left.

The several captains even tightened their necks and did not dare to say a word, for fear of annoying each other and causing trouble to their bodies. The words of others, maybe they will also care about the reputation of the White Tigers.

But the power of the White Tigers is nothing more than a mustard in the eyes of this boy!

"This is my teacher!"

Wang Chong looked at the departing Chu Jingtian, a pride of pride came to his heart.

There is a teacher like this, what a futility!

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