Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 770: Huang Xuan ancestor

This utterly incomparable discourse made everyone at the scene tremble in their hearts, only to feel as if they had come to the cold winter moon from the scorching heat in an instant, and the goosebumps came out unconsciously.

No one doubts this old man's words.

If any family dares to step in, they will be completely killed by each other!

It was this feeling that made many of the families present in a horrible discoloration afraid to shoot at each other.

"Who is he?"

"When did the Huang family come out with such an overbearing horror?"

"His strength, I am afraid that he has reached the Seven Realms!"

Seeing this scene in the field, everyone couldn't help talking about it in a low voice.

At the same time, they even cast their own complex eyes on Chu Jingtian.


They are here this time in order to endure this huge backer, but now there is an existence that looks even more horrible than him. For a time, people don't know how to choose.

Song Kun looked at Chu Jingtian insidiously, and couldn't help but feel happy. He felt faintly in his heart that after this old man appeared, Chu Jingtian would never be better!

"Trouble me? Who are you?" Chu Jingtian sat there, raising his brow slightly.

"Huh, you can't mess with anyone!" The old man said with both hands on his back.

An elder from the Huang family sneered and came forward: "This is Huang Xuan, and also my ancestor!"


Huang Xuan!

This statement immediately detonated all around.

Some ancestors who were ready to work together to deal with each other were completely calmed down, and their faces became ugly.

"No wonder, no wonder he said that senior Chu couldn't afford him ... it turned out that he was the ancestor of Huang Xuan!" Zhang Ziqi couldn't believe it. "He hasn't fallen for hundreds of years. Isn't he dead ... why did he appear here?"

"This momentum, he's afraid that he has reached the Seven Realms! No, even the peak of the Seven Realms!" Lin Yijian swallowed, facing the ancestor of Huang Xuan, he even felt that the swords in the sheath were shaking.

Everyone in the Huang family took the look of horror on the faces of the ancestors and became more proud.

"It turned out to be Tianlizong!" Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows slightly and didn't care about his face. He looked at the other with a smile: "I thought you were something extraordinary. I didn't expect it to come from a small gate. ! "


Chu Jingtian also heard something.

For everyone in Mingze City, this is an extraordinary gate, but in the eyes of Chu Jingtian, it is still too small. At most, it has the strength of a hall in Xianzong Avenue.

The details are far apart.

"Huh, our ancestor Huang Xuan is the ruler of Tianlizong!" Seeing that when Huang Xuan revealed his identity, Chu Jingtian was still indifferent, and everyone in the Huang family immediately seemed to be stabbed by a horse.

"Boy, if you grab your hands and kneel down for mercy, maybe we can leave you a whole body!"

"I don't see you crying without seeing the coffin!"

Huang Xuan's ancestor even snorted: "I didn't expect that you could have a ghostly bifang as a beast when you were young. But unfortunately, if you provoke someone you shouldn't provoke, you even provoke you people!"

He said, and raised his hand.


This raising of hands is not as powerful as the previous might, it is like the giant spirit **** raised his palm.

The wine table in front of Huang Xuan's ancestors was directly blasted into powder, and the horrible spirit was pouring in, as the same crazy dragon swept across the ground and surged up. Wherever I went, everything was torn to pieces on the spot.

This prestige is so horrible that it is enough to divide the mountains and rivers!

"Ha ha!"

But Chu Jingtian sat there and didn't move.

I saw the ghostly square on his shoulder, already spreading his wings quickly, embracing in a hurry, protecting Chu Jingtian in the center.

Just listen to ‘Boom! ”With a burst, the entire banquet guesthouse burst open on the spot, and the ancestors around them were immediately taken off.

The people being lifted up did not care to get up and quickly looked towards the field.

I saw that the originally luxurious Binlou had been completely razed to the ground, and dust was flowing around. Chu Jingtian was still sitting there, and the previous blow was easily resisted by the ghostly side.


"Huang Xuan's ancestor's blow, this all blocked it?"

"It's too horrible for this ghostly party. It didn't fall into the wind in the face of Huang Xuan's ancestors!"

Everyone couldn't help shouting when they saw the confusing area that was blasted, and then looked at Chu Jingtian, who was motionless.

The strength of Huang Xuan's ancestors is beyond doubt.

But the previous fight was actually so easily blocked by the ghostly side. How can we not surprise everyone?

"Huh, how do you know how powerful your ancestors are?"

"Yes, Huang Xuan's ancestors have not come up with all their strengths!"

Everyone in the Huang family was secretly shocked.

They thought that it wouldn't be easy for the ancestors to win Chu Chutian once they shot. But who would have thought that Chu Jingtian's somber side was even more powerful than they thought.

"The lord of Tianlizong, the ancestor of Huang Xuan ... do you only have this strength?" Chu Jingtian raised his eyelids and looked at each other with a smile. "Dare you dare to be arrogant in front of me, and dare to say I can't mess with you?"

"what did you say?"

Huang Xuan's ancestors were angry and immediately laughed.

He looked at Chu Jingtian with a playful look, and then suddenly stared:

"You have a good strength in the nether world. You actually have the cultivation of the top of the Seven Realms. No wonder you can rule the king in Mingze City and conquer many families to work for you. But you don't know my terror!"

Before he finished speaking, he was already stepping forward.


An air of terror swept out of his body.

The blue infuriation erupted like a flame, and at the same time straight into the sky, it was already covering the sky at one instant.

There are thousands of feet around him, and it is already shrouded in green smoke ~ ~ Almost Huang Xuan's ancestors are sweeping away, while the ghostly side is already loud, with its wings spreading and flying fast. Up in the sky.

The dreary and dreary flying in the void, the surging spirit of the body also swept out, and the horrible black flames grew wildly and rose wildly, spreading to thousands of square meters.

Looking from a distance, Huang Xuan's ancestor was wrapped in a vast stream of green smoke.

On the other side, the ghostly side is surrounded by infinite black flames.

Hei Yan and Qing Yan covered the entire sky of Mingze City.

One person, one demon, stood in isolation.

"When I kill your ghostly side, I see what else you can do!"

Huang Xuan's ancestors looked cold, and his voice was completely empty.

At the same time, he stepped out suddenly.


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