Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 801: Sweep 1 cut

The outside world is boiling.

Chu Jingtian has already stepped into Dragon Soul Mountain.

He has already had a killing idea for Peng Tianhao, and if this idea persists, he will inevitably become a demon or even stop growing. Only by killing the other party will you be able to think about it, which is also an opportunity.


But Chu Jingtian stepped inside, as if stepping into Jiuyou Realm for a moment.

The entire Dragon Soul Mountain suddenly boiled, and the roar of countless ghosts and ghosts continued to come from all directions, even from the distance, there were sounds of dragon howling. Apparently, the Dragon Soul Formation has been activated, and the entire Dragon Soul Mountain has turned into a ghost realm.

Even the dark clouds and mists are constantly tumbling at this moment, sometimes turning into dragons, sometimes turning into evil spirits, and all eyes look directly through the clouds, falling on Chu Jingtian's body.

Chu Jingtian knew that these sights were some ghosts and ghosts in the Dragon Soul formation. These extremely overcast souls like the flesh and blood of his mighty warrior the most, and it's better to eat a bite than elixir.

But they are afraid of Chu Jingtian's strength and dare not come.

"So strong **** smell! There is also a violent power that seems to be awakening, presumably this is the real leader of the Dragon Soul formation."

Chu Jingtian thought.

When he stepped into Dragon Soul Mountain, he understood the situation in Dragon Soul formation in the shortest time.

This dragon spirit formation is not complicated, even worse than the magic array he held outside the Tianshan Mountains in Jiulong, the key of which is the pilgrimage, which used this place as a graveyard of Yinlong and Viper. And the leader of the whole array is the black dragon.

On weekdays, these ghosts have their own hiding place, and now the Dragon Soul array is turned on, turning the entire Dragon Soul Mountain into a ghost realm. Obviously this place has become their world!


A sound sounded slowly.

I saw dozens of shadows rushing from a distance.

Chu Jingtian looked up, and saw that it was a group of huge dragon dragon ghosts, which had condensed into a substantial ghost body, rolling the ground out of intricate traces.

Obviously, these ghosts can no longer bear the longing in their hearts, and want to taste Chu Shatian's flesh and blood.


Chu Jingtian hummed coldly and raised his hand.


The crackling sounded.

As if the giant spirit **** held up his palm, a horrifying blood power was already coming out quickly. More than a dozen ghost-eyed pythons smashed their heads on the spot by this horrifying blood force.

In the collapse of the soul, this horrible wave did not stop for a while, and crushed the remaining ghost. Wherever he went, all the demons and ghosts were crushed by the students in an instant and extended to the end of the field of vision.

There was a silence all around.

Those horrible flesh-and-ghost souls were suddenly stunned at this moment.

It was as if a giant dragon had walked through, first smashing the dozens of ghost pythons in front of it, and then unceasing, leaving a huge road in this mountains.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Some ghosts that did n’t even gather ghosts, seeing this scene, immediately turned into a smoke, fleeing in fright.

Chu Jingtian didn't chase after, these were just shrimp soldiers and crabs, really tricky behind.

And they don't take any shots easily. Once they take a shot, they will inevitably lead the entire Dragon Soul formation.

"The scope of this Dragon Soul formation is not small. I am afraid that the location has spread to the entire Dragon Soul Mountain. This is just the periphery. To find Peng Tianhao, we must go deeper ...

Chu Jingtian looked up.

Suddenly, the whole movement of Dragon Soul Mountain appeared in his mind.

In the depths of Dragon Soul Mountain, countless demon dragons and ghosts are waiting for him to appear. The hall where Peng Tianhao and others lived was above the highest peak. Under the peak, there is a huge blood pool.

"It seems that if you want to get there, you have to kill all the way!"

Chu Jingtian's eyes narrowed slightly.

The Dragon Soul formation has no other formations, flaws, or even rough. But if it is to block Chu Jingtian, this kind of formation is more effective than those large and detailed formations.

"There must be something in that blood pond, maybe the dragon soul of that black dragon is there."

Chu Jingtian Shen Ning Road.

He could feel that a powerful force in the blood pool was waking up, giving a very terrifying feeling. In a large array, all the ghost dragons combined can not compare to him.

But if you want to take this and let him retreat, it is impossible.

I saw him carrying both hands, already stepping into it as if walking in the court.


Almost as Chu Jingtian stepped into the deep area, countless ghost snakes immediately boiled at this moment.

Most of these ghosts are the dragons of the dragons and the snakes who came to worship the black dragon, and sought to break through when they were dying. Coupled with no breakthrough, disappointment turned into despair when dying, so these ghosts and ghosts with terrible resentment are more horrible than those halfway monks.

But Chu Jingtian ignored it, and the shocked anger was released directly, forming a purple fire hood with a range of more than ten meters, and stepped forward.


Those ghosts seemed to be provoked.

The roar sounded, and a ghost was already turned into a black awn, like a poisoned arrow madly blasting towards Chu Jingtian. This ghost was a snake in his lifetime. After his death, he took off his flesh and turned to ghost repair. His body was as dark as ink, like a shadow, and fluttered with his wings.


But as soon as it hit the ring of fire, it was burned to ashes.

The other ghosts didn't seem to see it at all. Instead of stopping, they rushed faster.

"咚!" "咚!" "”! "

Chu Jingtian didn't look at it, and continued to hold the ring of fire composed of Jingtian Nuyan to isolate these ghosts.

The further you go inside, the more powerful and horrible those ghosts are, and the more they are. These strengths that existed during life were quite horrible, even after death.

Even if it was Chu Jingtian, in the face of such endless attacks, the circle of fire had to be compressed to the extreme.

But even so, he still couldn't get close.

Seeing more and more ghosts ~ ~ Chu Jingtian was a little annoyed by the intrusion, and his eyes flashed.

The purple flames surrounding him suddenly burst out, a wave of purple light surging like a horrendous wave, sweeping the four corners with an overwhelming trend, only I have exclusive respect!


The ghosts that rushed to death were instantly annihilated when they came into contact with this flame. The purple flames were lingering, and they swept across the dragon spirit.


The fire dispersed, and saw Chu Jingtian standing in place.

He submerged his feet on the ground, centering on his body, and everything collapsed. And those ghosts and ghosts in the Dragon Soul formation were not spared. At this moment, Chu Jingtian turned out to sweep away the ghosts in the entire Dragon Soul formation!

In the main hall, witnessing the high-rise of Dragon Soul Mountain, all looked pale, like ghosts.

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