Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 822: Reproduction of the phalanges

Chapter 822 of Taixu Shengzu's first volume reproduces the phalanx? The towering magma, Chu Jingtian bears his hands and slowly walks down the sky.

The angry flame bone dragon struggled hard.

Its sternum was completely smashed, and dense cracks were still spreading around, showing signs that it was sweeping through the body. In the center of the crack is a small silver sword.

This is impressively Ling Ling Sword.


An angry flame screamed out, and turned up again.

Even if it is only a bone, it still has the dignity of the dragon.

At this moment, the flames that were smashed all over again, exploded and swept away.

However, Chu Jingtian shot.

He lightly stretched out his right hand and slapped forward slowly. With the clap of his palm, a loud voice sounded loudly in the void. It's as if the mountains are falling, the voice of Wan Lei Jun Tian.


A horrifying energy came out, turning into a palm that was larger than the Bone Volcano, and descended directly from the sky. Under this huge palm, the anger flame bone dragon also appears extremely small.

The angry flame bone dragon turned up again, and was slaped on the ground by this slap on the spot. The crystal clear skeletons were broken and broken.

In this way, in the shocking eyes of everyone.

Chu Jingtian slowly pressed his palm like this, no matter how the angry flame bone dragon struggled, he did not shake in the slightest, and was crushed unceasingly. After the giant palms dissipated, where was the figure of the angry flame bone dragon, there was only a pool of crushed powder.

Angry flame bone dragon, just patted to death like this?


Shi Kaitian and others hiding in the dark were stunned and couldn't believe his eyes.

How many magic gate strongmen were captured by this angry flame bone dragon, thrown into the volcano, and catalyzed the growth of Tianlingdibao. But now this terrifying angry flame bone dragon, dominating the existence of the white bone volcano, was actually beaten to death by Chu Jingtian.

Don't say that this kid is in this fierce land, he is afraid of the outside world and is not an unknown person.

Earlier they had a hint of expectation in their hearts:

Waiting for both sides to lose and get hurt, and then sit back and take advantage of the fishermen. But now Chu Jingtian's last slap has completely destroyed their thoughts. They dare not imagine what the consequences would be if that slap fell on themselves.

After Chu Jingtian killed and killed the angry flame bone dragon with one palm, he opened his mouth and sucked. Suddenly Ling Xiaojian turned into a sword light and returned to his mouth.

After he had done all this, his eyes turned to Shi Kaitian and others hiding in the dark.

Shi Kaitian only felt that his soul was frozen at this moment.


This Shi Kaitian, who is also a big brother in the outside world, can tremble the whole world of Xianwu with no lame courage. He screams and flees with everyone.

In the presence of Chu Jingtian, what kind of dignity and heavenly earth treasures are needed to save the angry flame bone dragon to the beheaded existence? It is the big thing to keep his own life.

"Boss Shi, wait for us!"

When his dog legs came back to life, Shi Kaitian had escaped from their field of vision, and yelled for it.

Looking back, Chu Jingtian looked at the pool of bone meal on the ground.

"If it wasn't for shaking Shi Kaitian and making him afraid, I wouldn't summon Ling Xiaojian directly."

After all, wealth is moving.

If Shi Kaitian sees that he and the angry flame bone dragon are incapable of dealing with each other, maybe his head is hot and he will really step in.

"But ..." Chu Jingtian frowned slightly.

With his sword power, he should be able to completely kill the angry flame bone dragon. But at the last minute, this angry flame bone dragon can still fight back? Makes Chu Jingtian have to make another move.


With his eyes moving, he felt vaguely that there was something in the ashes in front of him that was faintly connecting with him, and he grabbed his right hand suddenly.

Suddenly, a small piece of bone flew into his hand. This osteotomy piece is completely different from the skeleton of the Fury Dragon, as if it came from a different bone.

"Is this the fragment of the right hand of the demon?"

Chu Jingtian made a stroke with his right hand, but the bone fragments the size of the nail shell were unscathed.


Chu Jingtian's eyes were stunned.

According to his cultivation, even a simple stroke is enough to divide gold and jade. But now there is no trace left on this broken bone, even if it is not the right hand of the demon, it is equivalent to it.

He was thinking, and saw that the osteotomy suddenly fell into the palm of his hand and merged with the demon phalanx of his right hand!

Chu Jingtian's previous phalanges were at most 50% of normal bones. Now this fragment is integrated into it, and it has grown by half. Vaguely see the prototype of a finger!

"Did it?"

Staring at the bones that fit into his right hand, Chu was shocked and thought of a possibility.

Just then, behind Bai Yuhua's voice of worry came.

"Chu Jingtian, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Chu Jingtian turned his head and saw Bai Yuhua and Li Qiankun running hurriedly.

Bai Yuhua was even more worried.

She saw Chu Jingtian slamming the angry flame bone dragon, and scared Shi Kaitian and others away. Before having enough time to cheer, I saw Chu Jingtian staring at his palms in a daze, so he rushed over.

"I'm fine!" Chu Jingtian shook his head.

He didn't say what he had just got an osteotomy finger from the body of the angry flame bone dragon, let alone that the osteotomy finger merged into his right hand.

After all, in this fierce land, there are many powerful demons, and everyone is thinking about competing for the right hand of the demon.

If the wind spreads, I am afraid that he will immediately become the target of public criticism, and become the target of many Momen strong men.

"Did you get the Lingbao in the Bone Volcano?" She shook her head and swept away the shock in her head. Chu Jingtian just came out of her voice.

"got it!"

White feather painting holding flame lotus.

This lotus, even if it was blocked with divine thoughts, can still feel the heat wave that keeps coming. If there is no hindrance to the gods, I am afraid that this area will immediately turn into a sea of ​​fire.

"With this Tianlingdibao, it only takes up to three days, and I can expel the cold poison in my body and recover to the peak!"


Hearing these words ~ ~ Rao Shi could not help but nodded in satisfaction.

Once Bai Yuhua resumed his peak repair, he would naturally not face the kind of difficult situation that he had previously suffered from.

"It shouldn't be here for long, so go back to the previous Bone River Cave to cultivate!"

Chu Jingtian looked around and said quickly.

After just two steps, I seemed to think of something again, and quickly turned to Li Qiankun and said, "Go and grab some bone-bone creatures for me. I need to do some research!"


Li Qiankun looked stunned.

It's just a pool of bones, what else can I study?

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