Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 825: Hunt

Taixu Shengzu Volume I Chapter 825 Hunting? Now to Chu Jingtian and other realms, the goal worthy of his pursuit is naturally above the real demon.

The world only knows the ordinary world, the martial arts world, and the immortal world. But I don't know, there is a group of people above the immortal world. They call themselves the holy world.

But in the final analysis, these four circles are just four circles. To what extent can you reach that circle. But in the final analysis, these four big circles are all in Kunlun.

The real gods and monsters are outside Kunlun!

In the previous life, precisely because he was looking for existence outside the Kunlun Realm, Chu Jingtian stepped onto Dengxiantai and wanted to find those beings. It is a pity that when he was sent to Sendai, he was reborn and reborn when he was a boy.

Now that the group of real gods and demons are really in front of their eyes, how can Chu Jingtian not pursue it?

"Just a broken bone can create such a horrible white-bone creature. Imagine the horror in front of this demon's right hand!"

Chu Jingtian secretly condensed.

"What's more, the master of the right hand of this demon does not know how many years have passed, and the remaining power in the bones may not be as good as one tenth of his lifetime!"

"To test whether my guess is correct, I have to look at the corpse of this mixed-yuan white-bone cow. Are there any fragments of the right hand of the demon!"

Chu Jingtian pondered all the way. Under the leadership of Li Qiankun, he came to the battle place of Qinglong Shi and the mixed bone cow.

According to Li Qiankun, this area was once a stretch of white-bone mountains, but was fragmented by them. In particular, the area where the skeletal remains of the Xunyuan Bone Bone Cattle was blasted into an abyss.


Divine thoughts swept away, like a large net covering the entire mountain.

This was once the territory where the Xunyuan Bone Bone was located, so there were not many powerful Bone Bone creatures. Chu Jingtian looked up and became even more unscrupulous.

"These people have not yet dealt with bone-bone creatures. Obviously, they have not realized that these bone-bone creatures may carry bone-bone fragments. Once they find out, I am afraid these bone-bone creatures will be the target of public criticism!"

Chu Jingtian thought secretly.

The position of Qinglong Shi and the mixed-bone cattle are only a few points in total, which is easy to find. Chu Jingtian searched for a long time, almost when the search was about to finish, suddenly his body moved, his eyes flashed.


It wasn't just him. Everyone was attentive and immediately swept forward.

Suddenly, three figures landed in front of a bull-shaped skeleton like a hill. Rao is the body shape of this mixed-yuan white-bone cow that Li Qiankun has introduced before, but when you saw it, everyone couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

The broken horns pierced straight into the sky, and their huge and terrifying body was telling how powerful this bone was.

"Are there really broken bones?"

Bai Yuhua's heart couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Chu Jingtian couldn't help but take a deep breath, slowly extended his right hand, and touched the huge bones of the bull's head.


At the moment when the palm touched, an extremely subtle feeling suddenly burst into my heart. It was a feeling of being connected by blood, as if there was something there, and it was connected with his body.

"This feeling, I felt it when I was fighting the Fury Dragon."

Chu was shocked.

This feeling did appear before, but it was so subtle that he didn't take it seriously.

Pressing down the tension in his heart, Chu Jingtian slowly pressed his right hand forward in the deep.


A huge palm was formed in the air, crushed directly downward. Under this huge palm, the sound of a burst of burr's head suddenly burst, and then a large number of cracks spread.


In the end, when he couldn't hold it anymore, he heard a burst of crackling, and the bones of the bull's head broke into powder.

Everyone quickly looked nervously.

Sure enough, I saw a piece of apparently different material lying quietly in the broken bone meal.

"really have!"

Suddenly, Bai Yuhua cheered like an excited little girl.

Even Li Qiankun couldn't help but sigh:

"It turned out to be black under the lights!"

"Good!" Chu Jingtian nodded. "The strong men who have entered the fierce bones so far, whoever they are, will subconsciously avoid these cruel bones. Who would think that the hand bone fragments they have been looking for are on the bones!

Chu Jingtian smiled secretly.

Don't say it's the Demon Strong, even if he enters this fierce land, he deliberately avoids this group of white bone creatures. For those more powerful bone-bone creatures, it is even more elusive.

If it wasn't for his white feather paintings, he would have to fight against the Raging Flame Dragon, I am afraid that he would spend the same time in this fierce land as the other Demon Squads, and he would die without any problems!

Thinking to myself, Chu Jingtian looked at the broken bone in his hand.

This osteotomy head is slightly larger, still less than 10% of a phalanx.

"With my guess, basically right."

"The stronger the bones, the more debris they carry."

"There are about ten heads left here, about the same level as the Raging Flame Dragon, and there are three or four hundred levels below the Raging Flame Dragon ... only ..."

Chu Jingtian's eyes narrowed slightly.

He figured it out in his mind.

Nowadays, the fragments of all the powerful white bone creatures in the whole fierce land add up, I am afraid it barely looks like two fingers. It's a big difference from a full right hand.

"However, the old man of the spirit snake was able to take out half of the osteotomy finger to leave the ferocious land 3,700 years ago. Presumably, the other fragments have also fallen into the immortal realm, maybe it is the holy realm!"


Just as he was sinking into his heart, the fragment was quietly in the palm of his hand, fused with the phalanges in his body.

"Really fused?"

Fang Baiyu saw this scene ~ ~ shocked again.

"I told you long ago, you have to believe it!" Chu Jingtian was helpless.

Now that we are going to do a big fight in the fierce land, some things naturally cannot be covered by fire, so Chu Jingtian opened the skylight to speak brightly, and told him to get the phalanges from the graveyard of the old man of the snake and the phalanges into his palm Fang Baiyu.

Fang Baiyu naturally will not disclose.

As for Li Qiankun, his spirit is still in Chu Jingtian's hands. If he dares to say half a word, he will inevitably lose his soul.

"Now that my guess is confirmed, let's start next!"

Chu Jingtian clenched his right hand, and Li Man flashed in his eyes.

The three-man squad ’s hunting operation for the bones has officially started!

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