Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 87: If you want to fight, I will fight!

"Sister Huang, are you?"

Yang Mucheng asked hard.

His scene is already very difficult to see, and now the other side will step in, and the power behind Chu Jingtian is so great that he can hardly even fight it. But the long princess only glanced at the other side quietly, showing a meaningful look, and then turned to Chu Jingtian:

"Master Chu, in order to show my sincerity, I am willing to send this thing!"

The princess took out a thing slowly, everyone looked one after another, and saw a stone egg in each other's hands!

This stone egg is slightly larger than the basin. It is full of rocks and moss and looks like a fossil, but if you listen carefully, you can hear a sound like a heartbeat.

"This stone egg was opened from a cold gold secret box three years ago. I tried everything to hatch it, but it was all in vain. I looked through the classics, and this stone egg may be born four times Order demon! "

At first, when I saw this stone egg, everyone disagreed and thought it was nothing.

But at this time after the long princess explained its origin, everyone knew that this stone egg was not ordinary.

"Fourth-order monsters? If they were born, I'm afraid Chu Jingtian is invincible!"

Everyone stunned.

This kind of existence only appears in history books or legends. A fourth-order monster makes it easy to stamp out any dynasty. Chu Jingtian was originally an animal master. If he could hatch this stone egg, who would dare to contend with him?

"Well, you are so sincere, I will accept you as a registered disciple!"

Chu Jingtian said lightly.

hiss! hiss! hiss!

There was a sound of exhaust around.

The long princess came to worship the teacher with this big gift, but you still have such a reluctant attitude, and you are just a named disciple.

‘Is the princess angry? ’

Everyone looked.

How honorable the royal family is, to say seriously, this is your disrespect to the princess!

Once angered by the royal family, even the king of the north can't hold you back.

Chu Ao is also anxious, ready to speak. But what made everyone astounded was that instead of showing a little bit of unhappiness, the long princess was extremely happy and openly worshipped:

"Yuer Yang Yuxuan has met Master!"

"Sister Huang!"

There was a hint of shame in Yang Mucheng's eyes.

Chu Jingtian became the master of the princess, so what would he call Chu Jingtian in the future?

How proud he was when he was the nine prince. Now Chu Jingtian stepped on the ground for no reason, almost killing.

"Nine brother, you have a bad job!"

However, Yang Yuxuan, the long princess, slowly shook her head.

After seeing Wang Chong that day and asking about Mr. Chu's identity, she thought over and over again about the meaning of ‘half month later, Mr. Chu ’s identity was revealed to the world’.

So she boldly speculated that Chu Jingtian was Mr. Chu. Today, she saw that the King of Western Xinjiang, the King of Jinling, the Emperor, the Qin Family, and Luo Shengyu had all arrived, and she was even more sure of the speculation in her heart!

Looking at Yang Mucheng with a blank face, still ignorant of why, Yang Yuxuan secretly shook his head and said:

‘Jiudi! Haven't you been asking Mr. Chu's true identity? Now standing in front of you, Chu Jingtian you are trying to deal with is Mr. Chu who you have been asking for and cannot see! ’

‘Fortunately, I understood the meaning of Wang Chong ’s words in time, otherwise the royal family would almost offend a strong man because of you! ’

"It's almost impossible to stand up!"

"Even the long princess worshiped him as a teacher, and Chu Jingtian's identity as the heir to the palace was so strong that Chu Wushuang could shake it!"

Wei Qingfeng looked at this scene and simply threw out the iron gall in his hand. The iron gall had been torn apart by him and crashed to the ground. The hearts of some powerful people present also fell into the abyss like these two iron gallbladders.

Some people were about to cry.

They thought that Chu Wushuang had Yang Mucheng's support, and this succession was almost guaranteed. That's why I can't wait to please each other! But who would have thought that Chu Jingtian didn't sing. The existence of these one by one, it is impossible to step over Chu Wushuang.

"Fortunately, I haven't made a choice yet."

Yi Yifan could not help but secretly relieved. There have been countless times that he also wanted to show his kindness to Chu Wushuang, but he has always put up with it, and now he only has the feeling of the rest of his life after the disaster!

And the elders of the Beiliang King's Mansion, as if they were cast one by one, looked at the shocking Chu in the field.

"He did it!"

If it weren't for their own eyes, they would have been unimaginable.

It was this young man who uttered mad words in the Chamber of Commerce. He once said:

‘I smashed the Yan Dynasty ’s palace in Beiliang! At that time, the emperor Taizu had to divide the throne half of my Beiliang palace. What if I spend a little money on the Dayan Dynasty? How much did it cost, I doubled back! ’

‘How about King Jinling ’s status? Even if his daughter is beautiful and immortal, she will marry sooner or later, so I will lose a little, just get married! ’

‘How about losing to Zhang Ruochen? Winning or losing is a routine thing for soldiers. This time I lost. The next time I call back, the scene is back! ’

When he said these words at the beginning, everyone thought that he was in a state of infidelity and didn't know that the sky was high.

But now, the other party really did.

The seven million Zijin in the Qin family is more than double the original greed.

King Jinling sent his daughter here, prefering to be a concubine, rather than being a maid.

As for the rest who fought against Zhang Ruochen, who would dare to doubt it?

"Come on!"

Chu Wushuang violently retreated a few steps. He was confident that with his self-cultivation and the position of the governor, he could easily crush Chu Jingtian, but he did not expect that the strength shown by the opponent was beyond his imagination.

This achievement of his own is simply not worth mentioning in front of the other party.


Beyond the Royal Palace of Beiliang, I don't know when an old man and a young man will come.

This is exactly Zhang Ruochen and Lei Yunfei.

"Well, I didn't expect it. Yang Mucheng, who has always been meticulous and does not leak water, will actually throw a big heel on Chu Jingtian's body!"

"Speaking of which, I seem to have planted this boy twice, too!"

Zhang Ruochen had bright eyes and couldn't help looking at each other.

The first time was to **** a wooden bearded dragon in Qiannan City, and the second time was to send someone to assassinate ...

Lei Yunfei also looked at Chu Jingtian with an amusing look, and suddenly his face changed, and he was surprised:


"What's wrong, National Teacher?" Zhang Ruochen asked quickly.

Lei Yunfei retracted his gaze, and couldn't bear the surprise in his heart. He glanced at the eager Zhang Ruochen before he came out of his voice:

"This boy's cultivation is strength, I can't see through!"

"Maybe there is a magic weapon to protect yourself!" Zhang Ruochen said.

He also felt this way when he looked at Chu Jingtian earlier. The opponent's body is like a deep black hole, as if able to devour everything. He can obstruct the other party to see through the magical instruments he has built, and he also has some.

Lei Yunfei shook his head secretly.

Only he understood that the strange feeling in Chu Jingtian's body was not caused by the magical instruments, but was a characteristic of some strong men. But he immediately denied:

‘How can this kid be such a strong man? ’


"Chu Shaotian!"

There was a chill in Chu Wushuang's eyes.

Originally thought that the annual meeting was stable, but Chu Jingtian resolved it in an understatement. And this momentum is like a storm coming, not only cannot he resist fiercely, but Yang Mucheng can't resist it.

If it continues like this, where is there room for him to stand up?

"By the way, I remember Chu Jingtian and Chu Wushuang settled for the annual meeting, that is, victory and defeat, and life and death! Now that everyone is here, shouldn't we start?

The ninth prince fainted.

His voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the audience, echoing in everyone's ears.

After hearing the words of those who supported Chu Wushuang, they were as excited as chicken blood, and a little expectation was burning in their hearts.

‘Even if you have more patrons? ’

‘This dynasty is a strong dynasty. It ca n’t be based on others alone. There will be a battle this year, and you cannot avoid it anyway! ’

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on the young man in the field.

Fortunate, proud, sorry, mocking ...


Chu Ao frowned, trying to speak.

On the side, Lu Jianli said quickly: "Uncle Chu Ao, just watch it quietly. The performance of Boss Chu will definitely shock you.

Chu Ao hesitated, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to believe.

At this moment, the elder elder's pale complexion was finally a little more bloody.

He stared at Chu Jingtian, growling in his heart:

‘Only Chu Wushuang can support Beiliang King ’s Mansion, and you Chu Jingtian ca n’t do it! As soon as you die in this battle, the power of Beiliang Palace will fall into the hands of our father and son! ’


"Centur, please be slow, we can't keep up!"

Chu Yao ran fast, and several female soldiers behind the Suzaku regiment followed, panting.

However, Chu Yaofei turned a deaf ear to it ~ ~ it is getting faster and faster. This scene fell into the eyes of several female soldiers, which made them extremely suspicious.

"What's wrong with the centurion? It seems that I have never seen her like this!"

Several female soldiers looked at each other.

One of them whispered:

"Don't you know, today is the annual meeting of the Beiliang King's Mansion. It was the day of Chu Jingtian and Chu Wushuang's life and death, but I heard that many people went to the Beiliang King's Mansion. Now! Most of the dynasties are concentrated in the palace! "

"Really!" One of them exclaimed, looking at Chu Yao who was in a hurry, couldn't help but said, "No wonder the centurion hurried back in such a hurry!"


As he was saying, Beiliang Wangfu was in front of him.

Several people followed Chu Yao directly into the palace.

The huge king's palace can be said to be crowded, but at this moment it is silent. Everyone's eyes fell on the silent young man in the field.


Suddenly, Chu Wushuang's voice sounded like a thunder, and he sneered, "Chu is shocking, don't forget the battle contract you made with me in front of the barracks that day. You shouldn't want to shrink. A turtle? "

I saw Chu Jingtian standing alone in the middle of the crowd without saying a word.

Just when everyone thought that Chu Jingtian would be silent like this, when he was unwilling to fight, he suddenly raised his head and smiled at Chu Wushuang, grinning:

"You fight, I fight!"

ps: Thank you for your old dreams, breaking through the wind, 13680, broad and wide 2,13943. A reward from five big brothers. When I get on the pk, I promise to add more. After all, working at the same time while coding is really tiring.

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