Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 880: Into the mystery


The towering blue beam of light, the huge vortex of energy that swept the entire silent mountain range, attracted the attention of countless people in an instant.

"That was a shocking vision that erupted a month ago! It erupted again today!"

"The center of that vortex seems to be a space, presumably that is the entrance to the mysterious gate!"

In the barren land, the two demons, the demons, including some ancient relics, who were constantly searching for the entrance to the secret door, all raised their heads at this moment and looked towards the sky.

After a brief horror, everyone came back to God, and then turned into a stream of light, rushing madly towards the position of the vortex.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Several, hundreds, or even thousands of glare, across the sky at this moment, like a passing meteor.

"Boss, so many people?"

Lu Jianli, who was following Chu Jingtian towards the center of the vortex, looked back at the rushing figures behind him and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Don't talk nonsense, follow me!"

Chu Jingtian screamed violently, soaring into the sky.


When the body entered the crown in front of it for tens of thousands of miles, almost covering the huge vortex of one side of the world, suddenly a huge repulsive force surged. The whole person seems to be stepping into a quagmire, which is almost impossible.

In addition, there is a terrible amount of crushing force in the energy of rotation. The surging force swept from all directions, as if to kill everything that entered the vortex.

The powerful men of the Six Realms had just stepped in, and were crushed by this terror force.

Suddenly, this sky-blue strength was stained with blood like plum blossoms. At this scene, many people looked startled and began to hesitate.

But Chu was shocked and ignored, he directly opened the shield, pushed the energy out ten feet away, and flew directly into the vortex.

When others saw this, they also released the shield of Zhenyuan, or various magic weapons, to intercept the strength of this energy, and quickly flew towards the center of the vortex.


The vortex seems to spin faster and faster.

The strength also increased sharply at the same time, and then the strength quietly increased several times, as if rolling in from the mountains.


The pressure hit the shield, and the shield shuddered, but Chu shouted nothing and continued to move forward.

"On!" "On!" "On!"

The thunder sounded loudly.

Chu Jingtian turned his power to the extreme, with greedy dragons and Lu fat man stiffly. In this vortex, he bumped into a passage unceasingly.


Chu Jingtian shook his body, jumped out of the void, and instantly fell into the vortex.

His eyes brightened, and in front of him was a huge world, but he could not see the margins at a glance. Five people including Hua Yunfeng and Heilongshi are not here, and they have obviously penetrated into this world.

"Boss, is this mystery?"

Lu Jianli's eyes were wide and somewhat disappointed.

"There doesn't seem to be anything strange ..." Greedy Dragon wondered.

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes and slowly nodded: "Don't ignore this space. He is more dangerous than you think. Every step is a huge crisis."

Once the mysterious state is opened, the entire world is starting to spin.

Ninety-nine percent of all beings that enter this mystery will die in this mystery.

"Where did Hua Yunfeng go?" Lu Fat looked around.

Throughout the heavens and the earth, although it appears to be peaceful, it is actually an undercurrent. Coupled with the entire world, extending in all directions, it is actually a bit puzzling.

"That is?"

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes.

In the place where the distant world meets, there is a faint blue light. That blue light and the previous vision had a feeling of coming from the same source.

Obviously, that's where the world might be.

"Ignore him first, Yibao matters! It's not too late to kill Hua Yunfeng after getting the treasure!"

Chu Jingtian said.

Teng! Teng! Teng!

At this moment, the vortex behind him rushed out dozens of figures again immediately.

These figures are impressively those warriors who watched the battle in the silent mountains before. When they entered this space, they suddenly made the same doubts as Lu Jianli.

Obviously, for them, the existence of this secret realm will never be a simple existence.

But who knows, there is nothing special in the mystery.


"Look there ..."

Everyone with regret immediately noticed the blue light of the distant sky and the place where the sky and earth meet.

Everyone glanced at each other, but unexpectedly, they rushed away toward the position emitting blue light.

"Boss, they ..."

Seeing this, Lu Jian could not help exclaiming.

Greedy dragon also turned around, ready to catch up.

"Wait a minute!"

Chu Jingtian looked for a moment, and quickly yelled.

"In front of this is a large array of five elements ..."

"You follow me ~ ~ can't be reckless!"

Five elements?

Greedy Dragon and Lu Jianli heard the words and quickly looked forward.

Sure enough, there are five weird mountains that are formed by looking across. There are the deep Youjian Mountain where the sword is inserted, the volcano tumbling with anger and flames, the huge deep lake with secluded forests, the dense forest, and the towering peak in the center.

In this area, the power is drawn, secretly forming a strange connection.


Just as Lu Jianli and the greedy dragon Shen Ning, the movement in front of them suddenly caught their attention.

I saw someone stepping into the volcanic area that was tumbling with angry flames, and countless blazes came to the surface, even to the extent that the sky burned the sea.

The martial arts soldiers who broke into the Five Elements Formation had not yet responded, and were swept up by this monstrous rage, burning to the ground, and even the spirits were completely annihilated.

Seeing this scene, all the people present could not help but tremble in their hearts.

"This is just the outermost. Is there such a horrible array of five elements?"

Looking at this silent array, many people are afraid.

"Can't delay any longer!"

"This secret realm may not have only one entrance. If Hua Yunfeng first got the strange treasure and escaped, my trip would be worth nothing!"

Chu Jingtian stared at the Five Elements array for a moment, and frowned, as if making up his mind.


He waved his sleeve.

Immediately, it had turned into a glimmer of light and rushed out.

"Let's go too!"

The greedy dragon and Lu Jianli looked at each other, and at the same time, they turned into glory, immediately following Chu Jingtian.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Although other people were afraid of these five elements, when they saw Chu Jing came to the sky, they refused to fall behind and quickly chased them up.

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