Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 887: Mysterious water drop

While the crowd was still fighting for the treasures appearing on the island, Chu Jingtian had already taken the greedy dragon and Lu Jianli to the depths of the mystery together.

Although there is some reluctance, but one person and one dragon, I heard that in the depths of the mystery, after storing the treasures that caused the world change, no matter whether it is Lu fat man or greedy dragon, there is no slight word.

Of course, their harvest on the island is also very rich, and they have searched a lot of Tianlingdibao, even Chu Jingtian has taken it in.

"Boss, have you explored with divine thoughts, what kind of treasure is in the secret?" Lu Jianli couldn't help asking.

The greedy dragon looked at it with eager eyes.

With Chu's shocking personality, he would rather give up the celestial treasures on the island than rush to the depths of the mystery as soon as possible, I am afraid that treasure is definitely not ordinary.

"That's a drop of water!"

Chu Jingtian had no hidden meaning.

"Water drops?"

Greedy Dragon could not help crying.

"Good!" Chu Jingtian nodded slightly.

He narrowed his eyes, and if he hadn't used God's thoughts himself to see everything in the valley, he couldn't believe it.

The valley deep in the mystery was smashed by this sky-blue water drop.

Of course, that's not ordinary water droplets.

When I was looking at that drop of water, Chu Jingtian had the illusion that he was looking at a world. That vast and profound feeling, even in this life he could not forget.

Greedy Dragon and Lu Jianli looked at Chu Jingtian's solemn look, and they were unaware of it.


Three days later.

Chu Jingtian and others finally arrived at their destination, beyond the huge valley.

"Is this here?"

Even when Chu Jingtian was heard to describe it, the greedy dragon and Lu Jianli, who were already psychologically ready, could not help shaking when they saw the huge valley in front of them.

The entire valley was sunken, formed entirely by the impact of an external force, and in the center of the valley, a drop of sky blue water droplets was suspended.


Chu Jingtian nodded slowly.

He did not immediately enter the valley, but kept looking at the blue drop in the center.

To the naked eye, this drop is even more strange.

It always gives people an unspeakable meaning.

"This drop of water is really extraordinary. Is it a heavenly treasure? Or a magic weapon?" As soon as he saw the drop of water, Lu Jianli couldn't help it anymore and quickly flew past.

Water droplets were suspended in mid-air, exuding a sky-blue light.

The surging force and the astonishing vision that emerged from this mysterious state before are simply the same origin.

"That's right, this drop of water!" Feeling the power of this drop, Greedy Dragon couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Previously, when we were on the Avenue Xianzong, we felt that this power was emitted by this drop of water!"

"But how could this tiny drop of water have such a powerful power?"

Greedy Dragon said, the little dragon claw slightly.


Chu Jingtian hurried to drink.

However, it was too late, Chu Jingtian's voice had just fallen, and the dragon's claws of the greedy dragon had been gently tapped on that drop of water.


Almost instantly, a shocking hurricane erupted on this blue drop. As the hurricane passed, a sky-blue beam of light erupted directly from the water droplets.

The entire valley was already covered in an instant.

Covered by blue light, Chu Jingtian, Greedy Dragon, and Lu Jianli left, and immediately felt a huge force pulling, and the whole person was dragged into the water droplets instantly.

By the time the blue light dissipated, everything in the valley was completely gone.

Even more, even the breath of Chu Jingtian, the greedy dragon, and Lu Jianli disappeared completely.


Just when Chu Jingtian took the greedy dragon and Lu Jianli to the depths of the mystery.

The treasure on the island was finally divided up by everyone.

In order to compete for these babies, everyone did not know how much blood was on their hands. They are now digesting the treasures they get on the island.

The Enchanted Stone Meng Lehehe occupied a huge island.

This island was originally lush and full of flowers. As a result, it has now been completely burned, with scorching flames everywhere. The warriors passing by this island just feel like they are in a volcano.

Anyone who sees the tumbling flames on this island knows that this is the land occupied by the sixty-eighth flame magic stone Meng.


Shi Meng roared.

A golden flame emerged directly from his throat. Immediately afterwards, his eyes, ears, and nostrils all flared with flames. Under this tumbling flame, he quickly gathered around his body except for an armor composed entirely of golden flames.

"Haha, it is worthy of my hard work to get Emperor Yan fruit, and finally turned my red flame armor into gold flame armor!"

Shi Meng was smug.

He condensed the battle armor with flames, took the essence of fire, and continuously handed over the weaving. This made up the red flame armor covering the whole province. But this has reached the limit, he has repeatedly tried to break through, but has no way out.

Now I just ate an Emperor Yan fruit ~ ~ and immediately transformed into a golden flame armor!

"Plus I'm in this secret territory, and other income ..."

Shi Meng's face was full of pride.

He is confident.

What I gain in this secret place is no less than anyone.


At this moment, a sky-blue light rising from the sky suddenly poured into the sky.

"That is?"

Shi Meng first looked at him in a hurry.

When his eyes fell on the sky blue light, he immediately recognized that light was a shocking vision that previously inspired the entire immortal world.


When Shi Meng's face was condensed, he immediately discovered that the location where the sky blue light burst out was the deepest part of the entire mystery.


"This is the light that broke through the void before!"

"It's that mysterious treasure!"


There was almost no hesitation. The long-sleeved roll of Yanmaoshi Stone Meng had turned into a terrifying fire, rushing quickly towards the position of the beam of light.

"That is……"

This soaring light almost swept across the sea almost instantly.

At the same time, it directly caught the attention of everyone inside and outside the island.

"Is that right there?"

"Is the magic weapon that causes the vision of the heavens and the earth deep in the mystery?"

Watching the blue light burst, everyone couldn't help exclaiming at this moment.

You know, they were attracted by this sky-blue light before and came to the secret place. Now this light is erupting again, telling everyone that the most valuable treasure in the entire mystery is still unowned!


After a brief horror, everyone rose to the sky, desperately rushing towards the spot where the light was.

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