Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 896: 1 funeral

Be invincible!

Everyone present at this moment had only such an idea in mind.

Gorefiend ancestor seriously injured!

Yu Lei Tian Jun was smashed!

Evil King Kong is smashed!

Yan Xingfan was unscrewed his right arm!

The only remaining soul of the sword demon!

The flames and flames burned and destroyed!

These are all the strongest in the world.

Each stomping foot is enough to make the immortal world tremble.

But now he has three deaths and three injuries.

What is even more shocking is that this scene of the battle is not over.

Chu Jingtian stepped out and raised his hand to fight. Ye Qingchen was defeated, and was hit directly to the ground by his palm on the spot. However, how he burned the bloodstream and how it broke out was crushed by the body, and was photographed as a pool of meat sauce.

Ranked 67th, the cursed ancestor set a curse to release old age and weakness, forcibly rob Chu Chutian of the three-point vitality, so that corpse spots appeared on his crystal-like skin. But he opened his mouth and vomited, and the anger was covered directly by the anger, burning his body.

The 59th-ranked Jianmei Taoist uses the Yuanshen Royal Sword to urge the strength of the whole body into a terrifying Changhong, as if he was going to break this space and directly hit Chu Jingtian's chest, throwing him Boom from the sky to the ground. The power of terror directly turns the valley into a canyon. But Chu Jingtian raised his hand and held the Ling Xiao sword, and when he was cut in the air, he was even split into two halves with people and Yuanshen.

Ranked 62nd, Duobaoxianjun released a seal, and the big seal fell to the ground, directly hit Chu Jingtian's body, smashed three of his ribs, and spit out blood. But Chu Jingtian didn't care about it at all, and released Jinhuatai of the fortune to suppress the seal under the lotus platform, bullied himself into Duobaoxianjun, and twisted his head directly.

The 60th-ranked Frozen Demon was thrown into the mud by Chu Jingtian.

Ranked 64th, the popular Xianjun released a monstrous tornado, but was surrounded by Chu Jing's natural breakthrough and broke his body with a punch.

Ranked 61st ...

Ranked fifty-eighth ...

Chu Jingtian became more and more brave.

Faced with the existence of these immortal list, he also got red eyes.

Kill the opponent at all costs.

At the end of the fight, there was nothing intact about him all over, and he was all bloody. Even the body was shaking, as if the wind would fall to the ground.

But no matter how horrible the attack of those who are on the fairy list, Chu Jingtian did not take a step back, and even failed to fight the opponent.

Even more, those who are on the list of immortals are almost unable to support it.

"The strongest in the fairy list can't support it ... then do we have a chance?"

Looking at the middle of the mystery, the battle that almost swept the world, some thoughts suddenly emerged in the minds of some people. These thoughts have just surfaced and can no longer be contained.

"Yes, now that Chu Jingtian has reached the crossbow road, those fairy demons are either dead, seriously injured, or extinct, or there is only a ray of remnant left, and our opportunity has arrived!"

"The prince will be a prime minister, rather a species? As long as we kill them, as long as we grab this drop of water, we will also be able to enter the fairy list and even reach a higher level of existence!"

The wages of avarice is death!

Chu Jingtian's previous strength was too strong.

Coupled with a lot of fairy magic list strong.

Those of them are just delivering food.

But now, opportunities are here.

Snatch the treasure and kill the strongest in the fairy devil list. These things that they used to dare not think about, are now in front of them, even more at their fingertips!


Someone couldn't help it at last, and the whole person rushed out towards the valley.

Money is moving.

It seems as long as you put your efforts into it, you can get the supreme treasures that the strongest of the Fairies and Demons are competing for, the reputation of beheading and killing the Fairies, and the supremacy of being ranked on the list of Fairies and Magic.

Facing this unprecedented opportunity, who will let it pass by in front of their eyes.

Not to mention, 90% of the strongest in the Fairies have lost their combat power, and Chu Jingtian is even more shaky, as if he would fall to the ground at any time.

"Chu Jingtian, surrender Lingbao, I will spare you!"

With the moment when the first person killed Chu Jingtian, the onlookers were struggling to wake up from the shock, and they burst out while awakening, and blasted towards Chu Jingtian's location!

boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly, the shadowy figure was swept away.

Looking from a distance, this crowd of people is almost like clouds.

Even in the air at this moment, it seemed to permeate the killing intentions of the infinite gold horse.

"You people need to be shameless!" Seeing this scene, Lu Jianli couldn't help it anymore. "Old man sent you these dogs to see the Buddha!"

He took off his body, and took the golden bowl and rushed forward.

"Bullying, I can't bear it! Not to mention bullying my boss!"

The greedy dragon roared, his scales spread out, and his body surged in the rush of gold light, just like the ancestor dragon that Chu Jingtian saw in the water drop world.


In the golden light surging, the greedy dragon burst out with the dragon ball.

"This, this ..." Bai Yuhua looked at this scene and jumped angrily. "Do you guys want to lose face? Don't you dare to attack Chu Jingtian, don't you fear that we will not let you go?

On the side of Xing Dian, he was afraid of causing trouble: "The elder ~ ~ Let's take the opportunity and act today. This is no longer possible. Whoever joins in this battle will die!" No matter how strong it is, it cannot resist so many people! "

What more Xing Dian said?

Bai Yu's painting can already be seen, the moment the whole mysterious realm got a mysterious water drop from Chu Jingtian, it has become a large rotating disc with high speed. No matter who it is, as long as you grab the mysterious water drop, it will become the target of the crowd in the next moment.

But who can see this situation clearly at this moment?

Everyone has a hint of luck in their hearts.

I believe that the strongest in the Fairy Devil's List is no longer capable of fighting, and that Chu Jingtian is the end of the crossbow. In the absence of the suppression of the fairy magic list, each of them has a chance to get the treasure!

"Elder, we cannot blend in this battle ..." Xing Dian could not help but persuade.

"Can't mix in a fart! Chu Jingtian is the person I brought into the avenue Xianzong. How could I watch him accidentally!" Bai Yu drew his teeth and bite away, already rushing away.

"Big elder!"

Xing Dianqi jumped.

At this moment, there are people who are helping, people who are robbing in the fire, and people who are opportunistic ...

All the people in the whole mysterious area were madly rushing towards Chu Jingtian at this moment.

Chu Jingtian had no joy or sorrow in the face of this overwhelming force.

"Unexpectedly, I actually became the biggest grinding disc in this mystery!"

"That being the case, let me smash all beings!"

After speaking, I saw Chu Jingtian suddenly step forward and shouted.

"Get up!"

At this moment, his eyes were glowing with light and his silver hair was heated.

In the sky full of people, Chu Jingtian's intention to kill was soaring, and his will to fight rose into the sky.

He wants to bury everything in this secret place!

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