Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 91: Might of Realm

Countless people's eyes were attracted by Chu Jingtian's right hand, but all secretly sighed!

If this dust rushed to kill the blue dragon, it could be described as rock breaking and breaking all obstacles. The rockery, flower beds, and trees in front of him were all crushed into powder, and even a copper mountain would be crushed into iron pieces on the spot, which is invincible!

Is this how Chu Jingtian can resist?

However, the blue dragon ghost that had been condensed for a few inches was as fragile as the window paper under Chu Jingtian's thin and white five fingers, and was easily scratched and burst open on the spot, turning into two torrents rolling towards the sides. .


Zhang Ruochen was shocked.

He hadn't recovered from the shock of Qinglong's virtual shadow being smashed, and saw the opponent's palm grabbing unabated. Even if he already knew the position of this claw, he felt a sense of inevitable and unavoidable at this moment.

"not good!"

The smile on Lei Yunfei's face suddenly stiffened.

The claw of Chu Jingtian, under the incredible eyes of countless people, tore up the blue dragon, biting Zhang Ruochen's neck like a viper!

"Let me go!"

Zhang Ruochen was struggling madly, and the vastness of vitality directly struck Chu Jingtian. He was confident that at such a close distance, the opponent who was hit enough to release his palm. But the fact is the opposite. He is so full of anger as if a stone ox enters the sea without any interest.

"So it is!"

Chu Jingtian frowned.

He has always wondered how Zhang Ruochen's mediocre qualifications suddenly reached Master Qi. So when he grabbed him and started, he already swept through his body with God's thoughts.

In the other side's Qihai Palace, a blood-winged silver-eyed demon worm lingered.

"Looks like this is why you suddenly became stronger! This bloodwing silver-eyed monster, I took it away!"

Chu Jingtian's eyes were cold, and he grasped directly at each other's Qihai Palace. Just listening to the sound of "噗", Zhang Ruochen's Qihai Palace was immediately shattered, and at the same time a **** light spot fluttered in fright.

Chu Jingtian grabbed it with his left hand and put it directly into a jade bottle. At the same time, he threw Zhang Ruochen out like a rag pocket.

"My Qihai Palace!"

At the moment when Qihai Palace was broken, Zhang Ruochen was so full of vitality that he suddenly lost control and rushed out of his body, unable to control at all!

The words of Zhang Ruochen, who want to teach Chu Jingtian, were abolished and repaired on the spot.

"Four princes!"

Lei Yunfei couldn't help but change his face.

Zhang Ruochen was a disciple he had carefully cultivated, and the hope of the Yunwu dynasty in the future is now being abolished by Chu Jingtian, and he has also taken the Bloodwing Silver-eyed Demon Worm, which made his heart drip blood!

Looking at Chu Jingtian stubbornly, Lei Yunfei resisted the idea of ​​killing people, chilling:

"Return the Bloodwing Silver Eye Monster!"

Although Qihai Palace is broken, as a powerful man in the realm of God, he can naturally be repaired. But there is only one Bloodwing Silver-eyed Demon Worm. If this worm is gone, Zhang Ruochen's talents will fall directly from the clouds into the mud.

"Is there any truth in returning to the things in my hands?"

Chu Jingtian smiled and put away the jade bottle containing the worm, and looked at Lei Yunfei, who was desperately angry.

This demon worm has the effect of accelerating the refining of qi, has its entanglement in the body, and practice one day is equivalent to the hard work of others for ten and a half months. In previous lives he has been puzzled why Zhang Ruochen reached that height. Now that he got the monster, he understood.

However, he can't look down on this Bloodwing Silver-Eyed Demon Worm. Chu Jingtian, who has an ancient Qi qi, can practice faster than the Demon Worm. If you let it linger in the body, you only need to practice once his huge qi is enough to sustain the Bloodwing Silver-eyed Demon Worm to death!

"If you don't pay it back, I will kill you and get it back!"

Lei Yunfei's eyes widened, and a surge of mana rose up. With the surge of shocking weather in him, the entire Beiliang palace raised a violent wind.

"Lei Yunfei, this is our dynasty dynasty, not your dynasty of clouds and mists. You ca n’t be here to scatter the wild! Do n’t bully with our dynasty!"

The princess chuckled coldly.

"If you want to bully the little, you must have asked our animal guilds to disagree!"

Ding Wenyuan stepped forward.

He pinched it, a black light burst from the chest badge, and a majestic black panther suddenly appeared.

Where will the other animal trainers ignore?

I saw a flash of light, a large demon flashed out, occupying almost half of the Beiliang Wangfu.

"We will not let you pretend here!"

Song Shuhang sighed loudly. The head coaches were already ‘锵’, ‘锵’, ‘锵’ who pulled out their weapons and pointed at Lei Yunfei.


Where can Lei Yunfei care for something? At this moment, he is already angry and eager to scream.


Suddenly, the entire Beiliang King's Mansion was violently windy, countless heavens and earth agitated, and centered on his body into a violent wind, and unwillingly swarmed in all directions.

This wind is like a wild wave of thunder and lightning. It seems like thousands of troops are attacking, sweeping the Quartet in a state of solemnity and domination!

"嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭 ..."

Wang Chong and others were rushed out by the hit fly and fell to the ground.

The big demon who engulfed the palace were all taken off.

Chu Jingtian took a step forward and chopped it off, as if drawing a knife to cut off the water, splitting the wild wave in half and turning it into countless torrents on the spot. Many powers of the Dayan Dynasty were kept behind him, which saved him from being killed on the spot.

"This is the master of Yu Shen Jing!"

"This is the existence that is regarded as the 'True Immortal'!"

Countless people mourn in their hearts.

For a long time, Shenlong, a powerful **** in the realm of the gods, has never seen a tail, but it is also known as the ‘true fairy’. In rumors, the masters of Yushen Realm have more thoughts about the situation and the power of ghosts and gods. Everyone at first thought that this was a fallacy.

Today, Lei Yunfei just has an ordinary drink, and has such power, it is already so many people can not resist. If the other party seriously attacked, wouldn't it make the whole Beiliang Wangfu blood flow into the river?

"I ask if you pay it or not!"

Lei Yunfei took a step forward, his whole body skyrocketed. Although the wind and waves around him subsided, his silver hair was dancing without wind, and Yi Yifan was flying and hunting, and the whole person was like a demon who could not be offended!

"Is it necessary to get angry for such a third-order monster?"

Chu Jingtian smiled and took the jade bottle out of his arms, shaking it in his hands.

"If you hand it over, I can spare you a life, if you don't hand it over, I will cut you off, and never show mercy!" Lei Yunfei saw the jade bottle, and his eyes were glorious.

"Lu Fat, get it!"

Chu Jingtian didn't look at him, and threw the jade bottle to Lu Jianli. Looking at Lei Yunfei, who almost jumped with three dead bodies, he said leisurely: "If you want to take it back, you will beat me first. I have always heard that you Lei Yunfei is the master of the country in the Yunwu dynasty. I can. I want to give it a try, how exactly do you get through the sky! "

"It's stupid!"

Lei Yunfei was carrying his hands and slowly shaking his head.

His mana is surging, turning into infinite clouds and mists, like transpiration. It was just the crushing of might, the ground under his feet could not bear it anymore, and every inch cracked open, and the dense cracks spread out all around.

"As a martial arts martial artist and a second-order beastmaster, your talent is not terrible. Even if Zhang Ruochen reached this level, he also relied on the bloodwing silver-eyed monster, but you relied on your own cultivation."

"With your current qualifications, you will definitely be beyond me in the future. But unfortunately, you should not challenge me!"

"You haven't seen the power of Yushenjing. You don't understand why the power of Yushenjing is called 'True Immortal'. Since you don't want to hand it over, I will let you take a look at the power of Yushenjing Strength!"

He spoke slowly, and everyone didn't see him chant, nor did he see his seal.

I saw the heaven and earth aura rolling in, swirling around his body, turning into a huge wind tiger. This wind tiger's body was more than ten meters long and shaped like a hill. When it appeared, a great courage swept away.

The yin snake watched the wind tiger slowly form, shaking with trembling sifter, and twisting the body into a ball, anxious to get into the ground slit.

"Is this the power of Royal God Realm?"

The crowd took a breath of air.

Thoughts move, thoughts startle. Such strength is worthy of being called "True Immortal". Everyone felt this breath, but felt that their bodies seemed to be crushed by a mountain peak, and they could not even move.

"Is this the power of the Royal God Realm?" Yang Mucheng looked at the young man in the field with a hint of hatred in his eyes. "I see how arrogant you are now!"


There was a hint of worry in Lu Jian's eyes.

Lei Yunfei's strength is much stronger than Zhang Ruochen. As long as he is willing, he can come and go freely in Beiliang Wangfu, no one can stop him. Especially the formed wind tiger is even more fierce and terrible!

‘I ’m afraid I ca n’t take the blow as a Master! ’

Everyone bowed their heads under the fierce power of the wind tiger.

Only Chu Jingtian was still pale and light at this time. Instead of being a little bit afraid, he was critical of it:

"Your wind tiger is terrible, but it is a strong outsider. It seems that although you have reached the imperial realm, you do not know how to use the heaven and earth aura. This practice is too wasteful for you.

"Dare you dare to tease me?"

Lei Yunfei suddenly changed his face. He is a magnificent imperial realm. Do you allow others to comment?

"Go to death!"


The wind tiger burst into anger and stormed.

The huge body of dozens of meters rolled like a landslide and tsunami ~ ~. It was almost unstoppable and invincible. The raised wind pressure even tore a large area of ​​giant trees in the palace into powder.

Feeling this move, countless people have changed their colors and can't wait.

Suddenly Chu Jingtian was surrounded by no one, lest he be affected by this move.

Lu Jianli even shouted:

"Hurry away!"

But Chu Jingtian shook his head slowly and couldn't help sighing:

"Lei Yunfei, although you are the realm of the gods, you do n’t know how to control the power of heaven and earth. Your strength is just better than Master Tong Xuan. I will show you how to control this. A world! "

After speaking, Chu Jingtian's eyes widened and he shouted loudly:

"Wind blows!"

(End of this chapter)

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