Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 921: 8 Realms Now!

? The whole storm city is dead inside and outside.

Everyone stared at the scene in stun.

Chu Jingtian, with his own strength, even beheaded and killed the eight immortal champions. It was almost terrifying, and his strength was beyond everyone's imagination.

"You shouldn't come to me!"

Chu Jingtian slowly retracted his right hand.

Li Chunxuan lowered his head.

If he had known this, he would have given him another eight guts, and he would not have come to Chu Jingtian.

But it's too late now.

Everyone in the world knows Chu Jingtian's character. He doesn't take action, and once he takes it, he will endlessly.

"Chu Jingtian, you are too strong!"

Li Chun raised his head fiercely, and the light in his eyes was magnificent: "I have practiced Taoism for two thousand and three hundred years before I reached the six masters. I consciously stepped into the bottleneck and switched to the practice of cultivating the body for more than a thousand years. Only then entered the dual masters of the Seven Realms. In order to break through the maggots, transcend the realm of immortals and enter the Eight Realms, I would practice qi again, and it would take 800 years! "

"It took me thousands of years to build this body, and you're only a few years away."

Chu Jingtian's complexion remained unchanged.

Most of the martial arts in the immortal world practice like this.

In order to reach the limit, Xiu turned to other methods to seek a breakthrough.

"If everyone is like you, what other place does our strong list of immortals stand on?" Li Chunying looked at Chu Jingtian with death, his eyes full of hatred: "I only hate not having done it earlier!"

"As early as when you stepped into the Seven Realms, beheaded Zhang Jiulong, and swept the 100,000 islands to settle the Bailian religion, I should do it and not give you a chance to rise!"

Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head, eyes full of disdain:

"Don't think about cultivation, but worry about your status, this is the root of your loneliness!"

"Chu Jingtian, it is useless to say more! Since I came here, I have already thought of the worst result." Li Chunyi sighed and stepped forward, his eyes showed sadness: "Chu Jingtian, can be in I slay you Tianjiao before death, I have no regrets in this life! "


As soon as the words fell, Li Chunyi's faint breath burst out.

Suddenly, a vast quaint momentum emerged directly from Li Chunzheng's body.


With the surge of breath.

There was a fissure in Li Chunying's face.

"Click!" "Click!"

This fissure continued to spread invisibly.

In the crack, there is endless light burst out from it.

As if in his body there was a terrifying beast. And this ferocious beast is about to emerge from his body.

"Eight Realms?"

Chu Jingtian's look remained unchanged, but he frowned slightly: "Take your cultivation as the force to urge the Eight Realms, I'm afraid I can only give this blow?"

Based on Li Chunying's cultivation, as long as it takes three to five hundred years, it is only a matter of time for the three masters to practice each step to a great degree.

But now, he forcibly urges a force that is not his own, and this body alone cannot bear it. The crack on his face is precisely because of this!


Li Chunyi nodded slightly.

It was just such a simple movement, the crack on his face was even bigger, one spread from the center of the eyebrow to the chin, almost across the entire cheek. And the light inside the crack was more intense.

"Although it can only spur a blow, it is enough to kill you!"


After speaking, Li Chunyi slowly raised his right hand.

The mottled cracked right hand turned into a ripple.

For a time, his skin was full of crystals, and the more he was covered with cracks, the whole person seemed to be a patchwork. However, his eyes became sharper and more horrible, and the power he mobilized was even greater. The surrounding space began to boil.

At first, the range that boiled was only the whole body of Li Chunying, and then quickly spread out.

Ten miles, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles ...

This range has expanded rapidly and increased.

"what on earth is it?"

Zhu Feibai was so surprised that he could not shut his mouth.

"Eight Realms!" Lin Qilin Xiu is a little taller, so he can hear the dialogue between Li Chunzheng and Chu Jingtian. "Li Chunying forcibly operated the Eight Realm Forces, preparing to sacrifice Chu Jingtian with his life!"

In the distance, Bai Yu's paintings, sitting on the golden lotus stage, are full of astonishment.

The virtual space in which Li Chunzheng was located was completely swept up by the terrifying eight-horse force, and even the sight of looking at the past became distorted and blurred at this moment.


Chu Jingtian stretched his body.

The blood, mana, and qi in his body were released without reservation at this moment.

The vast force swept out, forming a space within his entire body, and isolated Li Chuntao's vast power of eight realms from the outside.

"You don't need the" Death of the Undead "?"

Looking at Chu's shocking movement, a hint of doubt emerged in Li Chunying's eyes.

"To deal with your half-hanging paradise, why use" Undead Demon Sacrifice "?" Chu Jingtian laughed. "You haven't even mastered the power of the Seven Realms. The power of the Eight Realms can only be mobilized at most 30%!"

Li Chunyi heard the words, and there was a hint of shame in his eyes.

His life-threatening attack was met with such ridicule, which is a lifelong shame!


Li Chunxuan pressed his heart into anger, and slowly raised his right hand.

The trembling waves in his palm were tumbling, the waves condensed to the extreme, shattering the wind and clouds between the applause.

"go with!"

Li Chunyi waved suddenly, and the power of terror burst out. A ring of dust writhed and swept the world. Between the waves, he just stirred Qiankun and swept across.

He devoted his lifelong cultivation and whole body martial arts to this lore.

Raising his hand, it seems that Li Chunzheng is the strongest blow in his life!


He was full of energy and shocked.

Even Bai Yu's painting could not help but take a sigh of cold air, his face was horrified.

"too strong!"

Lin Qilin almost didn't jump up.

This is the power of the Eight Realms!

Even if the first Li Mubai of the Fairy Devil was here, he had to drink hate on the spot.

"He's dead!"

Zhu Fei was shocked in his eyes.

Even if you can't avenge your son yourself, as long as you can watch Chu Jingtian beheaded on the spot, there is no regret in this life!

In Li Chunzheng's eyes, there was a feeling of perfection.

It seems that it is already seeing Chu Jingtian's broken bones under his own blow.

His blow was far stronger than Su Long's fierce blow in the wild and secret territory. But Chu Jingtian was not Wuxia Amon that day. He could only resist by using the "Undead Deity Offering".

Faced with this Xunqiang blow from Chunchun Li, Chu Jingtian made a **** move ~ ~ He stepped forward suddenly.


With his eyes angered, his silver fluttered, his robes agitated, and his eyes exploded with a radiant light.

Lift your sword and swing!

Under this sword, even time seems to stop.

In the depth of everyone's eyes, the blow that stirred Qiankun suddenly broke apart under Chu Jingtian's sword.


A tear rang and blood splattered.

As soon as Li Chunzhen shuddered, everyone saw his lower body still, his upper body fell obliquely, and crashed to the ground. Then it exploded fiercely, turned into countless powders, and flew away with the wind.

At this moment, the world is silent.

(End of this chapter)

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