Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 93: Sword cut


The people present almost lost their ability to think, and the word kept rolling in their minds. Lei Yunfei of Yushen Realm deserves to be a master of the kingdom, raising his hands and feet is enough to kill all existence. But he was defeated in the hands of a young man under the age of sixteen, and he was blown directly from the air by a punch!

"Triple Master!"

Yang Yuxuan exhaled a long breath, and the trembling between words was like her mood at the moment.

When Lei Yunfei released Thunder Dragon, almost everyone thought that Chu Jingtian was unable to return to the sky. Who thought he could break through the law with the triple master?

A grand master is not terrible, a double grand master is just awesome, but a triple grand master is different. He can punch even the strongest of the gods, how many people can be his opponents?

"I said that although you reached the realm of the gods, you didn't know how to use the heaven and earth aura, it was only slightly better than Master Tong Xuan." Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head.

He didn't have a loud voice, but sounded like Lei Guanfei in front of Lei Yunfei.

Lei Yunfei's head fainted while listening to the buzzing discussion around him.

He had no idea that he was a grand master of the state, and that the lord of the gods was defeated, and he was defeated so miserably. Looking at Chu Jingtian who came slowly, Lei Yunfei faced like white paper. But the other person's words made him angry from his heart, and evil turned to the gall:

"Students are arrogant! Do you think I'm defeated!"

I saw a pair of cloud wings skyrocketing behind Lei Yunfei, turning into huge wings of three feet, and they suddenly rose into the sky. At the same time, he grabbed the void and threw something suddenly.

That thing is a nail-sized seal!

"big big big!"

He tied his hands and screamed in his mouth. Every time I drank, it was like a thunderbolt in the flat ground. The whole Beiliang palace of the earthquake could not help but tremble. Countless auras of heaven and earth, which everyone can dare to receive, rushed into the seal, and the seal rose when it saw the wind.

When it flew over Chu Jingtian's head, there were already a dozen peaks in the shape of the same mountain, and it was crushed down.

"Kun Qin Yin!"

Yang Yuxuan suddenly lost his voice.

"This seal ..."

There was a shock in Lu Jian's eyes. He has a hunch that even if he fights against this mark with his domineering body, he is afraid that he will be crushed into powder on the spot in an instant.

"Lei Yunfei, you really don't see the coffin and don't cry! You have the magic weapon, I have it too, you look at my sword!"


A sound of swords sounded, and a glimmer of light swept out of Chu Jingtian's eyebrows.

At this moment, it seems that the world and the earth are still, and everything stops at this moment, except for the crisp and clear sword sound.


Chu Jingtian drank, raised his hand and waved.

The glance rushing into the sky dissipated the light, showing the ancient sword body of Shen Yuanjian, and then chopped it from top to bottom. This sword seems to be the lightning that is cut from the void, with an unstoppable force, it cuts out a sword tens of tens of meters!

In the eyes of everyone's horror, in the silence, Kun Qinyin was divided into two on the spot. The sword continued unabated, and went directly into Lei Yunfei's body!

boom! boom!

In the blood hurricane, the shattered Kun Qin Yin and Lei Yunfei were chopped into two bodies and crashed to the ground.

Lei Yunfei of Yushen Realm, the dynasty master of the Yunwu dynasty, died in Chu Jingtian's hands, and died under Chu Jingtian's sword!

"National Division!"

Zhang Ruochen wailed.

Others are also blank-headed. Who could think that Zhang Ruochen and Lei Yunfei came out of anger, but now they are dead. The situation of these triple masters is really terrible!

Yang Yuxuan's eyes were turbulent, and she looked at the teenager in disbelief.

I thought that when she refused to worship at the Guild of Beasts, she still had a good heart. Waking up from the shock, she clenched her fists and shouted at Chu:

"Master Chu is a wizard of the world, and I'll wait for it!"

"Master Chu!" "Master Chu ..."

Countless people shouted.

Chu Jingtian can be easily cut even by the powerful gods, what else can he be afraid of? Beiliang Wangfu one day, he could even force the royal family. Unless the old monsters of the royal family shoot, I am afraid no one can do anything about him anymore!

"This battle is really twists and turns. It is overwhelming the Prince Nine and beheading the division. Since then, no one dares to question him!"

Wei Qingfeng sighed.

This short half-day annual meeting is even worth their lifetime!

Countless powers bowed their heads.

Chu Jingtian's last sword completely cut off the last imagination in the hearts of the people. Those who had had friction with the Beiliang Palace were trembling at the moment, constantly thinking about how to make up for their mistakes.

"Chu Shaotian!"

The sluggish Zhang Ruochen in the crowd got up slowly, he was deprived of the Bloodwing Silver-eyed Demon Worm, and the Qihai Palace was broken at the same time. But he was not desperate at the moment, but a rage flashed in his eyes.

"Today's battle is indeed your victory. But it does not mean that the Yunwu dynasty does not have a stronger existence than you. Give me three years and I will definitely surpass you!"

"Three years beyond me?"

Chu Jingtian raised his mouth, but could not help shaking his head secretly.

Only he knows best. Since Zhang Ruochen was defeated in his hands today, he will no longer be eligible to be his opponent from now on. The other side has lost the Bloodwing Silver-eyed Demon Worm, and the gap between the two will only widen from today.

"I didn't say I would let you leave alive!"

Chu Jingtian still understands the principle of cutting grass. Since the other party can get such things as the Bloodwing Silver-eyed Demon Worm, there will inevitably be other adventures. This son is even more of a wolf-tiger generation.

As soon as the words fell, he waved casually, and Shen Yuanjian cut directly across Zhang Ruochen's neck.


The skull flew up and blood was like a fountain.

Shen Yuanjian shook in midair, shook off the blood of the sword body, and returned to the Chu Jingtian Mu Wan Palace again.

"Even Zhang Ruochen was killed. Isn't he afraid of the revenge of the Yunwu dynasty?"

Everyone was shocked.

But immediately everyone shook their heads secretly, and in the realm of Chu Jingtian's triple master, they could do ‘three thousand miles in one battle, and one sword can be a million division’. Even if the army of the Yunwu dynasty strikes, can it still help him?

Everyone knows that Mr. Chu's identity will be revealed to the world today, but no one expected that he would be in this way.

"This time, he will not only be famous, but he will also become famous all over the world!"

Countless people secretly said.

At this moment, even the unprivileged nine princes also lowered their heads.

At that time, he designed to deal with Chu Jingtian, and wanted to fight for the inheritance of Beiliang Wangfu for Chu Wushuang. At that time, he thought that this matter would be as easy as searching for things. But now, I am afraid that no one in Dayan can shake his position.


In this battle, the entire Beiliang King's Mansion was knocked down in half. However, instead of reducing the enthusiasm of the people, the enthusiasm of the people became even higher. With Chu Jingtian's Beiliang King's Mansion, it has become the hottest existence of the entire Dayan.

The wealthy and wealthy, who had originally dismissed the Beiliang Palace, changed their attitudes dramatically. The annual meeting ended from early morning until late at night, and the full house guests dispersed.



Wherever Chu Jingtian passed, no matter whether he was an elder or an elder, he would stop the things in his hands and shout respectfully.

"come here!"

Chu Jingtian waved his hand and looked at Chu Yao who was afraid to come forward in the distance. "I think about it, there is nothing suitable for you. This bloodwing silver-eyed demon worm can speed up cultivation, or leave it to you."

Chu Yao took the jade bottle and looked at Chu Jingtian with complex face.

She didn't expect that her little cousin, who had always hated the iron, turned into a Mr. Chu who was in awe. It was not until he revealed his identity that she understood why Chu Jingtian always dismissed Chu Wushuang.

"I can't accept this monster, my qualification can only be regarded as ordinary, if you help, maybe you will break through the triple master's realm faster!"

After gritting his teeth, Chu Yao refused.

"There is no reason to take back what I sent out." Chu Jingtian smiled.

He is not in the Beiliang Palace, nor is he in the Dayan Dynasty.

Someday he will leave here, and the Beiliang Palace will be without him, and someone else will need to support him.

"Chu Yao, you just accept it. This is Tianer's intentions!" At this moment, the two elders came and looked at Chu Yao who was dying. Chu Yao struggled in his heart, and finally accepted the Bloodwing Silver Eye Monster.

"The second elder!" Chu Jingtian nodded slightly.

"The King of Liangliang is waiting for you in the back room ..."

Chu Jingtian nodded and hurried to the secret room.

There was no one in the secret room, only Chu Ao was fascinated by a portrait. On the portrait is a beautiful woman. Such immortal girls are very rare on the road.

The girl's name is Ye Waner, who is Chu Jingtian's mother. After Chu Jingtian was born, she ended in depression. This secret room is where Chu Ao remembers Ye Waner, and Chu is never allowed to set foot. Chu Jingtian is also quite puzzled. I don't know why Chu Ao will meet himself here.

‘I ’m asking why I ’ve reached the status of triple master? ’

"Father!" Chu Jingtian shouted.

"You're here!" Chu Ao smiled incomprehensibly. "Three masters, I didn't expect my father to be the last one to know ~ ~ If it wasn't for your show, I am afraid I will Be blindfolded! "

Chu Jingtian was embarrassed, and he did not know how to talk about reincarnation.

Chu Ao waved his hand and said:

"Tianer, I believe you have a reason to hide your identity, so I don't blame you. You have reached the status of triple master, and you are also eligible to know something about your mother-in-law."

"What is your mother-in-law? Do you have the right to know when you reach the triple master?"

Chu Jingtian frowned.

He had asked Chu Ao countless times in his previous life about the origin of his mother-in-law. But the other party always avoided talking, at that time Chu Jingtian thought that his father was unwilling to mention the other party. Now it seems that there is another hidden affair that he does not know!

PS: Thanks to the 15270 boss for the reward. There is one more at ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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