Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 941: Chu Jingtian shot

A silver-faced general and more than a dozen black iron real people rushed out to kill.

Under such a prestige, it is simply to encounter God and kill God, and encounter Buddha to kill Buddha!

"Who dares stop me!"

A black iron real person with huge chains around his hands, a figure larger than an ordinary person, his body muscles are like water poured out of copper juice, almost bursting out of his clothes, even more unscrupulous.

Any warrior who was hit by him would vomit blood and fly, and in the end his bones would be smashed. ,

And the chains on his hands are some kind of unknown magic weapon. The attack spread apart like a long whip, and the blown air burst. When defending, it is directly tied to the wrist as a wristband, which can block the surrounding attacks.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

There is also a dark iron real person with a cold and cold atmosphere, like a poisonous snake.

He always appeared silently behind an appraisal warrior. When the dagger was waved, he killed the opponent on the spot.

The Tiangong warriors who can live to the present, even the most peripheral members, are all powerful ones among the black iron real people. Not to mention the silver-faced Sun Tianjiang, attacked in all directions in a shocking manner.

For him, any existence is just an ant.

"Too strong!"

"The strength of these people is simply not ours!"

"No, they rushed over!"

With the appearance of these Tiangong members, the identity of hunters and prey changed quietly.

The appraisal warrior, who was originally a hunter, suddenly discovered that he had become the target of being hunted by the other party.

Almost in a blink of an eye, more than 50 appraisers were beheaded in public.


"Damn, if you go on like this, I'm afraid they will be completely killed by these Tennomiya martial arts!" Several silver-faced Yasha hate the teeth itchy, but dare not disobey the order of Judge Cui.


Just then, a figure rushed out of the island.

When I saw this figure, a few silver-faced Yasha flashed for a moment:

"It's Xia Qingchen!"

"He has collected five masks, and if he is, he should be able to kill one of the dark iron real people."

"Yes, as long as this morale is blocked, maybe this assessment will continue."

And at the same time.

Those appraisal warriors also rose morale.

As the participating members, they will naturally be able to recognize who is stronger.

Xia Qingchen is one of them.

"Xia Qingchen is here!"

"Everyone rushes along and robs these Tiangong warriors!"

Suddenly, everyone rushed forward.


Xia Qingchen looked dignified, and the sword in his hand suddenly became a little bit. Leng Jian's sword light almost penetrated the void. In an instant, Jian Mang burst out and stabbed directly at the black iron real person with his arms tied to the chain.


Faced with this sword, the black iron real person suddenly twisted his hands. The chain that had just been interrupted by an appraisal warrior came back quickly like a snake, and wrapped around his arms.


Jianmang banged on the chain, like a torrent hit a reef, and exploded.

"God real, this kid has killed five real people, and I'll join forces with you to deal with him!" A black iron real man shouted, and he would join forces with the black iron real man named Go real

"No!" He Zhenren sneered, and said without looking back, "I'm enough to pack this kid alone!"

Xia Qingchen heard that, and a little anger appeared on his face.

He was completely looked down upon!

However, he hadn't waited for a response, only saw that the real person waved his right hand, and the chain with numerous inscriptions suddenly fell like a giant stick.

"What is this trick?"

Xia Qingchen's face changed drastically, and he suddenly wielded a sword.


Xia Qingchen shuddered as Mars was splashing back, and hurried back.

"So powerful!"

Feeling numb hands, Xia Qingchen couldn't stop the shock.


Before he could recover from the shock, another chain was swept up.

This chain's offensive action was so strange, like a spirit snake, it suddenly appeared beside Xia Qingchen's side. Suddenly, fiercely entwined, biting his ribs.

"not good!"

Xia Qingchen's heart sank.

"Haha, die for me!"

Suddenly, the chains erupted rapidly, and a horrible force came together.

I only heard Doraemon, in the shocking eyes of countless people, Xia Qingchen was actually cut off at the spot.

Looking at the broken body and scattered blood, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

"Too strong!"

"This guy is a real man in Tiangong, whose strength can be ranked in the top ten among black iron real people!"

"No, this guy is actually one of the candidates!"

In a burst of exclamation, Wuzhen was already sweeping in shock and shock.

Wherever he went, there was a tumult of blood.

"These people seem to kill us all!"

"On, you can't let them succeed! Otherwise, even if the five masks are assembled, I am afraid that they will not be able to survive from these people!"

Liu Yiyi, Chen Weiming, Dongfang Yu, and others who arrived later looked at the Tiangong warrior who killed the Quartet, and looked at the members of the local government who had not rescued him, and immediately understood their situation.


At this moment, they had no choice but to rush up rashly.

"That is?"

At this time, Lu Jian walked out of the island with hindsight.

Seeing this scene, he quickly rushed forward without hesitation.

With the emergence of these people, this was considered to stop the Tiangong warrior's offensive. But it is also very reluctant to be bombarded by the other party at any time!

"Haha, who dare stop me!"

Wu Zhenren grabbed the chain with both hands, and the whole person turned like a gyro, immediately setting off a black storm. The warrior in the storm was broken into pieces by the chain on the spot.

For a while, countless people looked pale and backed up.

The rise of Wuzhen, who killed, rushed into the crowd and killed the Quartet. Wherever I went, there was no one enemy!

"Haha, there is one more! It's you!"

After strangling an appraisal warrior again, Wuzhen's eyes turned and fell on a figure who had just emerged from the island. The figure, silver-haired and black, did not seem to detect the killing in the sky, and was slowly walking towards the battlefield.

"Who is that?"

"Is he stupid?"

When they saw the young man with silver hair and black robe ~ ~ was walking directly towards Wuzhen, everyone cried out.

"That is?"

One-eyed Yasha frowned slightly.

"One-eyed, what's wrong? That young man, do you know?" Another silver-faced Yasha asked.

"He was an appraisal martial artist who entered from the entrance of my Chenghuang Temple! When I was there, Wang Luocheng was preparing to kill him ... This boy hasn't shown up since the appraisal. I don't know where to hide!" One-eyed Yasha shook his head.

"Huh, it's no wonder that our prefecture and Tiangong are at war and are being suppressed more and more, because there are too many such idiots! To deal with Wu real people, at least the existence of Dongfangyu, Liu Yiyi, and Xia Qingchen, the three together Only to deal with him! The kid dared to walk over, he was just looking for death! "The silver-faced Yasha frowned.

However, as soon as the words fell, I saw Chu Jingtian facing Wuzhen, raised his hand and slammed it!

(End of this chapter)

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