Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 974: You are my woman

? When the name Chu Jingtian didn't know when, it became one of the taboos in the immortal world.

It seems to start from the wild wilderness.

Before the wild and secret realm, many people only knew that this was an incredible junior, terrifying in strength, and sooner or later they would be on the fairy list. But to be awesome, I am afraid it will be hundreds of years.

But who knows, it was just a few months that he had killed a **** path, and entered the list of immortals with a posture that no one could imagine.

Although Li Mubai's accession to the Eight Realms has made the world extremely prosperous, the first thing that really comes to mind when confronting Chu Jingtian is the bones and blood of the other person.


Just then, a cold hum sounded.

The hearts of the horrified people trembled, as if thundering into their ears, and immediately returned to God.

The cold old man took the lead in returning to God: "Even if Chu Jingtian's boy is as strong as he is, can he still be an ancestor? The ancestor has now reached the Eight Realms!"

"As soon as the Eight Realms came out, the fairy demon dormant!"

Everyone also reacted, knowing that the previous performance caused discomfort to the ancestors.

"A **** **** is so terrible that he really considers himself invincible? When the ancestor comes out, he will cut off his head!" Someone sneered.

"Yes, it's time to make our world and world of Promise Zong become famous! Just take this opportunity to hang his amazing head on the banner of our world and Promise of Wuji Zong!" Another elder said in a cold voice.

Li Mubai's eyes narrowed slightly, and the light in his eyes gradually became cold:

"What does Chu Jingtian say?"

"He said that our Promise of Heaven and Earth wanted to hang the city, so the ancestors raised their heads to get it!" Speaking of this, anger appeared in Li Yunfeng's eyes. "Li Hua'an was shot dead with his palm!"

"Let me raise my head for it?" Li Mubai snorted coldly. "This Chu Jingtian is too arrogant. If he doesn't enter the Eight Realms, how can he know the strength of the Eight Realms?"


Li Yunfeng thought of the humiliation he suffered in Daoxian Zongzong.

He gritted his teeth:

"This Chu Jingtian didn't take your ancestors into your eyes at all. This time, he didn't kill the ancestors of Xianzong, and the Xianwu world was afraid that we would also be afraid of him .... Ah!

Before the words fell, Li Yunfeng suddenly screamed.

I saw his eyes, ears, nose and nose bursting into a blaze of flames. Immediately in the incredible eyes of everyone, his 8,000 pores all over his body seemed to be forcibly opened, and countless flames came out of it. .

And this flame, quickly gathered into a young man with silver hair and black robe!

"Chu Shaotian!"

Although he had never seen each other with his own eyes, the induction between the strong was not wrong, and he immediately guessed that the figure formed by the flame was the existence they mentioned earlier!

"Li Mubai, how brave you are!"

In the flame, the shadow of the figure was cold, like a **** looking down at the earth.

"Dare you take advantage of the hanging city of Xianzong while I am away! You should be able to guess that when I return, I will never let you go!"

"After seven days, I will come in person and take you Li Mubai, the head of the world, and settle the whole world of Promise!"


For a time, the whole immortal world shook.


Li Mubai is a veteran strongman on the list of immortals and a legendary figure in the world of immortality. He has not shot for many years and has been researching how to break through the eight realms and reach a higher level.

All that remains in the entire immortal world is his myth!

Chu Jingtian's name is even bigger than Li Mubai. In recent years, if anyone in the world of immortality is the most famous, there is no doubt that it is Chu Jingtian. In just a few years, he has already passed through the achievements of the ordinary fairy-magic strongman for hundreds of years, even more than a thousand years.

Such a powerful younger generation has completely sealed the gods in the eyes of everyone in the fairy world, and has squeezed the myth of the older generation Li Mubai to the top of the fairy list.

Now that the news of Chu Jingtian's appointment was circulated, it immediately swept the immortal world and detonated everyone.

New generation strong vs old generation strong.

It is now the No. 1 fairy magic list vs. the previous generation.

For a long time, many people were very dissatisfied with Chu Jingtian squeezing Li Mubai and being the first on the fairy list.

You know, since the ancient times, the magic list has been talking about the record. The two have never played against each other, how to judge who wins? Not to mention that now Li Mubai has reached eight realms, the number one position in the Fairy Devil List is still quite shocking.

As soon as Li Mubai stepped out of the gate, he had to suppress the immortal avenue of the avenue and cleverly win the empty city in order not to want to knock on the mountain. Let the world know that even if Chu Jingtian is even stronger, he can only bow his head in front of him.

In fact, Li Mubai did it.

He re-entered the world with the might of eight realms, immediately setting off a tidal wave. Countless Modao Sects dormant, dare not compete with them. Even Avenue Sect of the Avenue was crushed, and he did not dare to resist in the face of Li Mubai's might. For a time, many of the gates that were watching were beginning to sway!

But now, Chu Jingtian not only returned, but also went to the head of Li Mubai to go to Heaven and Earth Promise, and spread it all over the world of Immortal.

Nowadays, this is not only a scramble for the first place in the Fairy Devil's List, but also a scramble for who belongs to the entire immortal world.

If Chu is victorious, the whole world of Xianwu will be completely changed for another day, and become the territory of Xianzong Avenue. Chu Jingtian will replace Li Mubai as a new generation of myth.

If Li Mubai wins, then the immortal world will still belong to the Heaven and Earth Promise, and his mountain will become an insurmountable existence in the eyes of everyone.

For a while, the entire immortal world boiled for this, and was frantically talking about related matters.

Even some of the old monsters who are not hidden in the world have been shocked by this news, so you can see how this incident has affected everyone.


Kowloon holds Tien Shan.

When Su Qiong came here, he saw Chu Jingtian holding both hands, and looking at the sea of ​​clouds that were tumbling.

She smiled and said, "Why are you here? No wonder I can't find you!"

"I'm thinking of something." Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"Is Li Mubai?" Su Qiong stunned.

"It's not him ~ ~ and he's not worth it." Chu Jingtian retracted his gaze and smiled at Su Qiongyi: "From today, you are the little princess of Su family!"

"I don't care what Su family, I just want to be with you."

Su Qiong quickly said: "I know what you are thinking, are you worried that the Su family will obstruct us? After you have settled the Promise of Heaven and Earth, take me away and take me to the place where the Su family cannot find."

Wouldn't it be an elopement?

Chu Jingtian laughed abruptly.

Looking at Su Qiong with a worried face, Chu Jingtian patted Su Qiong's head with a smile, "Rest assured, I will go to Su's house to marry you upright, no one can stop me! No one!"

After he spoke, his eyes were long and deep.

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