Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 979: Su Yuanming

? Li Mubai is dead!

Heaven and Earth Promise is gone!

This news swept across the entire immortal world at an unimaginable speed, and was trembling with anger and magic for a while. As the top of the fairy list, Li Mubai is undoubtedly an insurmountable mountain.

Especially this time he broke through the eight realms, so that many people realized that the immortal world that had been divided by the positive devil since ancient times will be ruled by the heaven and earth Promise and surrendered to Li Mubai!

But no one expected that the war ended in a posture that no one had encountered. Chu Jingtian relied on Li Mubai with his threefold and eight-level cultivation, and stepped out of the entire world.

Overnight, change the day.

The immortal avenue of the avenue was also because of Chu Jingtian's victory in the first battle, and his momentum soared, even faintly becoming the first gate of the immortal world. The lords of countless ancestors, the old monsters who have not been born for a long time, all came to celebrate.

However, the Avenue Xianzong sent only one elder to receive it.

At this time, the high-level people of the Avenue Xianzong gathered in the hall.

In the lobby, Chu Jingtian sits on the main seat. On the left is the high-rise of Xianzong Avenue, and on the right is the child of the Su family.

"I have almost resolved the matter of returning this time, and it is time to leave." Chu Jingtian slowly put down the tea bowl in his hand. "I think in the future, there won't be anyone in the world of Xianwu. It's up! "

Fu Hongtian responded with a smile.

If he had only sent an elder to receive those old monsters, it would inevitably lead to dissatisfaction in all aspects. But now he only needs to say that Chu Jingtian is chairing the meeting in the Chamber, no matter how old the monsters used to be, they can only sit there and wait.

"Brothers Chu, rest assured, in the future I will send someone to stare at the Xianwu world. If anyone comes to the trouble of Avenue Xianzong, my first Su Yue will not spare them!" Su Yue patted his chest.

The others nodded again and again.

Avenue immortal Yu Chu shocked the sky, Yu Su Qiong, are not related. After taking good care of the Avenue Sect, you can also use this to get closer to Chu Jingtian in the future.

"There is Brother Lausu!"

Chu Jingtian shouted.

His words were true.

After returning to the Holy Realm this time, he will concentrate on maintaining things in the prefecture. Although he has become a bronze ghost, the higher the position, the greater the responsibility. What's more, his goal is not just the peripheral members, but the core members of the inner periphery!

If Su Yue is willing to share it, he can naturally leave him alone.

After seeing those visitors, the only thing left was Jiulong Tianshan, but Chu Jingtian couldn't take it away at the moment. He left it in Xianzong Avenue and moved to the holy realm as needed.

At this moment, everyone was on their way to Su's house.

Su Yue strongly invited Chu Jingtian to go to Su's house, and met Su's seniors by the way. After all, Chu Jingtian's strength is not inferior even if it is placed in the holy realm, and it has unlimited potential.

Chu Jingtian thought about it, and he did not refuse.

The prefecture has not yet responded to the letter, and he has plenty of time, so he can just go to Su's house and take a look.

Su's place is in the hinterland of Shushan.

But it's not like the previous town, but a space similar to the mystery. Such a mystery is a small world, and often no one can find it except those who are familiar with it. This is why the Holy Realm has not been known to the Immortal Realm for a long time.

The specific location of the Su family is in a location called 'Beitiangu'. This valley is shrouded in thick fog all year round. As long as you step into the valley and reach the end, you will find yourself as if you have stepped into a place of paradise.

At the entrance is a huge stone stele with three quaint characters ‘Beitiangu’ written on it.

Unlike ordinary secret realms, which are internally and externally isolated, the door to the sky is not open, obviously relying on the support of a large array.

"This is the Su family?"

Lu Jianli is like Liu Ye entering the Grand View Garden, and everything is so fresh.

He always thought that there was no difference between the family of the Holy Realm and the ancestors of the Immortal Realm, but at this point, he knew that he was wrong. The Beutian Valley is full of rare birds and beasts, rare elixir not seen in the fairy world.


Su Yue nodded.

As soon as his voice fell, several red-crowned cranes hovering in the sky flew over.

Lu Jian away like the enemy.

The breath of these red-crowned cranes made him feel terrible.

Greedy dragon revealed a small head from Chu Jingtian's sleeve, staring directly at the crane, wondering what he was thinking.

"This is the demon statue specially raised by our Su family. In addition to guarding the other heavenly valleys, it is also used to travel."

When he spoke, several red-crowned cranes were already leaning down, their wings spread.

The crowd took the crane.

Su Qiong was a little nervous and was next to Chu Jingtian.

Chu Jingtian is familiar with light traffic, and his heart is filled with emotion.

In this life, after all, he stepped into Su family again. But what exactly will happen, everything is still unknown. If everything is discussed carefully, it will naturally save a lot of trouble.

But if the other party is unwilling, he can only aggravate his position in the prefecture and have an equal dialogue with the Su family.

After entering the Su family, many people in the Su family looked at Chu Jingtian with various eyes.

After all, it is well known that Su Yue and they went to the Xianwu world to find the lost bloodline. Everyone can naturally see that Su Qiong is the missing baby girl. After all, she is too much like her mother.

But Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli are strangers.

What's more, according to previous news, Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli are still warriors in the fairy world.

Su Yue arranged Chu Jingtian into a large hall, and left Su Long to take care of Chu Jingtian. He himself took Su Qiong and the top of the family to report.

This is the inhumane aspect of the Su family. For other families, the lost bloodline was found by outsiders. In any case, they must be entertained. But the Su family has left you here, and first identified Su Qiong's bloodline before talking.

Chu Jingtian knew the characteristics of the Su family long ago and could not care about it. These holy realms are naturally at the top of the pyramid and naturally feel superior.

Soon after, Su Yue rushed back:

"Brother Chu, my uncle wants to see you!"


Chu Jingtian turned his thoughts ~ ~ That is Su Yuanming, Su Qiong's father. Moaning for a moment, Chu Jingtian's eyes flickered:

"it is good!"

Immediately, he followed Su Yue to a secluded and elegant house.

A middle-aged man sits above the lobby and holds fragrant tea. Standing in a circle around the warrior with a stunned look, each of them possessed the cultivation of the Eight Realms. Su Qiong's eyes were rosy, as if she had cried once, and saw Chu Jingtian approaching, she was utterly restless.

"You're Chu Jingtian?"

Su Yuanming put down his fragrant tea and looked up.

(End of this chapter)

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