Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 995: Bailong Mountain, Jianshan

"Master Yasha, I have kept you waiting for so long!" When Chu Jingtian arrived at the agreed place, he found that the one-eyed Yasha wearing a mask was waiting for herself.

"You don't need to be polite, the people in the local government are no different." The one who came was not someone else, but the one-eyed Yasha.

Chu Jingtian said nothing.

Although the prefecture does not distinguish between inferiority and inferiority, it still looks at the dishes. His strength is recognized, so the one-eyed Yasha would be so polite. If it were Liu Yiyi, Dongfangyu, etc. who entered the prefecture with him, the one-eyed Yasha would not be so kind.

He smiled, and then said, "I'm here to ask for a helper. Your strength is good, and you can take a little extra protection with you."

"Oh?" Chu Jingtian raised an eyebrow slightly.

The rules in prefectures are equivalent exchanges.

If you ask me for help, you have to pay the corresponding price.

And listening to the one-eyed Yasha's tone, he may have invited more than one himself.

"Yes, I want to make a magic weapon recently, and I am going to make it with the snake horns of the sword pattern. Make a price! "One-eyed Yasha said.

This is the benefit of the land government.

It is helpful to each other as long as the other person is willing to pay. Don't worry about eating black, or getting back water. Once this happens, it will inevitably be hunted down by the entire land government.

"Okay!" Chu Jingtian nodded.

"The Chu ghost is so fast!" One-eyed Yasha heard the words of joy, "There will be another Yasha coming over. But he is not under Master Hong, but under Master Qing! It is called Han Yecha!"

While the other party hasn't arrived yet, One-eyed Yasha quickly explained:

"I didn't know how many methods I used to deal with this sword-snake lord, and it didn't work. It could have been delayed, but recently the magic weapon refining has come to an end. It can't be delayed."

"This time, Han Yesha, he is a young man. This time is really not a coincidence. The Yaks in our branch are all outside. This Han Yesha was also found by others. According to the agreed time, he should Will be there. "

Chu Jingtian nodded and didn't say more.

There are sixteen Golden Rakshasa under Judge Cui, and each Rakshasa manages a branch. The divisions are independent of each other and have some connections.

For example, the one-eyed yak has been in the prefecture for decades or even hundreds of years. Naturally, it has certain connections and can be connected with members of other branches.

This Han Yesha, Chu Jingtian has never heard of it, but the Qing Luosha has heard it, it seems that it is the only gold-level female Luosha under the commander Cui, and finally even became a core member.

One-eyed Yasha was about to tell Chu Jingtian about the strength of the sword-printed snake lord, and a chill came from the void.

I saw a man in a black gold robe with a Yasha mask stepping out of nothingness. He had his hands in his sleeves, his robes covering his body, and a chill shrouded all over him.

"Oh, Han Yesha, you are finally here, waiting for you!"

One-eyed Yasha came forward excitedly and greeted quickly.

As he greeted, he turned to Chu Jingtian and said:

"Chu Guicha, this is what I introduced to you earlier, Han Yesha, who is under the jurisdiction of the adult. He joined the prefecture a hundred or two hundred years earlier than me."

"Han Yecha!" Chu Jingtian nodded slightly, greeting him.

Han Yecha heard the words and looked towards Chu Jingtian. When he saw him wearing a bronze mask, he hummed coldly: "You said to me earlier, that you found a helper to deal with the sword-sword lord, shouldn't it be him? Let him? Go to death? Where is Master Hong?

One-eyed Yasha was embarrassed for a while, and he quickly said: "Unfortunately, those people happen to have something. Even the most recent, it takes half a month to have time. After half a month, daylily is cold."

"Han Yecha, don't underestimate Mr. Chu, although he is just a ghost, but his strength is not bad. With him, the three of us have absolutely no problem with the sword-printed snake statue!"

Han Yecha frowned, "Since you are so determined, I will not refuse. Anyway, ugly words say that the strength of the sword snake lord is extraordinary. In case of danger, I will not deliberately save him!"

One-eyed Yasha couldn't help showing a embarrassed look, looking at Chu Jingtian.

Chu Jingtian said faintly: "Life and death depend on you, and wealth is in heaven. Since you dare to take over the task of dealing with the sword snake lord from the one-eyed adult, I naturally have some roots and I don't need you to protect it."

"Hum, I don't know how high the sky is!" Han Yecha sneered.

That's it.

When Han Yecha saw the one-eyed Yasha insisted, he did not speak again.

After all, he wasn't the host family, but one-eyed Yasha asked for help, and he only needed to do his best. As for the others, it wasn't his turn to worry about it. Anyway, something went wrong, and he couldn't blame him.

It was just that he looked at Chu Jingtian more and more unpleasantly.

After leaving here, the trio rushed directly to Bailongshan.

The Bailong Mountain occupies an area of ​​80,000 acres. Although it is not too majestic, it is the largest mountain nearby. From a distance, it looks like there is a white dragon dormant there. The whole mountain doesn't seem strange, but it's mentally unusual.

Above the Bailong Mountain is a huge demon-like atmosphere, as if the dark clouds are overwhelming, giving people a feeling that they are not allowed to enter.

"This is called Bailongshan. According to legend, there was a white pheasant here that turned into a white dragon, and hereafter it was called Bailongshan by future generations. Six hundred years ago, it was occupied by the sword-snake lord."

At the foot of the mountain, Cyclops introduced.

"In the past six hundred years, I don't know how many strong people came to Bailongshan to kill this sword-printed snake lord, and to take its snake-horn refining device, but unfortunately they were all folded here."

On the side of Han Yesha, carrying his hands, he closed his eyes on the Bailong Mountain and glanced at Chu slightly:

"If you regret it, you still have time. After entering this White Dragon Mountain, after encountering the sword-sword lord, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to get out!"

"Oh? Is this sword snake awesome?" Chu Jingtian frowned ~ ~ natural! "Han Yecha slowly raised his head, and the whole person stood in the void.

He cultivates the cold ice, and the whole person is like a piece of ten thousand years of black ice, and the whole body exudes chill. If you stay in one place for a long time, frost will spread there.

I saw him beckoning Chu Jingtian to look at the Bailong Mountain Road: "Every hunting sword snake lord exists, without exception, is not a master of kendo. After their death, the sword they carried was left on the Bailong Mountain. So the whole Bailong Mountain is also called Jianshan! "


Chu Jingtian heard the words, his face was surprised, and he quickly looked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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