"Lord Poseidon, please don't joke! Our clan can't stand your torment like this!"

"I'm really sorry, I'm really not kidding! I really want to get your Jamil clan, but I really don't want to resort to force. What do you think I should do, Bai Li?"

Poseidon looked at him with a smile, which made Bai Li's mouth twitch.

"Then I think you'd better not do it, go back to your Atlantis, we don't have time to entertain you now!"

"That's okay, didn't I say I have a lot of time, take your time, don't rush... Come, Rang Ye, try our Atlantis specialty - oyster cakes, you people in the wilderness must have never eaten this kind of food!"

Poseidon took out a piece of oyster cake directly from the system space and handed it directly to Rang Ye, which made Rang Ye stand there awkwardly, not knowing whether to take it or not!

"Well, that..."

"Eat it, don't be afraid! Don't worry, Bai Li and Shi Ang can't beat me! If they dare to scold you, I'll take care of them!"

When Poseidon said this, Shi Ang also joined the ranks of twitching mouth corners.

Speaking of which, this oyster cake was created by Poseidon based on his memories before he traveled through time.

After all, he is a modern time traveler. It is naturally difficult for him to adapt to the current life when he suddenly returns to the 18th century.

Although he does not need to eat, drink, defecate, urinate or sleep after becoming a god, human living habits cannot be changed in a short time.

Therefore, in order to make his life better, Poseidon directly transmits a lot of modern knowledge to his people through his omniscience.

Let's not talk about other things for now, at least in terms of food, it must be good!

Objects stored in the system space do not have the passage of time, so when the oyster cake is taken out, it still emits heat and fragrance, which greatly tempts Ye's gluttony.

Even Shi Ang and Bai Li couldn't help but look at them sideways.

After all, what good food could they get in such a barren place? Coupled with the limitations of the times, it's not an exaggeration to say that they were eating dirt. They had never seen such a world!

"Ahem... Lord Sea King, can't you do something serious?"

Bai Li coughed twice and said unhappily.

"For me, now is the time to do business! Besides, I have given full authority to Seraphina to handle Atlantis! I also want to see how far my divine domain, Atlantis, can go with the joint efforts of gods and humans! But Atlantis is so big that insufficient population may be a long-term problem. So, I have to work harder, find more women and give birth to more children, and contribute more to the population of Atlantis!"

"If you want to find a woman, please go somewhere else. Here we are..."

"Isn't Rang Ye going to get married? I think she is very good. Don't worry, I will treat her well!"

While speaking, Poseidon suddenly teleported and appeared directly in front of Rang Ye, stuffing the oyster cake in his hand into her mouth.

This made Rang Ye, who was at a loss, stunned immediately, but the deliciousness of the oyster cake instantly filled her mouth, making her reluctant to spit out the cake in her mouth!

Because... it's really delicious!

At this moment, Ran Ye turned away in embarrassment.

She blushed... and then ate the oyster cake bite by bite, as if she wanted to swallow her tongue.

"How is it, delicious?"

Poseidon appeared in front of her again, which made Ran Ye not know how to answer.

But one thing is certain, the oyster cake is the most delicious thing she has eaten since she was born, there is no doubt about that.

"Elder, Lord Shion, what are you doing here?"

"Atlan, why are you here?"

Seeing his little disciple, Atlan, who was only 10 years old, suddenly appeared here, Bai Li was also a little surprised.


At this, Atla looked at Poseidon curiously and said, "Because I haven't seen the elders for a long time, and there's a lot of noise here, I came here out of curiosity!"

"Hey, this little thing looks quite unique, how about it, do you want to be my son of Poseidon?"

"Ah this..."

Seeing Poseidon suddenly walk towards Atla and say such strange words, Bai Li and Shi Ang were directly shocked.

They even thought that they had eaten the wrong thing today and had hallucinations.

Or maybe this Poseidon is not the Sea King at all, but a funny guy who ran out from some corner!

In this regard, Poseidon ignored them, just pinched Atla's little face, and felt very interesting.

Moreover, Atla's potential is alsoThat's right.

Or, in other words, no one from the Jamil clan is bad, regardless of gender.

Not to mention Bai Li, Sage, and Shion, Ye also became a Silver Saint of the Crane in the original plot "Pluto Mythology LC".

In the plots of "Saint Seiya SS" and "Ω", which one of Mu and Guigui is not an outstanding talent?

Although Atla didn't show much in the plot, he also showed a good superpower.

In Poseidon's opinion, as long as he trained this kid well, he would definitely be a golden seedling in the future.

If he was put in Atlantis, he would be a sea general!

Athena, this bad woman, is really a waste of resources!

At this moment, Poseidon took out the oyster cake from the system space again and handed it to Atla.

"Come, eat it! This is a good thing, you can't eat it in ordinary places!"

"That, that..."

Atla wanted to take the cake after smelling the fragrance, but seeing Bai Li's fierce eyes, he didn't even dare to stretch out his hand.

"Come, don't be afraid, you are still young, it's time to grow up, eat more, it's okay!"

Poseidon grabbed Atla's little hand and put the cake in his hand.

"Lord Poseidon, don't waste your thoughts, we will never go to Atlantis with you!"

Bai Li said helplessly, he actually wanted to taste the specialty of Atlantis, but Poseidon didn't give it to him! 】

"Bai Li, if you say that, it's meaningless! And...Ran Ye has eaten my cake. From now on, she is mine. I must take her back to Atlantis!"

"Ah, what?"

Bai Li and Shi Ang widened their pupils, their faces full of surprise.

In response, Poseidon smiled and said, "In the mythological era, Persephone was left in the underworld by Hades just because she ate the pomegranates of the underworld. Now that Ye has eaten the specialty of Atlantis, she is naturally a person from my sea world! Come... Atla, don't be polite, eat it!"

Poseidon's words froze Atla in place.

The oyster cake that had just been put into his mouth, he didn't know whether to eat it or not, and he seemed a little unwilling!

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