"Lord Pandora!"

"Radamanthys, what do you want?"

Seeing Radamanthys coming, Pandora asked.

Although the Hades Army was nominally under her jurisdiction, there were actually several of the 108 demon stars that were out of her control.

Not to mention Azhapaku, the Great Marshal Mingwang of the Earth Kui Star, who had comprehended and awakened the eighth sense, was given the privilege of building his own power in the underworld by Hades, a treatment that even Pandora could not match.

And his deputy, the Hades Warrior of the Earth Town Star Shadow Mage, was naturally the same!

Then there was Yaoma, the Heaven Kui Star Mephisto. Pandora could even say that she was completely unaware of this Hades Warrior at the beginning. If Poseidon had not given him countless information, Pandora would not even know that there would be such a terrible guy in the Hades Army!

Finally, there is the Radiant Flame of the Sky-Violent Star Bennu Bird. Originally, he still obeyed Pandora's orders. At most, he was a troublemaker, but it was not a big problem.

But after Aaron became the King of the Underworld, Radiant Flame completely escaped her control and only obeyed Aaron.

As for the other Hades warriors, they were still very obedient, at most they were different in terms of closeness and distance.

And Radamanthys was Pandora's most trusted subordinate, and it could even be said that there was no one else!

Unlike Cheshire, this guy was just a messenger!

"Lord Pandora, I heard about Mu Luanzi. This is related to the advantage of our Hades Army, so..."

"It's useless, Radamanthys. Our lord believes that Hades warriors and Saints should have equal life and death. It would be fine if Mu Luanzi was not taken away, but since it was taken away and made into a magical weapon by the Saints to restrain the immortality of Hades Army, then Lord will not continue to investigate this matter!"

When Pandora said this, her face was full of self-mockery.

Originally, with the immortal Hades Army, plus the secret assistance of the twin gods, such a holy war can be said to be a sure thing.

But what can they do? Their lord is not Hades at all, but Aaron who likes painting and acting!

The original sure thing has become a fifty-fifty chance because of Aaron!

Such a holy war, such Hades, Pandora has long lost hope in her heart.

Of course, Pandora was able to know so much key information in advance because of Poseidon's "generosity".

But it was precisely because she knew too much that Pandora lost interest.

Even their master was acting, so why should she jump around? Just cooperate with the acting.

And Poseidon also gave Pandora two tasks, one of which was to survive this holy war.

Poseidon had promised her that as long as she could survive this holy war, Pandora could live in Atlantis.

Yes, compared to Hades, who had physical defects and regarded herself as a substitute, Pandora had already fallen in love with Poseidon unknowingly.

At least, compared to Hades, Poseidon was a normal god!

Pandora could also see that the great Sea King also coveted her beauty to some extent.

This was undoubtedly a great thing for Pandora!

Even if she couldn't become the spokesperson of the Sea King like Seraphina, even if she became a minor figure, for Pandora, it was undoubtedly the peak of her life.

As for the other task, it was to help Poseidon keep an eye on Mephisto's Yaoma.

But after knowing Yaoma's details, Pandora had no hope for this task.

Even if she had the privilege given by Hades and could command the Hades warriors of the Pluto army, it was nothing but a pipe dream to want to monitor a time super god who had the power of time and space and was demoted to a mortal!

Fortunately, Poseidon didn't have any hope for her for this task, and Pandora only needed to do her best!

In other words, staying alive was the main line, and monitoring Yaoma could only be regarded as a side task!

It's a pity for the brave general Radamanthys. Pandora knows very well that if Radamanthys knew that she had changed her mind, he would definitely turn against her and kill Pandora immediately because of his loyalty to Hades!

Therefore, Pandora, the undercover, had to continue the show even at the last moment.

"If this is the view of Lord Hades, then I have nothing to say! Besides, as a soldier, I should die on the battlefield and be wrapped in my horsehide. This is the honor of our Hades warriors!"

As expected, after listening to Pandora's words, Radamanthys no longer objected.

Although Pandora never mentioned the name "Hades".

But in Radamanthys's view, the "lord" and "sir" mentioned by Pandora are naturally Hades.It can only be Hades!

"Lord Pandora..."

"Anything else, Radamanthys?"

"Yes, I just hope that you can recommend me to Lord Hades and let me join the team attacking the Sanctuary!"

Radamanthys said. In fact, not long ago, their Hades Army had sent out the Minoan Army!

These three giants are not only the strongest in the Hades Army, but also have been given the power to control an army by Hades.

In other words, each of the three giants manages dozens of Hades warriors, and then the three giants and the Hades warriors are managed by Pandora.

In a sense, the three giants are also Pandora's assistants, helping Pandora manage the entire army.

"No! Radamanthys, Minos can fight on the front line. Your main task is to defend the city!"

"But, Lord Pandora, Aiacos can defend the city. As for me..."

"Shut up, Radamanthys, are you teaching me how to do things? Or do you think there is something wrong with the decision-making of Lord Hades and I?"

"No, I dare not!"

Radamanthys lowered his head and did not dare to refute.

Pandora had said so much, so he could only obey.

"Okay, you go down first! Minos will take care of the frontline for now. We have Lord Hades and the twin gods here. As long as there are no particularly big problems, we still have an absolute chance of winning this war. Even if the Sanctuary already has a magical weapon that can restrain the immortality of the Hades Army, in the case of three gods against one god, our Hades Army has no reason to fail! What's more, you are also very powerful, aren't you?"


Radamanthys responded and walked out of Pandora's office.

However, as soon as he walked out, several Hades warriors surrounded him.

"Lord Radamanthys, our troops are ready. When will we go out?"

"Take a break for now. I haven't applied for the order to go to war! But... I'm still a little worried about the Sanctuary! Niobi, I'm confident in your strength. You can go to the Sanctuary to observe the situation first! If Minos has any problems, come back and report to me immediately!"


Niobi of the Dark Star Diver nodded and disappeared in Hades City in an instant.

Niobi of the Dark Star Diver

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