In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed quietly.

For the world, although the holy war between the Holy Land and the Hades Army was tragic, the Holy Land won after all, and those who survived naturally had to work hard to survive.

Therefore, those destroyed buildings should be rebuilt, and those ruined fields should be reclaimed.

For Shiang, rebuilding the broken Holy Land is undoubtedly a huge project.

Not many people survived this holy war. Although Asmita has recovered a little after half a year of recuperation, he is still useless and can only help Shiang occasionally.

Not to mention Tonghu, he still needs to guard the Demon Sealing Tower at Mount Lu in mainland China and cannot leave at all.

Therefore, most of the burden fell on Shiang.

However, the Holy Land is the Holy Land. As the highest regime on earth, all major forces in various countries must bow to it.

Shion only wrote a letter, and countries around the world sent labor to help him deal with some chores.

The most important point, perhaps because they witnessed the cruelty of the holy war and the will of the Saints, Rimuru and Melba also pleaded with Seraphina, hoping that the Sea Realm could help the Sanctuary through this most difficult time.

Seraphina naturally agreed to this.

The Sea Realm itself is closely related to the Earth Realm, and Poseidon himself also has the idea of ​​using the Sanctuary as a shield.

Now that this shield called "Sanctuary" has been destroyed, it is natural to help "repair" it so that they can continue to stand in front of the wind and rain.

Unfortunately, Shion, who became the Pope, rejected the good intentions of the Sea Realm.

In his opinion, if the Sanctuary wants to grow, it must rely on itself.

As the Pope, he is also mentally prepared to sacrifice and dedicate himself to this...

Pure Land of Bliss.

This is a world that can only be reached after crossing tens of billions of light years and flying over tens of thousands of darknesses.

Located in the far upper reaches of the Agron River in the underworld, the infinite wilderness on the other side of the Let River is a utopia that only the creatures chosen by the gods can enter after death.

Here, there is no hunger, dispute, pain, or sorrow. It is an eternal world created by Hades, the god of death who rules the entire universe, and is freed from all troubles.

Originally, only Hades and the twin gods lived here, but considering that it was too cold, Danadu specially brought some fairies from secret places around the world here.

Each of them is the top beauty. Although they are not gods, they are not mortals.

Fairies of the Pure Land of Bliss

And they are blessed by Hades and the twin gods, and they also serve the three gods.

But at this moment, the fairies blessed by the three gods were extremely terrified. In this world that only Hades, the king of the underworld, could enter, a great god that they could not afford to offend had broken into.

"Not bad, not bad. Although the people of Danadus are a little bit weak, they still have good vision... Hey, Hades, I'm here in person. If you don't show up, don't blame me for packing up all these fairies and taking them away!"

Poseidon's voice echoed between heaven and earth. For a moment, in the distant temple, a huge dark microcosm suddenly rose and appeared in front of Poseidon in an instant.

"Poseidon, how did you get here?"

Hades' soul asked. Since he created this paradise, he has completely blocked it with the super dimension and closed it with the wall of sighs of the underworld as the door.

In other words, if you want to come to this paradise, the first step is to enter the underworld, then reach the wall of sighs, and then pass through a specific hyperdimensional tunnel to reach this wonderful divine realm.

However, Hades did not feel the presence of Poseidon at all.

It is obvious that the other party did not take a specific route to get here, but appeared and disappeared like a ghost, and suddenly came to the base camp where his real body was hidden.

"How did you get here? Of course I came here when I wanted to!"

Poseidon said, which made Hades look a little surprised.

You know, the paradise is the divine realm he values ​​most.

After all, his real body is hidden here. If there is really a god who can ignore his restrictions and enter and exit here freely, then this is extremely dangerous for his real body.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your body! But you're really timid. Ever since you were injured by Pegasus in the mythological era, you don't even dare to use your real body?"

"Poseidon, you bastard..."

Faced with Poseidon's ridicule, Hades was also a little angry.

Seeing this, the fairies on the side all lowered their heads and didn't dare to make any noise.

If this affects the twoThe conversation between the gods might have ruined them.

After all, it's hard to find a three-legged toad, but there are many two-legged fairies!

"Okay, I'm not here to laugh at you... Where are Athena and Pegasus? Where did they go?"

"They? Of course they went to heaven! But you, have you really given up on the earth? This is not like you, Poseidon?"

Hades' eyes were full of teasing, as if he was trying to get some face back from his words.

"I'm no longer interested in the earth, so you can do whatever you want. It's a pity that it's not easy to do it in heaven!"

"Why, do you still want to go to heaven to snatch Pegasus? That kind of man should be doomed!"

"Whatever you say, it's not me who's unlucky!"

After Poseidon finished speaking, he ignored Hades' angry eyes and disappeared directly into the Pure Land of Bliss.

The strange movement of the dragon, which was invisible from head to tail, made Hades stunned in place, and his brain was a little bit unable to react.

"Both the temperament and the breath have completely changed. Poseidon, what on earth have you been through?"

Hades muttered to himself, but after thinking hard and fruitless, he ignored it and continued to sleep in his temple to recuperate.

Although he lost the holy war this time, as long as he, the Hades, still exists, he can continue to launch holy wars.

With the support of the underworld, Hades can fail countless times.

But Athena is different. As long as she and her sanctuary fail once, what awaits them is eternal damnation...

The dark abyss, the infinite dark land.

The sleeping black-haired goddess suddenly opened her eyes, her expression full of disbelief.

"Pontos is dead, interesting! It seems that the plan of the ancient gods has failed!"

"They will not give up, they will definitely take action! But I am very curious, who killed Pontos! The fate you pointed out seems to be very different from this!"

Darkness turned into a sturdy man, appeared in front of the goddess, and his words were full of disbelief.

Being able to avoid the fate designated by this person is a great miracle in itself!

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