At this time, in the Pope's Hall.

"Rimuru, Melba, now, in the name of the Pope, I will give you the Aquarius Cloth and the Cancer Cloth. I hope you will shoulder the responsibility of maintaining love and peace on earth and not let these two Cloths be disgraced!"

Shion looked at the two children below, and he was more and more satisfied.

Unfortunately, these two children are the offspring of Poseidon, the Sea King, after all. Although they have become Saints now, and they are the highest standard Gold Saints.

But he knew in his heart that when the Sanctuary recovered, these two children would sooner or later take off their Cloths and go to the Sea Realm to report.

As a Pope, he was not qualified to ask the son of the Sea King to obey him.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Pope!"

Rimuru and Melba nodded in response, and they were also excited.

Although they knew that they would part ways with the Sanctuary sooner or later, they had lived here for so many years after all. It was impossible to say that they had no feelings.

In addition, their teachers were also here, so they had no objection to helping Shion rebuild the sanctuary as mentioned in Seraphina's letter, and were even very positive.

Moreover, after inheriting the fighting skills of Dieter and Bai Li, the two also felt that they had the responsibility to pass on these fighting skills of the sanctuary.

Even if they were to leave, they had to find excellent successors for their respective holy clothes, which could be regarded as repaying the teachers' teachings.

Soon, Rimuru and Melba also put on the gold holy clothes of Aquarius and Cancer respectively.

Although they were only eight years old, the holy clothes would change size according to the user's body shape, so at this moment, there was no problem for the two children to wear the gold holy clothes.

"Your Excellency the Pope, Tinao is here to report to you!"

It was also at this time that Tinao walked into the hall.

Seeing Rimuru and Melba wearing gold holy clothes, he was not very surprised.

Three years ago, after Asmita recovered, he began to help Shion rebuild the sanctuary.

Of course, most of his tasks were actually to go out and help Shion deal with "supernatural" incidents.

At that time, Tinao had not grown up yet, and Shion, as the Pope, could not leave the sanctuary and go out.

In this way, some tasks that needed to be carried out outside could only be carried out by Asmita.

And every time he went out to perform a task, Asmita would take the two children with him to increase their experience.

Especially after they comprehended the seventh sense, this kind of thing could not be missed every time.

Asmita also knew Poseidon's thoughts. If he wanted to train the two children more, he naturally didn't mind helping them.

Even when encountering some enemies that were challenging to the two children, Asmita would let them start first and hone their fighting skills.

Therefore, it is not polite to say that the two children are now veterans.

It's just that they are still a little immature because of their age. It's too early to let them go out to perform tasks alone.

In Shion's opinion, no matter what, they have to wait until the two children are 15 years old!

It just so happens that the Sanctuary is currently lacking masters, and these two children are very suitable!

On the contrary, Tinao, who has grown up, should shoulder the heavy responsibility like a real gold saint.

"Tinao, I received a personal letter from the Roman emperor, who wants to give you this task and let you seal the giant of Mount Etna in Sicily!"

"The giant of Mount Etna? Could it be..."

Tinao's face changed wildly, of course, Rimuru and Melba also changed.

Not for anything else, in mythology, Mount Etna is the place where the Olympian gods and the last Titan god, the giant Typhon, sealed Typhon after fighting.

Therefore, when it comes to giants, it is inevitable to think of the evil god Typhon who controls volcanoes and hurricanes.

If the enemy is really that Typhon, then even if the gold saints are dispatched, it is still a dangerous situation.

Even if Typhon is in a sealed state, or even his divine body is destroyed, and his power is less than one ten-thousandth, he is still an existence that the gold saints cannot match.

"Tinao, the specific situation is not clear yet, but 14 years ago, the Sanctuary sent Saints to perform a mission. Although the mission was completed at that time, perhaps the seal was not complete. Now, the remaining combat power of the Sanctuary is only a few of us. If the war of giants really breaks out again at this moment, the Sanctuary is afraid that it will no longer have the power to protect the earth!"

Shiang said, originally, such a task should be given to Asmita or he himself to perform.

But Asmita is currently out on a mission, and it is not easy for him, the pope, to go out, so he can think of,Only Tinao.

This young eagle will spread its wings and fly sooner or later. Tinao is actually not young anymore. In Shion's opinion, this is just right!

At this moment, Tinao also looked at the helmet of the Taurus Gold Cloth in his hand. At this moment, he deeply felt the mission of the Gold Saint.

This is a heavy task that may ruin the earth if it fails!

"Your Highness, I accept this task! Betting on the name of the Taurus superstar-Aldebar, I, Tinao, will definitely complete this task!"

Tinao said solemnly. Even Shion was a little surprised by his courage and belief.

"Your Highness, please let me participate in this task. I will live up to the name of my teacher Dieter and complete this task excellently!"

"Me too, Your Highness!"

At this time, Rimuru and Melba expressed their opinions.

Shion looked at them and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling extremely relieved in his heart.

"I understand. Then, I will entrust this task to the three of you as the Pope!"



The abyss, the land of infinite darkness.

"The fish has taken the bait. Next, it depends on whether Poseidon is willing to bite the hook!"

Erebus was delighted, but Nyx, who was sitting on the main seat, was indifferent.

For her, the plan of the ancient god was just a play.

Even if this plan would affect the entire universe, that's it.

She is one of the infinite incarnations of the super god Ananke, and she has seen all kinds of scenes!

"Erebus, don't be too happy too soon! In order to let Hades assist our plan, we sent out the twin gods and other descendants of the underworld to help him dominate the entire underworld, create and manage the underworld. Now, what are you going to pay to win over Poseidon? Let me tell you, you don't have the underworld to send now!"


Erebus's face changed. He really didn't think about this issue.

Even a middle-level god like Hades, they gave up such a huge benefit and packaged all the descendants of Hades as slaves to Hades.

Now, if they want to win over Poseidon, who is already a top-level god, they will have to bleed a lot, there is no doubt about that!

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