Time flies, and ten years have passed quietly.

Since Nyx came to Atlantis, everything seems to have returned to peace.

Although there are occasional small fights in the world, they are all solved by the Saints sent by the Sanctuary. The existence of the ancient gods seems to be a dream, without any movement.

But Poseidon knows that this is just an illusion!

As long as the sword of Damocles of the reincarnation catastrophe is still hanging over his head, the ancient gods will take action sooner or later.

No, not just the ancient gods, if other gods also know about this situation, they will definitely take action.

Besides, destroying the human era and recreating the mythological era is not bad for the gods, but it is a lot of benefits.

This can not only restore their divine power, but also delay the arrival of the catastrophe. Such a good thing, Poseidon believes that the gods will never miss it.

When that day comes, Athena and the Sanctuary, who maintain human power and protect the earth, will immediately become the target of public criticism and be punished by the gods!

As for Poseidon, he himself is actually having a headache now.

He needs time to hide and make himself stronger.

The system is not efficient in stealing the origin of infinite time and space, so the longer the reincarnation catastrophe is delayed, the more beneficial it will be for him.

But at the same time, once he chooses to reshape the mythological era, the position of the sea world will become very subtle.

Not surprisingly, the Sanctuary will take action against him at the first time.

Although he is not afraid of these at all now, he will definitely break his promise with Seraphina and Rang Ye.

Moreover, the positions of the three children, Rimuru, Melba and Golzan, will also become very awkward.

At this moment, Poseidon even regretted that he had been too hasty to let them go to the Sanctuary to study earlier.

Yes, after knowing the truth of the catastrophe, Poseidon's heart has begun to lean towards the gods.

It's not that Poseidon is not firm in his position, but that a little impatience can ruin a big plan!

If he chooses to stand on the same side as the Sanctuary, he will not be able to protect himself when the catastrophe comes, let alone protect others.

Standing on the side of the gods, at least he can rely on his own prestige to protect Atlantis.

Poseidon believes that in the face of his powerful strength, the gods will not give him this face!

[Maybe, I can...]

"Lord Poseidon, Lord Rimuru, Lord Golzan, and Lord Melba are back!"

Just as Poseidon was making up his mind, the maid suddenly reported at the gate, which made Poseidon raise the corner of his mouth.

Soon, when Poseidon walked out of the Temple of Poseidon, he saw the three children who had been away for many years outside the temple.

"We're back!"

"Yes, father! We are no longer Saints, and the Pope has allowed us to return without the status of Saints!"

Rimuru said. After the Mount Etna incident, Rimuru and his friends have been Saints in the Sanctuary for another ten years.

During these ten years, they were also active in the Sanctuary and around the world as Gold Saints.

With their help, the recovery of the Sanctuary has been significantly accelerated, and Shion has become much more relaxed.

Nowadays, many Bronze and Silver Saints have returned to the Sanctuary, and there are also several more Gold Saints.

In this way, Rimuru and Melba chose to return home after passing on the Ice and Corpse Qi skills to their descendants.

By the way, Golzan is also a Gold Saint in the Sanctuary, and a Leo Gold Saint.

And his Light Speed ​​Fist skills were learned from Shion.

After all, Shion has the ability to see the memories of the previous owner of the Saint Cloth by touching it.

He relied on this to master the combat skills of all the Saints in the Sanctuary in the past.

To put it bluntly, Shion is a master of combat skills of the Saints. If you want to learn any combat skills, just go to him.

As for the small universe, Golzan, like his two brothers, went to learn from Asmita.

It's just a pity that no one of the three, whether it is Rimuru, Melba, or Golzan, has comprehended the eighth sense.

Although the three brothers are not weak, all of them have honed the seventh sense to the extreme, belonging to the top gold saints.

By the way, the three of them, Rimuru and Melba are now 18 years old, and although Golzan is a little younger, he is also 16 years old, which is the prime of life.

"Well, since you are no longer Saints, then show me an Athena's Wonder!"

The three people who were originally full of joy were stunned when they saw their father say this.

Rimuru frowned and said, "Father,, Athena's Exclamation is a taboo that has been forbidden by Athena since the mythological era. If you use it without permission, you will be branded as worse than a devil. Although we are no longer Saints, we still uphold the dignity and honor of Saints, so..."

"Bullshit! When will that little girl be able to control me! Besides, I'm not asking you to use this trick to deal with the enemy, why can't you use it!"

Poseidon scolded, and Rimuru immediately shrank his neck and didn't dare to refute at all.

"But, father, the destructive power of Athena's Exclamation is too amazing. If you use it casually, it may cause great damage to Atlantis. You don't want Atlantis to sink to the bottom of the sea..."

Golzan was hit by Poseidon before he finished speaking. He covered his head and cried out in pain, as if he had encephalitis.

"Bastard, can't you think of something better? Now, the three of you, use Athena's Wonder on me immediately. I want to feel the power of this shadow combat method! "

"This... Father, isn't this too bad!"

"Just use it when I tell you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Poseidon said unhappily. In fact, the reason why he wanted to feel the power of Athena's Wonder was to get a preliminary understanding of the realm of Ω.

Yes, Ω!

For the possible catastrophe in the future, Poseidon must do everything he can to become stronger.

He has already mastered the microcosm of God and the ultimate power, and after becoming the upper main god, this power has been taken to the extreme.

The origin of infinite time and space, the origin of Chronos, and the power of Cairos have also been Poseidon completely refined it and even developed a series of space-time abilities.

Finally, there is the human microcosm. In terms of the perception system, Poseidon has reached the end - the tenth sense, absolute consciousness.

Now, the only thing missing is the last power - the macrocosm, Ω.

And Athena's wonder itself is a scale of Ω. Although it is only a scale, it is still Ω!

So a glimpse of the whole body, Poseidon, who has no formal way to peek into this power, is actually helpless to pay attention to Athena's wonder!

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