Seeing that the three brothers were in high spirits, Poseidon didn't say much. He just told them a few words and asked them to follow Seraphina's arrangements before entering the inner space of the pillar of life.

However, this time Poseidon was not here to practice in seclusion, but to travel through time and space.

Yes, travel through time and space!

Just like Yaoma can observe the connection points of countless parallel worlds and travel between any parallel worlds.

After obtaining the origin of infinite time and space and Chronos, and the power of Cairos, Poseidon can actually do this.

He can even go back to the past time nodes to buy time for himself and delay the arrival of the catastrophe.

Therefore, if it is just for personal survival, then it is naturally no problem for Poseidon.

But after having a wife and children, this concern naturally comes.

It's not that you can't take your wife and children with you to survive, but if you keep traveling through time and space, it may attract the attention and dissatisfaction of Chronos. If this causes the disorder of time and space, let alone surviving, his life will probably be taken directly by Chronos.

Therefore, Poseidon does not want to save his life by traveling through time and space, because the uncertainty is too great.

Of course, if he observes history as a bystander and does not actively intervene in history, then even Chronos will probably turn a blind eye.

And the reason why Poseidon did this in the Pillar of Life is just to cover up his tracks...

16 years ago, the Holy War, in the Demon Palace of The Lost Cnvas.

Radamanthys: "This is the power given by Lord Hades, the power of God that humans cannot surpass."


Regulus: "Whether you are a human or a god, as long as you are still you, I will surpass you!"


[The Hades warriors with divine power and the Saints who are about to transcend the mundane world are obviously just a battle between weaklings, but it makes me excited. Sure enough, I prefer being a human to being a god! 】

Poseidon, who was hiding in the void, silently watched the battle between Radamanthys and Regulus, and just when Regulus was completely suppressed by Radamanthys, he finally used the single-player version of Athena's Wonder.

It was also at this moment that Poseidon could clearly feel that the stars in the sky corresponding to the twelve constellations of Huangdao suddenly surged in an instant.

Even the entire earth seemed to be faintly producing inexplicable fluctuations.

[So that's it, is this the secret of Regulus being able to use Athena's Wonder alone? Borrowing power from the void, the unity of man and nature, and... this yearning in the breeze, is it you, Regulus' father, the former Leo Gold Saint - Elias, are you guiding your child? 】

Poseidon looked at all this and was also moved.

Anyway, he also has the existence of a human microcosm, and has reached the key tenth sense - absolute consciousness.


Radamanthys and Regulus may not have felt it, but Poseidon saw it clearly.

No, not only Ilias, but also Sisyphus is here. They are everywhere, guiding Regulus to the door of the eighth sense!

But Poseidon is not too interested in this.

Things that have been mastered, naturally will not envy others.

However, Regulus's use of the eighth sense after awakening, the unpredictable, like a breeze, the lightning speed punch that quickly pierced Radamanthys' heart, made Poseidon's eyes light up.

Poseidon knew that he had not yet fully developed the skills of the ten-sense microcosm system!

[I have to thank you a little, Regulus, but it's a pity that changing history is not good for me. Otherwise, I really want to save you! But it doesn't matter. Alaya consciousness has made you transcend life and death. The destruction of the body cannot affect your noble soul. You will also turn into a breeze, everywhere! 】

Thinking in his heart, Poseidon was not in a hurry to go back. Since he had found a way to awaken Ω alone, it was only a matter of time before he mastered Ω.

Now he was interested in Ilias. He decided to continue to travel through the past history to learn and observe the fighting skills of the eight-sense warriors.


Especially Ilias. In Poseidon's view, he was probably the only man who fully mastered and exerted the power of the eighth sense...


Nyx, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

[Poseidon, I didn't expect that you would actually travel through history.Cross time and space to observe the past history! What I didn't expect was that you, who traveled through time and space, actually restrained the urge to change history! That is clearly an uncontrollable poison. Whether it is a god, a human, or other creatures, after having such power, the desire should inevitably run wild, and they will not be able to resist the urge to tamper with history! 】

Nyx was very moved. As one of the infinite incarnations of the goddess of constant Anan carved in infinite time and space, any fluctuations in time and space cannot be hidden from her observation.

Under normal circumstances, an ambitious god like Poseidon should do whatever he wants after having the power to tamper with history.

However, Poseidon did not. He just watched and did nothing. This was really beyond her expectations.

Don't underestimate this ability. With Poseidon's current strength, it is completely possible to travel back to the mythological era and kill him and Rhea before Rhea gave birth to Zeus.

At that time, with the power of Poseidon, it is not impossible to take down Kronos and become the king of the Olympian gods.

Of course, if he really did that, Poseidon would certainly be punished by God.

Even the super god Cairos, who played with the fate of the creatures in the lower world, was demoted to a mortal by Kronos and suffered the pain of eternal reincarnation, let alone him, a little sea king.

And the reason why Zeus died was because he sensed the crisis and inevitable disaster in the future, so he left the heaven with the divine clothes of the twelve main gods of Olympus, wanting to find a way to overcome the disaster!

Unfortunately, the reincarnation disaster appointed by Kronos was not something Zeus could resist.

Even if Zeus was deeply loved by Kronos, he could not go against Kronos's will.

It was just that at that time, it was Nyx who took action and Kronos collected the body.

As for the twelve divine garments and the god-killing weapon, the Thunderbolt Scepter, sorry, these things are indeed no problem against ordinary gods.

Unfortunately, they are facing Nyx!

In front of Nyx, these so-called divine garments and god-killing weapons are no different from scrap metal. They simply collapse at the first touch!


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