Saint Seiya

Chapter 192: 190 - The real story of bare teeth

Under the guidance of the **** of time, Chronos, they traveled to the past time journey, and it has been several months since they returned to this era.

Aps, the **** of darkness, Loki, the evil **** of northern Europe, and the battle with the gods seem to be endless, constantly threatening this earthly world ruled by Athena.

In the time after returning, the world is living in peace. Even if it is short, it is good to be able to live a peaceful day even if it is one more day. This is the voice of the human beings who hate war.

Sanctuary protected by the goddess Athena - Sanctuary

Also known as the last fortress that protects the peace on earth, it is a sacred place where the people who accompany the goddess and the saints who maintain the world order are located. Hidden in the depths of an ordinary city in Greece, the Sanctuary is only allowed in by combatants and their followers, a forbidden place where even its existence is hidden.

The sanctuary has always maintained the ancient towns and folk customs. Warriors gather here every day to practice. It is a competitive place to train saints. For the people living on earth, the existence of the Sanctuary is a secret, known only to a few humans in the class of the head of a great country.

If there is an unnatural incident that cannot be solved by human power, the Sanctuary will ask for help, and then the Sanctuary will send the Saint Seiya mission to solve it. Since the sanctuary has a great influence on various places, requests from the sanctuary have priority over domestic affairs.

The goddess has become the patron saint of the sanctuary and mankind with divine power. She is the daughter of the great **** Zeus, the goddess of war, Athena, who has been guarding the Greeks since the age of mythology. Its blessing spreads all over the land, bringing love and courage to the Saints.

Compared with past history, the sanctuary of this era is more mysterious, and then has many more colors. This is the "Golden Generation" known as the Saint Seiya.

From bronze to silver, there are more talented people than at any time in history. There are also a few humans who like to cause disputes and fear the power of the Sanctuary and dare not start a war. The killings in the world have gradually decreased in the past ten years.

Then, when it comes to the new generation of Saint Seiya, it is definitely inseparable from Light Fang and the others. After the battle with Aps, they each returned to Palaestra. Because the battle over the Zodiac made them a sensation in the school, everyone was adored.

After a period of time, Guangya returned to the Sanctuary to see Saori, while the young hopeful saints such as Longfeng, Eden, Soma, and Yuna all returned to their hometowns to enjoy a short-lived peaceful life.

As the pope, Yusei often watches the flow of stars on the Hill of Stars and predicts where the war will go. He wouldn't neglect his practice just because he got the power of "time", it was a must for him every day, especially for Athena's Saori.

Then one day, he noticed that there was a new crisis on the ground. He sent an order to convene the golden assembly, and sent all the golden saints who had traveled around the world back to the sanctuary to discuss matters, and then let them stay in the sanctuary. Some people already know that a new battle is about to begin, and they exercise diligently every day, waiting for the start of the holy war.

That morning, Yusei already felt that a new crisis had come to the earth again.

On this evening, Saori, who was resting in the Temple of Athena, seemed to be having a dream.

A little girl with short yellow hair in a white dress appeared. In front of her, there were four figures standing there. The gathered Saint Seiya also went to that place to fight.

It would be a severe battle for a Saint Seiya, Saori thought so, she woke up on the stone bed with her eyes open, the reality of the dream made her unable to understand one thing.

"...It's the same dream today, as expected, it's a precognitive dream that hints at the future! Yusei..."

Looking into the distance, an ominous foreboding emerged in her heart.


This is a place far away from the sanctuary, and it looks like a ruin. The sky was gray, the rain fell slightly, and Yuxing stood there alone. He was still wearing the long white trench coat, but with a white scarf tied around his neck, he watched as a red light descended on the sky.

"...The Goddess of Calamity, has finally come?"

This was his first sentence, but his tone was very flat.

The red light fell to the ground, but a very small girl appeared. With slightly dark skin and short yellow hair, she slowly opened her eyes. Although she was young, she was also quite a beautiful girl.

"Goddess Pallas, I am ordered by Athena to take your life!"

Yusei announces to the girl she meets for the first time to kill her.

This girl is Pallas, the sister of Athena. Although the two are not related by blood, they did grow up together in the age of mythology, and they are sisters commensurate with each other.

Pallas stood up, held a dirty rag doll next to him, and looked at him.

"...Athena's Saint Seiya, Golden Sagittarius!"

Because of his youth, his voice is very immature.

Yu Xing walked over slowly, the light of six stars suddenly flashed in his pupils, and he looked at Pallas carefully. In just a few seconds, Yusei closed his eyes and returned to his original form.

(I see)

Yusei often remained calm and would not be surprised by anything else, even if he used his "eyes" to see what kind of goddess Pallas was.

"Even if you are Athena's sister, if it threatens her life, then I will exclude you from here!"

Because of his handsome looks, even though Yu Xing said that, he didn't look like a bad guy. Moreover, although he wanted to kill her, he didn't even have any murderous aura.

Pallas then said something astonishing, and even Yusei had to be surprised.


Where did such a young girl have the courage? Not even afraid of death.

Yu Xing stopped, the answer he had expected from the beginning.

"Since the age of myth... the bond between me Pallas and Athena has been cursed, if you can cut it with your hands... before Pallas hurts Athena..."

After speaking, tears flowed down, and at the same time, a spiral ring appeared on his left arm.


Saori stood in front of the statue of Athena at the top, and a spiral ring appeared in his hand. The spiral ring absorbed her power in an instant, and Saori almost fell down with a cry, grabbing her right arm with her left hand.

"...Pallas, you really have awakened! Yusei, I'm sorry for always burdening you with a cruel fate!"

Saori often felt that he was taking too much care of Yusei's protection. Even Athena's Saint Seiya, even the Pope, took care of her so that she didn't bother at all.

Saori often has many apologies to Yusei because of always burdening him.


This is the island where Saori and Hiroya lived together in the past, and Hiroya is practicing alone on the sea.

In the months following the end of the Zodiac battle, nearly half of the time was spent in Sanctuary under Yusei's new guidance. This is of his own volition, no one is forcing it. With belief, progress will be very fast.

After two months of cultivation, Saori accompanied him back to RB because the others from Longfeng had already returned to their hometowns, and Guangya could only return to this island to live. Although it was a bit lonely not being able to meet with his partner, he was not so dissatisfied, because Saori had also returned to live with him here, and Koya practiced very seriously in order to make her happy, which made Saori very happy.

It is really easy to change people, and now he has completely lost the stubborn temper he used to have. Beside him, Saori's housekeeper Chen Yutokumaru has been taking care of the two of them's daily life. With these two people around, Guangya feels as if he is back to the way he used to be, and he has a very full life every day.

Guangya stood in the sea with his eyes closed. At this time, it was already dusk, and a wave of waves rushed over from the front. He suddenly opened his eyes, swung his right fist, and a powerful small universe of light immediately pierced the waves far away, and it didn't stop for a long time.

Guangya's small universe is even bigger than when the Zodiac was fighting, and it is even bigger than the golden saints. Even if he fights alone, he will never be suppressed by them.

Chen has been used to seeing it for a long time, and now he is not too surprised. After the bare teeth stopped, the tide gradually returned to its original state.

"Just come here. When you were trained in the Sanctuary before, your body was already overloaded. Although you can continue to practice it is very admirable, but... it is better to stop for a while!"

Chen has already said this to Guangya in the back, after all, being too reluctant is not good for the body.

"My fist is a little bit twitchy, what about Saori-san?"

Light Fang turned to ask him.

"Miss Saori went to the Sanctuary for something!"

"Athena is really busy even when she's free!"

It's a bit dissatisfying to say this. Guangya has not changed in this regard, and the problem of human personality cannot be changed in a short time.

Chen already looked at him with a very serious expression, as if he had a lot to say.

"...About that matter, the Pope has actually sent a message, asking you to go out of the island to find your partner immediately!"

"Is there a problem?"

"Saori-san went to the Sanctuary for this reason. It is said that the Holy War is about to begin!"

Hearing Chenji's words, Guangya's eyes widened.

"What did you say, is it true?"

"You haven't forgotten, what is the battle of the Zodiac? And why are you staying in the sanctuary to practice?"

Guangya naturally knew, and heard You Xing say it many times, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

"So, there is an enemy that threatens Saori-san's life?"

Seeing him calm down, Chen already nodded.

"Yes, the battle is about to start. The Pope asked you to find your companions and wait for the call of the Sanctuary!"

"I know, I'll go now!"

Guangya quickly rushed out of the sea, and this news was very concerned to him.

"Your holy garments are in the villa"

Chen has shouted to remind him.


Speeding up and hurriedly running forward, suddenly a voice came from the left.

"Are you the Saint Seiya of Pegasus?"


Guangya was startled, he didn't expect other people to appear here, and immediately stopped to look over there. I saw a short boy who looked younger than him.

"Who are you?"

The teenager was wearing black clothes, short blue hair, and red pupils, looking a little arrogant. He threw away a bag in his hand.

"I will defeat you and become a god!"

After rushing up, Guangya felt a little inexplicable.


When Yu Xing and Pallas met, seeing that the little girl had just landed on the ground but had such an awareness, this also made Yu Xing a little surprised. But it's hard to know if what she said is true or not.

(Goddess Pallas, to take her life is just a simple matter for me, not to mention that she has no divine power now, even when she grows up. There is no problem with Pallas' existence. Saori will indeed be threatened. life, but it's really hard to say whether killing her is good or bad now!)

Yusei, who seemed to be struggling a little, but Pallas kept watching.

(Also, Saori may also be saddened by her sister's death, but what I can see is her true heart... It's not evil, but a sacred universe with the title of "Goddess of Love". Now Even killing her can't prevent the outbreak of the holy war. Originally, Pallas was only used, and the existence who really planned the battle was hidden behind her. In order not to make the battle too chaotic, even herself could not predict it. As a result, I still can't kill her...)

Thinking of these thoughts, Yu Xing closed his eyes.

"Pallas, I won't kill you now. The relationship between you and Athena cannot be ended by my hand. This is your sister's problem, and I will leave it to you to solve it!"

He has already thought of a good solution in his heart, and it is better to wait than to do it now.

"Won't you kill me?"

She was suspicious.

"Athena can't bear to fight with you, so I will do it for her. And after seeing you, I also have my own thoughts. This answer, when Athena sees you, will naturally know!"

In Saori's name, that's all he can think of right now, he can't think of anything better.

"Athena's Saint Seiya is so gentle!"

At this time, a thick voice came from the void.

Pallas's eyes looked up, and a figure appeared there, exuding a very powerful emerald green universe.

And Yu Xing had already noticed it, and felt the vibration in the air since he didn't appear.

"But this naivety will lose the chance to stop us from fighting the fighters..."

After he finished speaking, he opened his right hand, and a red shock wave hit him, heading towards Yuxing's chest.

But the little universe emanating from him easily bounced that power to the left, and he was completely unharmed, and his eyes followed him.

"As expected of the man who has defeated the gods, the golden saint of Sagittarius, the wandering star of Sagittarius! Thank you for not taking the life of my master... Goddess Pallas..."

While talking, he walked down from above, wearing a large robe covering the area below the shoulders, but it could be pulled apart in the middle.

"It's not polite to attack me as soon as I come up!"

Yu Xing said, half-jokingly, that his tone didn't seem to be calculating these things at all.

The man didn't answer his words, he walked to Pallas's side, and a small universe sent out from his hand, which instantly made Pallas fall asleep.

"Lord Pallas will grow by taking Athena's power, and when he awakens again, Lord Pallas will want to pursue Athena! Lord Pallas will destroy Athena because of this love."

"So, who are you?"

The man picked up Pallas, who had short dark green hair and was tall. There are armor-like things on both shoulders and neck.

"I am a Titan, a servant of the goddess Pallas, one of the engraved warriors. A first-class engraved warrior, the Great Sword, the titan of the 『Sword of Creation of the God of God'...”

After introducing himself, Yu Xing didn't say anything.

"Pope Yusei, you should kill Lord Pallas here. Your innocence will call for a new battle and kill Athena!"

"Don't think wrong, I, the Pope, have never done anything that I regret. It's my intention not to kill Pallas. I naturally have my reasons, and you will know sooner or later!"


Yu Xing's dignified tone made Tai Tan not feel like it was fake.

"I'll give you a piece of advice here, this is what the past Pope Sage once said!"


Titan narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"The one who can see through God's next step is the Pope!"

Speaking confidently, Titan did not laugh because of this sentence, the majesty that Yuxing brought him was so profound.

He seemed to feel that You Xing had something to say, but he couldn't say it for a while.

"If I change my mind now, I can do it even if I take Pallas back from your hands. It's just that I don't want it, you don't believe it, I can already see the end of this battle... By then, you'll understand. , why would I do this!"

To this end, Titan closed his eyes and smiled.

"Okay, I'll wait for your answer. Goodbye, Pope Yusei, we'll meet again, on the battlefield..."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared into a green light.

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