
Chapter 105 No. 2 Tool Man [5000 words]

“Almost died… if it weren’t for a few seniors, the key I’m desperate to save all the time, maybe the current me has ended this period of my life.”

“Isn’t it possible that the hardcore ruthless is a newborn innate talent, the unfathomable mystery has been triggered, right?”


Chen Qianxue’s mood is not particularly good, she didn’t expect to encounter this kind of killing.

I didn’t expect…

A Vast Sun Sect who trespassed into the demonic path was actually related to the black hand in the imperial city!


Chen Qianxue doesn’t believe it’s a coincidence at all.

No matter how unlucky you are, you shouldn’t encounter such an outrageous coincidence.

A demon of Nascent Soul Realm, captured by Imperial Court with no difficulty.

Then they were escorted to the imperial city Heavenly Prison smoothly.


It just so happened that I was there too.

And then that Vast Sun Sect monster, by coincidence, was caught on purpose.

The other party released a large number of demon prisoners, and also launched a series of killings.

So many coincidences come together, making Chen Qianxue smell conspiracy.

“A Nascent Soul devil, playing this game…it’s really great generosity!”

Chen Qianxue sighed with emotion.

The other party’s purpose is definitely to destroy Heavenly Prison, but this is not the only purpose, and the second is to put himself to death.

In fact, those secret masterminds who intend to seize the imperial power do not know that they are doing this, and it is meaningless.

“After so many years, they finally couldn’t hold it in anymore and shot again.”

“Since they shot, they will definitely leave a little bit behind. Horse foot…”

“After all, this time is a big deal.”

Chen Qianxue guessed right.

Collaborating with Vast Sun Sect’s Nascent Soul fiend, Impossible leaves nothing to be desired.

The violent institutions of the Great Wei Dynasty were running wildly.

A big fish sticks its head out.

[Under the order of the Great Wei Emperor, the major violent institutions of the Great Wei Dynasty took action one after another, and finally found some clues. You learned from somewhere that a prince in the court was detained by the Great Wei Division. ]

[A prince was involved in such a treasonous act, and the Great Wei Emperor was extremely angry and plundered the other party’s home. And abolish the cultivation base for everyone in the Fang Family, and put them all in jail. ]

[Because the Heavenly Prison demons have all been released, the Great Wei imperial city is now in chaos, with murderous intentions everywhere. ]

[At the age of 36, you got another news, the Vast Sun Sect Supreme Elder who escaped from the imperial city is haunted near the coast of the Great Wei Dynasty. You deduce that the Vast Sun Sect is currently at sea, re-establishing a small sect station. ]

[No matter what method the Imperial Court uses, it is impossible to learn about his other comrades from the mouth of the prince who was imprisoned. ]

[37 years old, you have broken through to the fifth layer of the Foundation Establishment! ]

[Through the mysterious and unpredictable mask, you have seen many grand dreams. ]

[38 years old, you try to contact Qin Jiao. ]

[But no matter how many Communication Talismans are used, they have not received a reply from the other party. ]

[You looked thoughtful. ]

“Qin Jiao didn’t reply to me, either she was still thinking about that childish hatred, or…”

Chen Qianxue muttered to herself: “She will take a step sooner or later, Left this world.”

“Her life…”

“It’s over.”

【32 Years old, you encountered the Mechanical Puppet beast within the bronze giant gate. Through your own strength, with the guidance of the grandmother, plus the assistance of the pet beast A’bai. You managed to destroy two Mechanical Puppets and go deeper inside the Bronze Gate. ]

[In the world of the bronze giant gate, you get a lot of treasure. Among which is included higher grade spiritual medicine, Spirit Stone, you even found a broken wall, in which you found a broken scripture – “Slaughter Sutra”. ]

[This is a cultivation technique of Demon Cultivator. You are a little suspicious, the Cave Mansion world in this bronze giant gate, should it be an Ancient Demon, left? ]

[34 years old, your cultivation base breakthrough! ]

[At the age of 37, you heard from some Qin Family juniors that this Sea Territory is suspected to be haunted by a demon cultivator. You think things may be a little wrong, and order all Qin Family children to return to the station immediately. And the Qin Family residence is blocked, no one is allowed to come in, and no one is allowed to go out. ]

[38 years old, a terrifying devil descended here, and the opponent turned out to be Nascent Soul Realm! And claiming to be Vast Sun Sect Supreme Elder! ]

[You have 10,000 swear words in your heart. 】

【You are dead! ]

[Death: 38 years, 01 months and 12 days. ]

Qin Jiao looked at his years of experience in the cultivation simulator before he died.

She was lost in thought.

Contemplation is over.

There is no love in life.


She couldn’t help but let out a wailing, who would have thought that she would die so easily at this time!

The most unacceptable thing for her is that her method of death is exactly the same as last time.

Last time was killed by a remnant of Great Wei who accidentally came to Qin Family’s camp.

This time was killed by a demon who entered the Qin Family residence by mistake!

And even more exaggerated than that time.

This time, it is the devil of a Nascent Soul Realm, which is really unbearable.

That’s right.

“I won’t die earlier than Chen Qianxue, will I?” Qin Jiao’s complexion suddenly changed, she couldn’t help taking a deep breath, whispering alone: “Shouldn’t… feel like she should be better than I’ll be finished first! Maybe…probably…maybe?”


“Isn’t that guy outlived me? This probability is a bit big , after all, she is the Princess of the Great Wei Dynasty. Although she is also in a dangerous place, there are many people watching her.”

“But she has an emperor who is an emperor! With this , it will be able to resolve a lot of dangers.”


This obviously made her even more unacceptable, and she felt that she had lost all her face.

This is the second time I have lost to that guy.



I said in the cultivation simulator that even if I don’t cooperate with Chen Qianxue, I can live longer than her.

The result is good, I am gone ahead of time, and this hand directly hits myself in the face.


She didn’t tell the second person about this.


Clear River County.

After seeing Qin Jiao burp like this, Bai Yi didn’t have too many surprises.

In fact, he prefers that the tool people help each other in the simulator.

If you encounter any difficulties, we will solve them together, and if you have any benefits, we will share them together.

For example, Qin Jiao is backed by an old grandmother and has a Cave Mansion inside a giant bronze gate. She can share these two distinct things with Chen Qianxue.

With Chen Qianxue’s ability, to assist Qin Jiao in scavenging the bronze gate, the efficiency will definitely be multiplied countless times.

With the protection of Chen Qianxue, the Qin Family can also be safe and sound.

The most favored Princess of the Great Wei Dynasty covers the Qin Family.

Who dares to provoke them at will?

And Qin Jiao’s grandmother is also a well-informed Old Senior, so she can give Chen Qianxue some pointers.

In case of the inadvertent guidance of the sentence, did Chen Qianxue sudden enlightenment?

How can I say that Nascent Soul was also the power of Nascent Soul during his lifetime!

As for Chen Qianxue’s side.

She can give Qin Jiao a lot of help by being the Great Wei Princess.

With the help of Chen Qianxue, Qin Family doesn’t even have to be afraid of that Vast Sun Sect.

No need to hide.


Among the two tool people, Chen Qianxue advocates cooperation. Bai Yi said that the heroes see the same thing.

As for Qin Jiao, she couldn’t let go of her obsession, or she was too arrogant.

I can’t put myself down.

This has resulted in no way of friendly cooperation between the two tool people.


It’s Chen Qianxue meeting Fu Shuangni, or Qin Jiao meeting Fu Shuangni.

Bai Yi estimates that cooperation is stable.

The problem is that the two tool people who happened to meet were Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiao.

This is a proper pair of enemies.

Although it is a one-way enemy.

[Qin Jiao survived for 38 years, 01 months and 12 days in this immortal immortal training, activates the title of “same fellow”, and gets an additional reward! You get the following rewards——]

[Reward 1: All spiritual power of the Foundation Establishment fifth layer (maybe you can break through to the Foundation Establishment fifth layer in one fell swoop)]

[Reward 2 : a flying boat (a flying boat given to Qin Jiao by Chen Qianxue when she left)]

[Reward 3: A tuft of white hair (the hair on the beast A’bai, can made into a writing brush)]

[Additional reward: “Slaughter Sutra” (cultivation technique Qin Jiao got from inside the giant bronze gate)]

【Please choose! ]

Qin Jiao’s settlement reward appeared soon. Looking at the three rewards to choose from, Bai Yi directly chose reward 1.

The flying boat with reward 2 is also a good thing for him. After all, any flying boat is a Spiritual Artifact.

But compared to the Foundation Establishment fifth layer spiritual power reward that makes it stronger.

This is an unremarkable flying boat.

It’s a bit underwhelming.

As for reward 3…

What does he want A’bai’s hair for? Do you really want to make brushes? The problem is that he is not particularly interested in calligraphy.

Never interested in drawing talismans or anything.

So ignore it!

After he chose this reward, a huge and pure Spiritual Qi poured into his body instantly, making his whole body shocked.

Breaking through!

Bai Yi is only one step away from the cultivation base of the fifth layer of the Foundation Establishment.


This huge stream of Spiritual Qi is poured into the body, coupled with the action of Innate Spirit Physique.

Let him break through directly.

No difficulty!

This time Bai Yi’s breakthrough was not small, but because everything in the house was specially reinforced by him.

This Formation is even arranged in the house to cover up the huge movement during the breakthrough.

This allowed him to break through to the fifth layer of the Foundation Establishment this time, without causing too much turbulence.


Let others know that a person can break through so many times in just a few days, and that shouldn’t disturb the entire cultivation world?

It’s so unimaginable after all.

“This is the Slaughter Sutra?”

Bai Yi looked at the extra scripture in his hand and couldn’t help but mutter to himself: “I remember the Slaughter Sutra that Qin Jiao got. “, is a very broken and broken version. And the first “Slaughter Sutra” I got, it seems to be a complete version.”

“Good guy! This cultivation simulator directly puts a The incomplete cultivation technique, has it been completed for me?”

Bai Yi spread out the scriptures.

In an instant.

A white light was integrated into his brain, allowing him to remember all the contents in his heart at once.

Bai Yi closed his eyes and digested for a moment.

Open your eyes.

He muttered to himself: “By slaughtering thousands of souls, nourishing oneself with overflowing heaven murderous aura. A very extreme cultivation technique, placed in the cultivation world, this cultivation art, will definitely be infiltrated. It is within the scope of demon art.”

“And the person who created this cultivation technique is actually the devil of Ancient Era, a Divine Transformation Realm. This is the devil, he created it himself One of the demon art of .”

“That is to say… the founder of this demon art should be the owner of the bronze giant gate.”

“Nice extra reward .”

Whether it is the cultivation technique of Righteous Path Immortal Sect or the immortal cultivation technique of Demon Sect, Bai Yi is open to all who come, just accept it all!

the other side.

When Qin Jiao was about to clench her teeth, the settlement reward of the cultivation simulator caught her attention.

[You activate an achievement and get the following rewards——]

[Reward: all spiritual power of the Foundation Establishment second layer (maybe allow you to break through to the Foundation Establishment second layer) )]]

[Additional reward: a broken “Slaughter Sutra” (a broken Ancient Demon Art)]


Qin Jiao is a bit Unbelievably, looking at the two rewards in front of her, she felt that the sun might come out again today, hitting the west side.

The rewards for the settlement of the cultivation simulators these times are very rich for her.

At least compared to the past…

It’s definitely rich.

When all the spiritual power of the Foundation Establishment second layer was poured into the body, Qin Jiao, who possessed Quasi-Innate Spirit Physique, didn’t have time to react, and found that he was about to break through.

She face changed.

I stopped thinking about Chen Qianxue, and put all the distracting thoughts in my heart away.

Although I know that I have Quasi-Innate Spirit Physique, there are no shackles under the Golden Core.

There is no such thing as a breakthrough failure.


Qin Jiao is still a little worried.

Be sure to be safe!

Compared to Bai Yi, who was well-prepared for breakthrough, Qin Jiao is a little inexperienced.

The movement of her breakthrough was not small, attracting the attention of most of the Righteous Heart Palace.

“That’s what?”

An Elder from Righteous Heart Palace looked at the direction of Spiritual Qi’s change with a little surprise on his face: “Is there a Disciple breakthrough in the palace to the Foundation Establishment second layer? But…that direction , isn’t Qin Jiao the place where the little devil headed cultivation?”

A Disciple of extraordinary natural talent at Righteous Heart Palace also looked in that direction: “Is it the little girl? She Foundation Establishment second layer? Wasn’t she the Foundation Establishment First Layer when she was taken back to the Righteous Heart Palace?”

Most of the Righteous Heart Palace shook!

In Immortal Sect, Righteous Heart Palace, there are not too many Disciples.

What’s going on inside can quickly spread throughout the sect.


After Qin Jiao slipped out of Righteous Heart Palace and came back, it was the Foundation Establishment First Layer’s business.

No one in the entire Righteous Heart Palace does not know.

It is precisely because of this that they are so shocked now.

Foundation Establishment First Layer not long ago…

Foundation Establishment second layer in the blink of an eye?

Even if you devour medicine pills crazily, there is no such exaggerated breakthrough speed, right?

Hey! ! !

Is this the Immortal Pill?

“Qin Jiao Junior Sister is this breakthrough? How is it possible! When I saw her at the Righteous Heart Palace a few days ago, she was obviously one small realm lower than me. Now in the past a few It’s time…she’s already on par with me? What’s the situation?!”

“Senior sister, am I dreaming? Our Qin Jiao Junior Sister, who is it? Immortal descended to the world, right? Ouch! Senior sister, why are you beating me?”

“Didn’t you say that you think it’s a dream? If you know the pain, then it’s not a dream.”

” is it possible that the Palace Lord gave Qin Jiao Junior Sister, what kind of spirit pill and marvelous medicine?”

“What kind of spirit pill and marvelous medicine can make people break through at the Foundation Establishment Realm at will?”


“Then do you think there are other possibilities?”



Righteous Heart Palace’s Disciples gasped and made outstanding contributions to the global warming of the cultivation world, and they were just about to say the sentence – “this child must not be left behind”.

They all thought that Qin Jiao could break through so fast, and it was estimated that Palace Lord gave Qin Jiao some Spirit Pill.

Although, Spirit Pill’s effects are so exaggerated, they’re unheard-of.

However, can a more reasonable explanation be found?

They don’t know…

Even Qin Jiao’s mother, the Palace Lord of Righteous Heart Palace, doesn’t know what’s going on.

“this girl…”

Righteous Heart Palace Palace Lord Looking at the distant mountain peak, that is Qin Jiao’s Cultivation Land.

She frowned slightly: “How could it be possible to break through so quickly?”

“What did she do?”

Righteous Heart Palace Palace Lord First The response is to feel that something is not right.

The recent Great Yan dynasty, in particular, was not particularly peaceful.

Before, she thought Qin Jiao’s breakthrough speed was outrageous.

After leaving the sect for a while, is the Foundation Establishment First Layer back?

True unimaginable.


The Righteous Heart Palace Palace Lord couldn’t sit still after finding Qin Jiao breaking again.

She was worried that something strange had happened to her youngest daughter.

If so…

Thinking of this.

Her eyes flashed a hint of coldness: “It’s not who, everyone is qualified to provoke the Righteous Heart Palace…”

Qin Jiao, who is a client, does not know how many people’s attention his breakthrough has attracted.

She broke through to the Foundation Establishment second layer, and her previous depression has been washed away by joy.

The whole person became full of vitality again.

Very spirited!

“hmph hmph!”

Qin Jiao opened his eyes and felt the difference between the Foundation Establishment second layer and the Foundation Establishment First Layer, and the corner of his mouth raised an unstoppable smile: “Didn’t expect Chen Qianxue, now I am the same cultivation base as you.”

“What if you live longer in the simulator? Your breakthrough speed in reality , if you are not as fast as me, you will lose!”

“And, now I have an additional cultivation technique!”

The incomplete version of “Slaughter” obtained by Qin Jiao Sutra, not in the form of books.

It was presented in her mind in the form of memory.

“And it’s an Ancient Era cultivation technique!”

Qin Jiao hummed and smiled proudly.

Although this cultivation technique is an incomplete version, she is not dissatisfied.

Because this Ancient Demon Art, even the incomplete version, is comparable to the Righteous Heart Palace’s cultivation technique!

If it was the full version, it would definitely be a few streets away from the Righteous Heart Palace culture technique!


Before Qin Jiao was complacent, she noticed that she seemed to be moving nearby.


Qin Jiao heard a familiar voice.

The voice sounded a little intellectually mature, with a hint of coldness.

“Qin Jiao, come out and meet me.”


Qin Jiao shuddered, and she hurriedly sorted out her thoughts.

Immediately changed to another face.


“Why are you here?”



Update is coming! By the way, I would like to recommend a book to a friend. If you are interested, you can feel comfortable~

(end of this chapter)

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