Saiyan Reforged

Chapter 2 - A Legend Reborn...

Tetsuya felt himself, curled up in some strange bag. He could move slightly but oddly enough, he could not see or feel anything.

"What is going on? Did I get kidnapped and drugged? No... that truck... If the legends are true, then I am about to be reborn! Well... I wonder where I am though..."

{{{Those who do not understand the truck reference, please google search "Truck-kun" or "Truck-sama".}}}


It was a dark cloudy sky that morning... Cold heavy snow covered the city of Heirach. Inside a large mansion of a particular Saiyan, a woman gave birth to what will soon be known as a legend across the world...

The curious young baby looked around in confusion, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

His eyesight was pretty bad, but he could still see the person's face. A rather weird-looking alien holds him in its arms before giving him away to another woman lying on a large, soft wooden bed.

With her dark black hair and sharp green eyes, Tetsuya was sure that he had not seen any woman more beautiful than her. Even though she looked exhausted, the shine in her eyes had not dulled. From various scars that covered her strong physic, it was clear that she was a strong warrior.

He wanted to have a better look at her but he suddenly started to feel tired. He tried my best to resist but fell asleep after a moment despite all his efforts to stay awake. He hated his new baby body.


Tetsuya woke up only to find himself in a glass pod of some kind. Surrounded by all sorts of high-tech looking stuff, he felt puzzled.

"Where am I?"

Tetsuya glanced at his own hands and it looked tiny but mostly human. The only weird thing was a tail on his back. From his tiny glass pod, he could see weird aliens with red skin working on some high-tech computer. Suddenly the metal door slid open. Seeing someone was about to enter, the red-skinned alien went on full alert.

"This is a restricted area. Leave or I will press the alarm." The red-skinned alien warned at the dark silhouette by the door. However, the very next second, the alien went on his knees.

"Please forgive me, your highness." The red-skinned alien started sweating nervously when he saw the red battle armor. Only high profile nobles with high-class talent and above 8000 PL are allowed to wear Red battle armor.

"Relax... I am only here to see my son. I was away on a mission when he was born. I want to see how my baby looks like..." The man said casually as he kept looking at various children inside weird green circular glass pods. The red-skinned alien visibly relaxed when he heard those words. However, the Red-skins were a naturally curious race. The alien wondered why such a powerhouse did not make a formal request before the visit. Even the king would book an appointment before visiting. This place was where all the young ones with the highest potential are kept. They will stay here in nutrition pods until they are 3-year-old. Those with high potential are usually from Saiyan Noble Families. They usually have a lot of pride and often compete with each other.

There has very recently been news of people planning a coup d'état. Some say they are kidnapping young Saiyans with potential to use against the king. Seeing a high profile noble with monstrous strength walking in uninvited into an incubation facility sounds suspicious.

"Is that so... then may I know why you have not requested for an appointment formally?"

"I... I... forgot... haha..." The man laughed awkwardly as he still kept searching for the baby.

The red-skinned alien did not know how to respond at such a stupid answer so he just went along with it and asked him the name of the boy he was looking for.

"His name is Azir. Azir Heirach."

"Heirach~?!" The red-skinned man jumped out of his seat as he heard the name. Heirach was both the title and the family name of the leader of the Dark Hand. Loyal to the crown, their main purpose was to wipe out any and all threats to the king, including rebels and dangerous criminals. They are basically an elite force that deals with internal threats. The Heirach family was also one of the most powerful noble families in the whole Saiyan race having an entire star sector named after them.

"Then you- you are Lord Ragnar Heirach~!?!!"

"Mmmh... yes."

"Ah... please forgive my insolence." The red-skinned alien was stunned for a minute before he asked for forgiveness. He is usually stuck in a lab looking after little Saiyan babies, so he rarely has any contact with the outside world... even so, he has heard of the name Ragnar Heirach... The Leader of the Dark Hand... Very few knew how the man looked like but everyone knew his name.

"Oh I don't mind... just tell me where my baby is?"

"Ah yes. Right away..." The red-skinned man searched through the list on his computer and immediately found the capsule number.

"It is the capsule number 69." He said in the most polite tone he could speak.

"Alright." The man walked towards the capsule he was told and found a little baby floating in a green bubbly liquid. To his surprise, the baby was awake!

"Oye... what is the meaning of this? Why is baby awake? All others seem to be sleeping. Why is he awake?"

The red-skinned alien once again spoke in the utmost polite tone he could muster. His voice was a bit cracking as he kept shaking in fear. He never really had to deal with such high-profile people, since most Saiyan elites never visit their young ones before the age of 3.

"Sir, although all babies are mostly sleeping there are some who are able to stay awake because of their high power level and adaptive body. They can somewhat resist the effects of the liquid in the incubation tank. Their bodies are capable of rapidly adapting to the environment and resist the sleep-inducing effect.

Don't worry though. This is not a bad thing. He will still go to sleep after a while..."

"Oh~ He has a high power level? What is his current power level?

"The man clicked a small switch below the incubator and a number appeared above the cylinder."


"Mmmh... good enough for a newborn pup..." He spoke with satisfaction. Saiyan children are divided into 3 main categories based on their fighting potential.

A Low-class Saiyan would usually have a base power level of 0 to 200 at birth. They are considered to have very low potential and even at their peak, they would only grow to about 4000 to 6000.

A Mid-class Saiyan would usually have a base power level of 200 to 500 at birth. They are considered to have good potential and at their peak, they would grow to about 6000 to 8000 PL.

A High-class Saiyan would usually have a base power level of 500 to 1000 at birth. They are considered to have great potential and at their peak, they would grow to about 8000 to 10000 PL. Some rare cases may even go up to 15000. This kind of power is enough to erase continents off the map.

Ragnar touched the glass cylinder as he looked at the green-eyed baby behind it. He felt curious looking at the intelligent eyes of the baby. However, the simple touch was enough to put a small crack on the glass pane. Ragnar panicked when he saw the crack. He looked at the red-skinned alien who did not look worried.

"There is no need to worry my lord. These cylinders are designed to withstand blows from a Saiyan child. Even if it cracked it will instantly repair itself." The red-skinned alien gave a proud smile while pointing back at the crack. Ragnar noticed that the crack was receding as a strange green goo filled the crack.

Ragnar decided to not stay for long as he was worried he might break something by accident.


("So I have reincarnated as a Saiyan?") The little baby looked incredibly excited as he thought of the idea.

("From what I heard, it seems that I have high-class potential with a power level of 769. My father also seems to be really strong... However, I don't remember any character named Ragnar Heirach... I wonder what timeline I have been born in...")

("The absurd power in this tiny body is almost intoxicating... However, I am well aware of how strong other beings in this universe are... I need to get stronger... I cannot directly increase my power level yet as I would risk exposing myself to the current ruler. If he is like King Vegeta, then I can kiss my ass goodbye... However, I can try and learn to control my Qi better.")

Azir concentrated his focus on the boundless energy flowing inside him. He could feel it flow through his blood, his muscles, bones, through every single cell in his body. Unlike his days as a human when he had a little wisp of energy to work with, right now he felt as if he was swimming in Qi. Back in the day, Azir met an old man who taught him martial arts. He even taught him the secrets of Qi and inner strength. This was the main reason why he was able to deal with those gangs and thugs who were equipped with guns. Tetsuya had at some point suspected that the old man came from a different world as he often spoke some random gibberish that did not make any sense.

For the first full year, Azir concentrated all of his focus and did nothing other than simply focusing on the flow of Qi in his body. He tried his best to "feel" the "flow". At the end of the year, he knew every nook and cranny of his own body. Now he could finally start his "Qi control" training.

Azir directed the Qi inside his body through the different pathways and meridians as he started manipulating the original flow. However, he did not change it too much. He would always put it back to where it was. In simple words, he was simply, "Playing around...". He was trying to get familiar with actually controlling the energy. It was like holding a slippery snake. If you were not careful it would slip and come back to bite you. However, by the end of the next year, he had gotten completely familiar with his Qi. He had spent two years inside the incubator. This was his final year. Azir decided that he would try to obtain more information about this world first. He can train after he got out. Information gathering is the most important task. He needed to understand his actual position in the world.

Azir decided to use his most trusted method since his time back on earth. He could create a small tendril or tentacle of Qi that could feel anything everything he wanted. It was invisible and using it he could hear things from a distance. It worked since he could feel the vibrations of sound on his tentacle. His Qi was a part of him. If he willed it, he could even do some simple tasks with it like pushing a button or lifting a small object. As for seeing things... he had the Mind's eye. A special technique that uses Qi to see things in the space around him. Back on earth, Tetsuya could only use the Mind's eye to see inside his own body because of his pathetic Qi, but now, he could see everything inside the room.

Seeing that the Alien had gone for some short lunch break, Azir slowly projected his Qi outwards as he covered the whole room. He could feel every living creature within this room. Azir left a tendril by the side of the door to alert him if anyone gets close to the room. He quickly made a few more tentacles and started to access the computer. At first, he was worried if his dome of Qi would be noticed by someone or if the detector would raise an alarm but turns out his worries were for nothing. There was no alarm. Now he completely focused on finding more information about himself and this world...


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