Saiyan Reforged

Chapter 4 - Moving out...

Azir spent his last year in the slimy green capsule trying to understand the different Saiyan stuff like culture, latest rumors, tourist spots, different factions, training grounds, war updates, etc. He kept his Ki strictly under control and every time the Red-skinned alien who's name he found out to be Yunil came to detect his energy, he made sure to not exceed 1500.

Days turned to months as Azir did nothing but increase the perception of his Ki. He could now use Mind's eye to see and feel things that were at least a kilometer away at his full strength.

Azir also found out that he is currently in the heart of the Saiyan empire, the capital planet. The planet was literally named "Throne". Only those with High-class talent are allowed on the planet or you should have a power level of over 7000. The current king of the planet Emperor Velcoz Fior is a once in a hundred year genius with a monstrous power level of 15000. However, he is not the strongest...

The strongest Saiyan right now is the leader of the rebellion... Tyrus Nydus. From what the reports say, he was once a simple Low-class Saiyan. Constantly fighting and pillaging on the battlefield, he managed to break his own limits and has reached an absurd power level of 16000. For some reason, he has an insane hatred towards the high-class Saiyan Nobility. With all his comrades and brothers that he had build over his time on the battlefield, he currently threatens a civil war. Many low-class saiyans that have also achieved similar feats have flocked under his banner strengthening him further. Although there is no open revolt or rebellion, tensions have been high for the past few years.

Also, rumor has it that Tyrus has taken the help of the Humans and the Namekians to get stronger. Some also say that he is a traitor and must be killed. The High-class Nobles also look down on him saying he has used some kind of a dirty trick to boost himself by allying with the humans and namekians. There is no way a mere Low-class Saiyan could ever reach 16000 PL, since they are nothing more than lowly maggots. Many just say he is a lier and he never reached 16000 PL.

("I am not sure who is right or wrong but one thing is certain. There will be a civil war and it will be soon...") Azir thought to himself.


It was his final day of the 3 year incubation period. Yunil walked in front of the capsule with another Red-skinned alien. The tag on her b.r.e.a.s.ts read, "Maid #69 : Fasha". Holding a soft white towel she walked up to the green capsule. Her long black hair and bright red eyes, gave her a pleasing appearance. The Red-skins looked like one of those fantasy elves, just with red skin... This was the first time Azir had seen another alien apart from Yunil. He had seen a bunch of pictures of Red-skinned females on Yunils computer but even he had to admit, they looked way better in real life.

("Come on... he has been here for 3 years... checking out some alien babes is a given...")

The capsule doors opened after all the liquid inside was drained and his oxygen mask was automatically undone. The 3-year-old Saiyan walked out of the capsule while stretching his muscles a bit. Droplets of green liquid were slowly trickling down his well toned muscles. The Incubation capsule had helped lay down a solid foundation for the body. The nutrition it provided helped the body mature faster. Azir for the first time truly felt the strength of the Saiyan body. He could feel an unfathomable power coursing through him.

"Please, follow me..." the maid lead the young boy in what looked like a bathroom. The maid helped the 3-year-old boy clean himself from any of the remaining green liquid in the capsule. Soon after he was done cleaning himself,

Fasha used the towel to gently wipe the water off the young Saiyan. Azir too did not make a fuss about it and let her do it. His eyes never left her ample bosom as she gently did her job. While he was enjoying the show, Yunil brought a Power Level Detector. It was basically a eye-wear that allowed you to see a person's PL. Yunil pressed a button near his ear and the glass display started to glow.


It was a decently high power level even for a high-class Saiyan child. In this facility he had the third highest PL out of all the newborn children. Of course this is only his suppressed PL. His real PL has long surpassed 1500 mark. And that was without him even trying... The only thing he really did was just play around with his Ki a little bit.


Yunil lead the young boy outside the room after getting him all cleaned up. The metallic double doors opened to the side revealing a tall handsome man with spiky long hair and a red battle suit. At his side was another woman with rough long hair and a strong well toned body. She too wore a red battle armor while waiting patiently for her little baby.

("Man... instead of that clunky armor, just give her some of that yoga pants... it would be so much better...") Azir muttered under his breath.

"He is here... Azir, my baby~!" She moved like a blur towards the little boy as she picked him up in her arms. Azir panicked seeing the woman disappear from her place and reappear right in front of his face. Ragnar gave a soft chuckle seeing the scene.

"Hello son. I am your father, Ragnar Heirach and this is your mother Vexana Heirach. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes I am."

("Aren't Saiyan parents supposed to be uncaring retards who don't give a shit about their own child? According to the series, they are only supposed to care about getting stronger and getting their kid stronger... This seems way too much different than I expected. However, on the second thought... it seems correct as well.

Athough Saiyans live a very long life of over 1000 years, they have an abysmally low birth rate. This might lead them to cherish whatever children they give birth to. This is just a theory and actual reason might be very different...") Azir though to himself.

("Let's get going little Azir...") Vexana held him up in her arms like a teddy bear and started walking out of the facility.


Azir was pleasantly surprised seeing the glorious Saiyan capital. Unlike the cities on earth, this place had no roads or any thing apart from just buildings. Saiyans could fly so there was no point in making them. All other "lesser" races that lived as slaves also had the ability to fly. These so called "lesser" races also had around 1800 to 3000 PL and could fly a short distance easily.

The structure of most building was similar to some sort of a dome shape with many windows on all sides. Since most buildings were skyscr.a.p.ers, the circular architecture helped counter wind resistance.

The family of 3 soon reached the top of a giant circular tower. Unlike on earth where you would enter a building from the ground floor, here the main entrance was on the roof. A cat-kin alien in maid uniform stood there by the roof door waiting for her master. The moment Azir saw her, the only word that came to his mind was "Khajiit". Soft white fur and slanted blue eyes gave her a unique beautiful look. It took a lot of his will power just to stop himself from running towards her and start petting her.


"Tahara, prepare a room for Azir. My son will be staying here for a few days before we head back to Heirach."


"Everything is already prepared, master..." Tahara replied with a short bow.

Azir was disappointed seeing that she did not have the same accent but he was happy to see a cat-girl none the less.

Vexana gave a nod as everyone walked inside the building.


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