Saiyan Reforged

Chapter 7 - Home World...

It was early morning next day and Azir was standing ready in his new Battle armor. His sharp green eyes stared at the majestic space ship in front of him with awe. The family of three alongwith the servants had just completed the check-in process of the port and were now boarding.

Insides of the ship were just as high-tech as outside. Unlike what he had expected, there was no roar of engine nor were there any flames. The ship simply started floating in the air. Azir stood stunned on the spot when he saw a low-class saiyan standing in the cabin. Wearing a proper uniform, they had the look of some learned scholar. He was overseeing some weird green dwarves that looked eerily similar to Master Yoda running around the deck carrying out orders.

("WTF! An actual educated Saiyan!?!") Azir had already known that some low class saiyans were employed to oversee the workings of the alien slaves. It was still a shock to see a Saiyan who could read and write.

Azir wanted to have a chat with them but was soon called over to a different room by his mother.

"Son, come sit down..." Vexana called Azir over to sit on the sofa as the trio started watching some kind of a movie on the holographic screen. With some popcorn and meat, the trio enjoyed their space ride.


(Planet Iris, Heirach Star System)

The space near planet Iris started to distort as a massive vortex suddenly appeared. A space ship the size of a large football stadium bolted out of the vortex as it collapsed behind it.

Azir was standing near the window looking at the collapsing vortex behind him. Warping from point A to point B was like traveling through a tunnel in space time. The entire flight lasted over a few hours. From his observation, Azir deduced that the speed at which they travelled depended on how fast the tunnel rotated or how fast the 'Warp-generater' rotated the space-time vortex. It was similar to having a drilling machine, drilling through a mountain. The faster the drilling head rotated, the faster the entire process.

Planet Iris looked almost like a Sapphire from outside. Hundreds of thousands of space sh.i.p.s and space pods constantly entered and exited the planets atmosphere. The planets blue color was mostly because the entire planets surface was 90% water and Ice. The space ship slowly entered into the atmosphere. The dense clouds parted revealing a sprawling city stretching hundreds of thousands of miles. Looking closely he noticed that the buildings were literally floating on top of the water. All of the buildings had a small block of crystalline ice beneath them while they were all held together with some sort of a web of blue light. Each ice block connected the other with a horizontal pillar blue light. The futuristic city had thousands of small sh.i.p.s flying around along with people from powerful races that could naturally fly.

("Wow…") Azir held his breath as the ship finally descended onto a massive Ice-sheet. It was the Heirach Space port. The sheer size of the port was comparable to the megastructure back in the Throne world.

He immediately noticed several people flying towards the ship at high speed.

"Azir, let's go..." Ragnar gave him a call as the trio exited the space ship.


"Welcome back home, your highness." Over a dozen people standing outside immediately bowed down when they saw Ragnar and Vexana walk out of the ship. The couple simply nodded back before walking on a small hovering platform prepared for them. Azir quietly followed his parents on the hovering platform. All of the people around were looking at Azir with starry eyes. Some gave him a big warm smile while others bought out their scouter to measure his power level. Many gasps were heard when one of them said, "1400!" under his breath. Azir did not quite understand their reaction. All of them were Elite Saiyans after all. Each and everyone of the people gathered had power level closer to 9000!

Ragnar noticed the commotion as well. He could not help but have a sumg and proud smile on his face. Vexana noticed the confusion on Azir's face and smiled at him.

"Azir dear… even among the Elite Saiyans, 1400 is at the top. If you keep working hard, one day you might even be able to contest for the title of Super Elite! That is why they are so surprised."

"What is a Super Elite?"

"Any Saiyan with the battle power over 10000 earns the title of a Super Elite. They are all highly respected and even get land and other cool benefits. The only other requirement is that you need to be of the Elite blood…" Ragnar explained it with proud smile but his face dropped when he spoke at the last part.

"Well… both me and your father are Super Elites…" Vexana continued.

"I see…" Azir did not need much explaining and just nodded.


The hoverboard soon reached a massive castle made of some sort of a smooth black stone along with their escorts. The castle had no entrance and the only way in was through the air. No saiyan would waste time building the door when they can just enter through the air.

The castle had a over a hundred saiyans guarding the walls. Thousands of alien attendants were flying around tending to various miscellaneous jobs. From a distance it looked like some ancient dark magic castle sitting atop crystal white ice. Although none of the saiyans could feel even the slightest discomfort because of their power level, but every breath coming out of their mouth froze almost immediately. It was easy to tell that the planet was clearly several degrees below freezing point.

A massive dome shapped barrier covered the entire small ice sheet that the castle rested on. Even from a distance, Azir could sense the ridiculous amount of ki such a barrier used. He looked at the barrier with utter disdain as the efficiency was so poor it was borderline shameful.

("What a crudely made barrier... If I had so much ki to spare, I might even be able to make a barrier good enough to withstand a collision with moon!")

The hoverboard stopped at the entrance before an escort immediately stepped forward and notified the guard. The guard opened a small circular hole in the barrier at the entrance and the hover board entered inside.

Vexana looked at Azir as she patted his back.

"Welcome home Azir…" he did not reply and just smiled, enjoying the moment.


|| Black Ice Manor ||

Azir was walking across the hallway escorted by Tahara. He was surprised to see her here to which she replied saying she reached the castle a few hours prior. A servant must reach the destination before the master. Surprisingly enough, Vexana had assigned her as the personal servant of Azir. Azir had a bright smile on his face the ever since he received the news.

"This is your room master…" Tahara opened the door with a gentle push.

Azir stood in his place stunned at the polished stone walls that looked similar to black marble. The borders were decorated with gold and variety of other precious stones. The furniture seems to have been made of some precious white wood while the bed looked like the ones for those rich kings. The entire room screamed money.

("Once more… I am utterly shocked by how rich these guys are. Filthy rich is an understatement…")

"Please push the bell near the bed in case you need anything from me. I will be at your service at once." Tahara explained before walking out with a bow.


Azir walked inside the bathing room and as his little saiyan heart was jumping around in excitement. With a simple push of a button, boiling hot water poured out of the tab into the crystal white tub. Although the water was at boiling hot temperature, all he felt was a bit of 'warmth' even with no ki running through his system.

("Damn this is good life…") Azir closed his eyes as he relaxed into the tub.

("Man I should start my training soon... I need to ask my parents if they have anything special planned. Anyways… I had enough relaxing, time to get out.") Azir got out of the tub while wearing a silky blue bathrobe.

Suddenly the door to his room flung open and a young girl bolted into his room.

"Ah! SO CUTE!!!" She screamed while immediately lifting him up in the air. Azir was once again caught of guard by the sudden speed.

"Hello little bro~ I am your sister, Izora Heirach!" She cuddled him into her arms while borderline chocking him with her b.r.e.a.s.ts. She wore a loose black robe that complemented well to her azure blue eyes and long black hair. From what he could guess she looked around 18 to 20 years old.

"Sister?" He voiced out his surprise while trying his best to breathe.

"Yes! Well... More like an adopted sister. I am the daughter of one of your father's closest retainers. My parents passed away in a war leaving me alone, so Ragnar and Vexana then adopted me as their own." She replied placing him down.

"I see... Nice to meet you." He replied weakly while gasping for air.

"Come with me... You need to meet Mirabel and Selise. Let's go, let's go…" She pulled his arm excitedly as if wanting to show a new toy to her friends.

"Please wait a moment… I need to change into proper clothes." "Ah who the fu*k cares…!!!" She simply picked him up in the air and was about to bolt of from the room when the bathrobe finally came off. Azir felt incredibly embarrassed while Izora was laughing her ass off. She placed him down still laughing.

"Haha… go get dressed up, I will wait outside."

("Damn… that was embarrassing…")

Azir wore some soft black clothes and picked up his battle armor. He placed it in his chest and like some iron man suit, the armor immediately covered his entire body, protecting his vital organs.


Fully dressed, Azir stepped out of his room.

"Took you long enough… let's go." Izora picked him up and the started flying towards what looked like a massive courtyard. Two badly bruised girls were stareing at each other as they repeatedly clashed with a flurry of kicks and punches.

Azir and Izora landed a few feet away from the courtyard, waiting for them to finish.

"The one with the long black hair and the horizontal scar on her neck is Mirabel while the other one with silver hair is Selise." Izora informed.

Azir only gave a small nod as he only listened to their names. His full focus was on the fight. He was watching a live saiyan fight! Who gives a damn about anything else...

Mirabel jumped forward with an axe kick which Selise easily blocked. She replied back with a punch of her own throwing Mirabel off. Selise followed her and started pummeling her with a barrage of attacks.

Mirabel was coughing up blood but Selise did not let up. Azir on the side was getting a bit worried. Selise picked her up and threw her up in the air. Reading a small ki ball, she fired it at Mirabel. Azir was sure that there was no way this half conscious girl could dodge the ki ball so he was about to rush in when suddenly her eyes snapped open and with a ki ball of her own, she detonated it in mid-air. The explosion threw both Mirabel and Selise flying to the edge of the ring. Both of them were panting heavily when Mirabel got up from the ground.

Her ki started flaring around her as she raised her hand. Dense white ki coated her hand as if it was some sort of a ghostly demonic hand.

("A martial skill!!!") Azir gasped in his mind.

Mirabel instantly rushed up with her massive sharp claw tearing through the air around her. Selise on the other side had already stood up. Bringing her hands close to her chest she covered her whole body in ki. Like a defenseless doll Selise was thrown up in the air as the massive claw ripped clean through her skin. Even the clouds in the sky behind her parted apart from the wind released. Deep cuts appeared on her arms and torso as Selise stabilised herself in air. Her own ki also started flaring up as she concentrated her ki on all four of her limbs. Both of her arms and legs had a white ghostly silhouette covering them. Mirabel looked like she was at her wits end seeing the technique. It was then that the bloodbath started…

Selise dashed forward, bringing down the two demonic claws. A single kick followed of what was left of Mirabel, sending her straight into the wall. Mirabel was a bloody mess and her arms and legs had several deep cuts. She once again stood up by the sheer force of her will but Selise did not give her a moment to rest. With another kick to the temple, she was knocked unconscious.

("Holy damn!") Was all Azir could think when the battle ended. He was going to help her but halfway through he realised that both of them were leagues above him, if he walked in, he will without a doubt die…

The moment she fell unconscious, a strange tentacle appeared out of nowhere, grabbing onto the unconscious girl carefully before disappearing into the corridor.

("This brings some really bad thoughts in my head… hehe") "Will she be alright?" Azir looked at Izora for an answer.

"Huh…?! Don't worry, some minor beating like that is nowhere near enough to kill her... Wincy will fix her up in no time."

"Who is Wincy?"

"Oh you don't need to know right now~ I am sure you will get to know her very soon… It will be a great surprise... I am sure you will L-O-V-E it… hehe" Azir had a bad feeling seeing the expression on her face.


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