Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 18: , The wheelchair flies

When the shooting team came out of the police station, everyone was confused, like a group of lost lambs.

It was the first time in their career that the filming filmed themselves into the police station.

They dare not watch the Internet now.

In the live broadcast room, there were probably hundreds of thousands of viewers waiting for Zhang Wei to appear.

At this time, the audience might not be able to laugh at them.

In fact, netizens are discussing this matter insanely, and their deeds have been on the hot search list.

For this reason, the number of people in the live broadcast room has directly doubled.

After Zhang Sao's operation, the shooting team no longer dared to call in.

For a time they had to squat outside the door of Zhang Wei's house, hoping to see each other.

In fact, Nolan expected from the beginning that Zhang Wei would not easily agree to their shooting, but she never thought that the shooting team had even entered the game without even seeing anyone.

But the reason why she knew Zhang Wei would not agree to the shooting, but she had to let the crew come because she estimated that Zhang Wei’s troublesome personality, as long as the shooting had been entangled with him, in the end he was very likely to be a half-push. agreed.

Because refusing people is sometimes equally troublesome, with Zhang Wei's character, he will definitely not be able to bear this kind of trouble, so he agrees to the shooting team to shoot without disturbing his life.

More importantly, even if Zhang Wei does not appear, hundreds of thousands of people still hang up waiting in the live broadcast room, just to be able to see Zhang Wei's live broadcast for the first time.

It is because of this horrible popularity that the Soviet TV has agreed with Nuo Lan's proposal.

In this way, the shooting team stayed in front of Zhang Wei's house for three days. During these three days, they didn't hear any movement in Zhang Wei's house.

I didn’t even see anyone take delivery, so the crew couldn’t help but wanted to call the police to see if the other party had an accident.

Just when they could not hold on, finally, the door of Zhang Wei's house opened.

For a while, the audience in the live broadcast room came to life in an instant, and the barrage was frantically swiping.

"666, finally wait for Zhang Shen."

"Thank God, Zhang Shen is still alive."

"Zhang Shen, is it really okay for you to stay here?"

"I bet that Zhang Shen must have no girlfriend."

Looking at these barrage, the shooting team suddenly felt happy, this is exactly the effect they want. Zhang Wei's popularity was really scary.

At this moment, Zhang Wei's figure finally appeared in front of the camera, but everyone couldn't help but froze the next second.

Because Zhang Wei actually sat in a wheelchair

Seeing this scene suddenly exploded.

"What's happening here"

"How did Zhang Shen get in a wheelchair"

"The program team hurried to ask."

"Zhang Shen will not be disabled suddenly"

"No, how can Zhang Shen be so handsome?"

Seeing this, the shooting team hurried over.

"Student Zhang Wei, what's wrong with you?"

After looking at the photographer behind the staff, Zhang Wei didn't answer the question and asked, "What are you doing?"

Hearing Zhang Wei ask, the staff hurriedly said, “That’s it, we are the staff of the Jiangsu Satellite TV, and we want to invite you to participate in a live broadcast.”

However, without waiting for the other party to finish talking, Zhang Wei directly interrupted, "No time, don't want to, you go quickly."

Shooting team


A good wave of rejections

"Student Zhang, we won't disturb your normal life, we will shoot with you. You only need to do your own things normally, and we will not interfere with your privacy. We will only shoot in public."

Zhang Wei glanced at the other party, "It won't disturb my life, but you are blocking my signal now."

Did the staff block the signal that he was separated

The barrage was instantly amused by Zhang Wei.

"666, Zhang Shen really is Zhang Shen."

"Stopped the signal and laughed at me, almost 10,000 crit damage."

"Shen Zhang, do you dare to be cheaper"

However, the filming team said at this time that they would not be able to give up.

Zhang Weihe, these people seem a little annoying

"Do you want to play again?"

As soon as these words came out, the crew was speechless.

"So it was your police"

Zhang Weihe, seems to be missing.

At this moment, the barrage directly burst into laughter. For a moment, even Zhang Wei forgot to ask in a wheelchair.

"666, it really is the police of Zhang Shenbao."

"Are you trying to laugh and die if I inherit my flowers"

"Shen Zhang, do you dare to hide a little more."

"Zhang Shen, you are not artificial leather, but genuine leather"

Because of the leak, Zhang Wei was a little embarrassed and then rushed straight away. He immediately waved his hand and suddenly the wheelchair drove straight ahead.

The shooting team was amazed, hey, this wheelchair was driving automatically without human control.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also noticed.

"This wheelchair is a little different."

"Yes, I didn't see any driving device, and I walked automatically."

"Look, the wheelchair turns automatically."

Everyone suddenly found that Zhang Weiming had no action, and the wheelchair turned automatically.

This discovery instantly opened the eyes of the crew and the audience.

This wheelchair is not easy.

Immediately, the party hurried to catch up.

However, they found that Zhang Wei's wheelchair opened so fast that they couldn't keep up.

By the time they caught up, Zhang Wei had already taken the elevator down.

The filming team hurriedly called the staff below, and everything on the screen was instantly turned into a downstairs camera.

The staff downstairs was sitting in the car at this time, and just after receiving the news, Zhang Wei appeared in the camera.

Watching him come out in a wheelchair, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Just now Zhang Wei came to a stage, and everyone immediately wanted to help in the past, but then an incredible scene appeared.

Zhang Wei's wheelchair actually flew up

s sincerely apologize, actually wrote and fell asleep last night, woke up at five o'clock in the morning and hurriedly rushed to a chapter, nothing to say, continue to code, fight for early code later, good guys can give me another chance, cry

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