Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 22: , Is it good to live well?

"Little Fox"


Why does Zhang Wei always think you are proud of this name?

At this time, a stern face shyly came to Zhang Wei's ear, "I know why everyone praises me as a little fox"

Yang Wei, are you complimenting you?

"Because I am not only young and beautiful, but also very smart, the most important thing is that I am super sensible, especially in bed. Do you want to try it?"

Zhang Wei suddenly had a weird face. Isn't he alive to live, why not play with fire?

At this moment, the elevator just arrived.

In the last second, a shy rigorous face instantly became dignified.

Zhang Wei, are you changing your face?

The elevator opened, and Yang Chenxing, who was wearing a professional skirt, stood standing in front of the door and waited.

Seeing rigor, her eyes instantly became very sharp.

"Why did you send him up to Xiaomei?"

Yan Jin suddenly showed a harmless smile and said, "I don't know, I met this gentleman downstairs. I heard that he had an appointment with you, so I sent him up."

Yang Chenxing immediately looked at Yang Wei with doubt.

Seeing him in a wheelchair, he frowned suddenly. "What's wrong with this wheelchair? Are you injured in your legs and feet? Have you seen a doctor? It's not serious."

Listening to this series of questions, Zhang Wei stood up directly from the wheelchair.

"I'm fine, this is a means of transportation."

As he waved his hand, the wheelchair immediately stopped by the aisle.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chenxing and Yan Yan couldn't help but be shocked.

This wheelchair seems a bit powerful

But then they couldn't help being speechless, there were people who used wheelchairs as transportation

Zhang Wei ignored them and walked in. "Where is my office? I've been on the road for so long and I'm almost exhausted."

Yang Chenxing


If you remember correctly, you seem to be coming in a wheelchair, and you seem to have just left the wheelchair. I’m afraid it’s not even half a minute. So where did you come from and say you’re tired

But Yang Chenxing replied, "Your office is next to me."

"Secretary's Office" Zhang Wei looked at the secretary's office next to the CEO's office with a strange look.

"On the other side."

Zhang Wei suddenly looked to the other side, then he couldn't help but stunned, "CTO Office"

"Yes, you are the new chief technology officer of our company. Are you satisfied with this position?"

Yang Chenxing walked over to him and said.

Zhang Wei "reasonably, I think this position is not suitable for me at all."

"Why" Yang Chenxing asked suddenly.

"Because I'm just a newcomer in the workplace who doesn't understand anything, and this position is an important position related to the company's survival, how can I be qualified for such a significant position?"

Zhang Wei immediately explained to the Duke selflessly.

"You just want to be lazy"

"Huh, how do you know my true thoughts"

"Dead this heart, I have informed the company of your appointment. If you really feel that this position is responsible, then think more about it at work."

Zhang Wei, how do I feel like a cocoon?

At this moment, he rigorously stepped forward and said, "General Yang, since the people have already arrived, then I will go back first."

Yang Chenxing heard a dangerous warning and said, "You recently gave me a stop, don't give me any more moths."

Rigorously nodded cleverly, he turned around and said to Zhang Wei silently with his back to Yang Chenxing, "I'll wait for you at night."

Zhang Wei is here again, girl, you are the one who kills you

Just then, a sudden roar came from afar.

"What's this voice?" Yang Chenxing asked, wondering.

Rigorousness also looked out the window with doubt.

Only Zhang Wei looked strange.

"Is there a helipad in our company building?"

"Yes, yes, but never used, ah, you mean"

Yang Chenxing reacted suddenly.

Yang Wei smiled bitterly, "Let's go and see."

Immediately, he spearheaded toward the roof of the building.

Yang Chenxing hurriedly followed behind him.

Rigorously hesitated, and finally followed.

As the three kept approaching the rooftop, the roar began to become more apparent.

When Yang Weimeng pushed open the rooftop door, a huge sound suddenly came in with a gust of wind.

Yang Chenxing and Yan Jin were totally unable to take care of these at this time, and exclaimed, "How could there be a helicopter"

In China, helicopters are not common, especially when they suddenly stop in front of them.

Yang Wei was bitter at the moment.

In fact, this is not an ordinary helicopter, but the latest generation of armed helicopters developed by the Chinese military.

Just between Yang Chenxing and rigorous confusion, the helicopter's cabin door opened suddenly.

Immediately a very cool woman jumped off the plane first.

Seeing this woman, Yang Chenxing couldn't help but froze.

Rigorous is even more surprised to shut his mouth.

There are women in this world who are so pretty in military uniforms

As for Yang Wei, at this time, he can't just disappear in place.

At that moment the woman went straight to the three.

"Sister Chen Xing, long time no see."

The woman's voice was cold, but it was not annoying.

Yang Chenxing couldn't help but shouted excitedly, "Yingxue, you are Yingxue"

Seeing Zhang Yingxue, he nodded slowly.

Suddenly Yang Chenxing hugged each other with excitement.

Allowing the other party to hug himself for a while, Zhang Yingxue gently broke away from the other party's arms.

Then she slowly looked to the side of rigor, "This is Miss Strict."

In an instant, rigorously felt like he was being stared at by a prehistoric beast, and cold sweat emerged from his back.

For a long time, when rigorous and unable to go mad, Zhang Yingxue suddenly looked away and said lightly, "It's beautiful."

Rigorous and terrible woman

Until then, Zhang Wei was relieved.

That said, it’s not necessary to play with fire if you live well.

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