Shortly after the announcement of the truck’s intentional accident, another video was released.

   is the video of passengers deliberately damaging the unmanned car.

   saw two videos like this one after another, and there was a sudden outrage on the Internet.

   "So no one behind me makes me believe it."

   "emmm, it feels like a black hand behind the scenes~ It's so obvious."

   "Strict investigations must be severely punished. Such a heart-wrenching madness will not be strictly investigated-enough for civilians to be angry."

   "This already constitutes murder?"

   "Shocked, business competition has no lower limit, and even ignores human life. Who can believe this kind of enterprise?"

  Shortly after the two videos were announced, Yanjing Police issued an emergency announcement.

"In response to the successive attacks and destruction of Xinghai Technology’s unmanned cars, the police has officially filed and the relevant personnel have been controlled. Regarding the follow-up investigation, the police will inform the society as soon as possible. The police must give Xinghai Technology to the public a satisfactory Explain."

  Looking at this announcement, Yang Chenxing was worried and asked, "Isn't it not so good? The police must hate us now."

   At this time she had returned to the Longhu Villa from the police station.

   For her concerns, Zhang Wei said lightly: "I just want to let them know that we are very dissatisfied now."

   "emmm?" Yang Chenxing couldn't help but look puzzled.

"We did the unmanned car project to help the country solve problems. Now the country does not give us preferential treatment, and vicious incidents against us have happened one after another. If we haven't got a temper, it will be too good to bully. If so, it will not be in the future. Anyone can bully us."

  Yang Chenxing couldn't help but stay stunned. She really didn't expect that Zhang Wei's move had such a meaning.

   looked rigorously at him aside.

   "Then what should we do next?" Yang Chen asked immediately.

   "Suspend operation of unmanned vehicles."

"Pause? But now unmanned cars are hot. There are news everywhere on the Internet. After this incident, many people are more confident in our cars. Shouldn't we expand the scale at this time? "

   Yang Chenxing asked again.

   Zhang Wei waved his hand, "No, now we have to make a gesture. If the country can't give us a satisfactory answer, we will go off the project."


   Hearing this, Yang Chenxing couldn't help but froze for a while.

  Zhang Wei said calmly: "There is nothing surprising. If we don't let those who plot badly this time completely appear and pay a heavy price, then we will have no peace in the future."

   "If that's the case, even if our technology is advanced, it can't be foolproof. And in this case, behind-the-scenes hands are likely to jump off the wall, so our losses will only be greater."

  After listening to Zhang Wei say this, Yang Chenxing could not help but realize that this is indeed the truth. At this time, the murderer behind the scenes is indeed very easy to jump the wall.

   At this time, they could not help but admire Zhang Wei's five bodies. Although Zhang Wei was lazy, he had already planned everything in his heart.

  Zhang Wei: "No, no, it's very tiring to keep working."

   System: "What about your face? Are these what you think of? These are obviously derived from Xiaoba by big data and psychology?"

   System: "What about your face? Are these what you think of? These are obviously derived from Xiaoba by big data and psychology?"

  Zhang Wei: "You are everywhere."

  Immediately, Yang Chenxing issued an emergency notice: "Before the truck is deliberately involved in the accident, in order to ensure the safety of passengers, our company will suspend the unmanned car business."

   As soon as this announcement came out, the website of Yanjing Police was immediately squeezed by netizens.

   "Law-abiding companies were forced to close down, so I wanted to ask, what the police are doing?"

   "Aren't you ashamed to see a conscience company forced to suspend business like this?"

   "Don't let the kindhearted feel cold!"

   Faced with the pressure of public opinion, Yanjing police couldn't help but feel the pressure.

··0 seeking flowers············

   is in fact not only the attention of netizens. At this time, high-level officials also attach great importance to this matter.

The original unmanned car project has unlimited scenery, so that China has a face all over the world. As a result, it has only been a few days. Such a high-tech project has been forced to suspend business. This is just playing China. face.

  This makes the top management not angry.

   For a time, the central government directly issued a death order.

   "At all costs, get the hands behind the scenes in the shortest time."

   Suddenly the public security, the national security dispatched together.

   Faced with such a huge battle, the organization that planned this series of things suddenly had nothing to do. In less than 48 hours, they had been caught and fled.


   Even after some surprise interrogation, the Uber CEO soon surfaced.

  When it was discovered that the matter involved a senior executive of an international enterprise, the investigator couldn't help but ask for instructions.

   In this regard, the No. 1 chief had almost no hesitation and directly said: "Immediately issue a summons to the other party and immediately investigate and deal with the other party's business in China."

  Yanjing police immediately issued a notice.

   "With regard to the case of Xinghai Technology's unmanned car being deliberately destroyed, it was confirmed by police that Liu Qiang, the CEO of Uber Group, was instructed behind the scenes."

   With the release of this announcement, Hua Guo was suddenly in an uproar.

   And within the Uber Group, Liu Qiang suddenly looked ashamed.

   In fact, he still had a slight fluke before. When the announcement came out, he was completely desperate.

  On the same day, the police went directly to the door to catch people. Liu Qiang finally jumped upstairs before the police arrived.

   With his suicide and guilt, the case that the unmanned vehicle was deliberately destroyed was completely over.

  Shortly after the police announced the news, Xinghai Technology announced that the unmanned vehicle business will be promoted simultaneously across the country.

   At this point, the unmanned automobile business is no longer hindered! .

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