Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 211: , Accidentally completed more

   For a long time, when the outside world mentioned the Institute of Astronautics, they couldn't help but complain about the inhumane overtime habit.

  Here, almost every expert regards the explosive liver as a glory.

  If you do not work more than 40 hours a week, you are embarrassed to say hello.

   It can be said that when it comes to overtime, the experts of the Academy of Aerospace have never been afraid.

   But recently, experts from the Institute of Aerospace Research couldn't help but doubt a little bit about life.

  Because they actually met a person who was more explosive than them.

  If their explosive liver is called inhumane, then this explosive liver is simply not human.

   Have you seen people who have been sleeping for four days and four nights, do not sleep, eat or drink, or even blink their eyes?

   They would never believe such a thing before it was released, but now they have witnessed such a thing happen.

  This makes the experts who always think of themselves as the king of the liver feel so sorry.

   In fact, just when Zhang Wei was sleepless for two consecutive days12, Qian Guorong called Zhang Yingxue very nervously.

   heard the news, Zhang Yingxue suddenly ignored the self-directed drama, and hurried to Zhang Wei's temporary laboratory.

  However, Zhang Wei has completely entered the state of ecstasy at this time, and he cannot stop at all.

  Zhang Yingxue could only work **** the side, and finally she couldn't help but swear in her heart that Zhang Wei would never let her help her again.

  Although I don’t want Zhang Weicheng to look like a salted fish, it is also stronger than this.

   Fortunately, after Zhang Wei exploded his liver for four days and four nights, he finally stopped.

   "Xiao Ba, what date is it now? Is it time to pay the plan?" Zhang Wei suddenly turned around and asked.

   "There are two hours before the payment plan." Xiaoba said suddenly.

   Zhang Wei nodded immediately, "Then I will take a bath, you will sort them out, and give them specific explanations after I take a bath."

At this time, Zhang Yingxue rushed in. She originally stayed in the laboratory, but soon she found that she could not help here, but also affected Zhang Wei's work, so she consciously went outside. .

   "Brother, you can stop. What are you doing so hard? What does it matter if you work early or late?"

   Everyone: "Is it really appropriate to say this?"

   Zhang Wei smiled suddenly: "It's okay, in fact, this degree is nothing."

   In fact, compared with the degree of liver explosion when he first got the system, this is just pediatrics.

   However, Zhang Yingxue was distressed. "You must be exhausted. Let's go back to rest and work and rest after work. No, we don't do it. The rest are done for others."

  Zhang Wei looked at her with a fearful look and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Aren't you going to take a good rest? Why not obedient?"

   Zhang Yingxue wanted to say that he was actually not sick, but he didn't say it in the end.

   Zhang Yingxue wanted to say that he was actually not sick, but he didn't say it in the end.

  At this moment she really had no courage to admit that she had deceived the other party.

   "I'm okay, you are tired, and you haven't eaten these days, I'm worried about dying."

   Zhang Wei suddenly laughed and said: "Who said I did not eat, I always have to eat."

   "How could I never see you eat."

   Zhang Wei suddenly smiled again; "In fact, eating is just to supplement the necessary nutrients of the body. I have developed a pill that can maintain the body's energy needs for 24 hours with just one tablet."

  Zhang Yingxue····· "How do you study these weird things? Then you go back and make up for it."

   Zhang Wei suddenly laughed again: "People sleep to repair body functions, but my body functions have always been maintained in the most vigorous state, which needs rest."

   Zhang Yingxue couldn't help blinking, "Why do you usually lie so long every day?"

  Zhang Wei·····You're just turning around and I was caught off guard.

   "That's all for storing energy now." After thinking for a moment, Zhang Wei finally compiled a reason.

   It's just that Zhang Yingxue's white eyes almost didn't turn into the sky. Do you think you are a bear? Can you store fat for winter?

  Zhang Wei couldn't help but also embarrassed.

   This reason is indeed lame.

   "You don’t have to worry, I’m going to take a bath now, and I can give them a plan when I come back."

   "Then you go quickly, wait, you said to give them a plan?" Zhang Yingxue suddenly stopped.

   "Yes!" Zhang Wei said of course.

   Of course you're a ghost. You've made all the things that the entire aerospace research institute hasn't researched for years in four days and four nights? Are you still human?

   looked at Zhang Wei, Zhang Yingxue didn't know what to say for a while.

  Zhang Wei smiled when she saw her picture, and then hurried back.

  When he left, a group of experts suddenly poured in.

   "How does his cool holographic projection work?"

   Another person couldn't help but ask: "Team leader, how is your brother doing? Can you complete the task on time?"

   Zhang Yingxue suddenly looked at him blankly and said: "It has been completed, he not only completed the task, but also accidentally completed a little more."

   "Did you accidentally finish a little bit more?" Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

   How careless is this in order to finish a little more work by accident? .

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