Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 213: , All present is garbage

  In the large conference room of the Institute of Astronautics, the needle drop can be heard at this moment.

  Everyone looked at Zhang Wei blankly, including Qian Guorong who knew him a bit dull.

  Zhang Wei is actually a national level?

   This is completely unexpected to everyone, even Zhang Yingxue didn't even know it. In fact, Zhang Wei didn't know that he had such a high level.

   After a moment of stun, Zhang Wei shrugged indifferently. What level did not make any sense to him. In fact, if it was not for Zhang Yingxue, he would not appear here at all and would not help.

   At this time he broke the silence with a light face: "Is the 1700 degree high?"

   Everyone couldn't help looking at him.

   "Don't I sell you the room temperature superconductor material method before?"

   After hearing the words, everyone stayed for a while, and then they all looked at the person in charge of the material group.

   The person in charge of the material is also surprised, "Superconducting materials are only effective for magnetic fields and electromagnetic effects. This high temperature, superconducting technology is not targeted?"

  Zhang Wei couldn't help but blinked 587 at the moment, "This is your understanding of room temperature superconducting materials?"

   The other person's face suddenly looked otherwise.

  Zhang Wei looked at other people immediately, and suddenly found that almost all of the people present had such expressions on their faces.

  At this moment he couldn't help but sigh.

   "Do you know the original intention of the development of superconducting materials at room temperature?"

   "Isn't it for the maglev train?"

   asked the head of the materials team in a low voice, the others nodded together.

   Zhang Wei was finally really helpless.

   "Maglev train is indeed an important reason for the advancement of superconducting materials. What really makes room temperature superconducting useful is the stellar simulator."

   "Star simulator?" Everyone present at the moment couldn't help but then an expert murmured: "The difficulty is that helix stone 7-x plasma discharge tester jointly developed by Europe and America?"

   Zhang Wei blinked suddenly, "Well, haven't we participated in the study of the stellarator project (bcbc)?"

   All of them suddenly shook their heads together.

   This ultimate project involving nuclear fusion, how can foreign countries play with China? For China, Europe and the United States have always imposed a technical blockade, otherwise China will not be trapped by space engines for so many years.

   Hearing this, Zhang Wei couldn't help but understand.

"Originally, it is no wonder that your thinking is so stiff. In fact, the principle of the stellar simulator is to use the twisted magnetic field to restrict the trajectory of the current, so that the stellarator can withstand the super discharge of the plasma. Of course, it is also nuclear fusion. The super high temperature. This temperature can even reach hundreds of millions of degrees."

  At this moment, everyone in the meeting room couldn't help but open his mouth. This sounds very high-end.

  At this moment, everyone in the meeting room couldn't help but open his mouth. This sounds very high-end.

"In order to achieve such a goal, at the beginning of the design of the stellar simulator, we considered how to more effectively confine the high temperature of the plasma. Eventually, the world’s scientists turned their attention to the superconductor material at room temperature. Because this material has a natural isolation effect from the magnetic field, And this effect can be regarded as a natural temperature isolator."

  Everyone······Why do you understand every word you say, but when we are connected together, we don't understand it at all?

   "In short, superconducting materials at room temperature have a superb effect to isolate the temperature."

  Looking at everyone's reaction, Zhang Wei suddenly gave up the redundant explanation, but directly said the conclusion.

   Li Rui, who was in charge of the engine part at this time, spoke suddenly.

   "If all you say is true, then our engine can increase the power by 40%."

   Seeing that the limelight was all snatched by Zhang Wei, Li Rui suddenly jumped out and showed a sense of existence.

   However, the next second, Zhang Wei suddenly looked at him like a fool, "Is it 40% more power?"

   Li Rui immediately said proudly: "Yes, although amazing, but we did."

  Zhang Wei: "This is really amazing. I have been busy with my feelings for a long time before you have improved the effectiveness by 40%? Are you funny?"

   Hearing this, Li Rui suddenly seemed to be strangled by his neck, unable to say anything for a while.

   For a while, he said badly: "You don't have to talk about it here. You have the ability to design a more efficient solution."

  Zhang Weiwen nodded suddenly, "You don't have to say, when I designed the turbofan blade, I really designed one."

  Everyone······Shente is so easy!

   said that he waved his hand suddenly, and Xiaoba immediately walked in with a group of robots, and soon put together a 3D holographic projection device in the middle of the conference room.

   Zhang Wei immediately waved his hand, and at the next moment, a complete projection of an airplane appeared in front of everyone.

   "Okay, because I'm in a hurry, I won't listen to you talking nonsense here. Let me talk about my design first. After I finish talking, you can continue to talk."

  Everyone... Are you so afraid of being beaten?

  However, Zhang Wei didn't care. Seriously, the knowledge of everyone present at this time was really not worth mentioning in his eyes.

   One classic line is: I am not targeting anyone, I mean, all the garbage present.

"First of all, let’s talk about the engine part first. Everyone must be very clear about the principle of the motor, but there are still a lot of waste in the operation of this traditional mode of motor. Among the motors I design, the most important One concept is to go to gears and conveyor belts, because these are all processes that waste energy."

  Everyone······ Although not very understandable, but always feel very powerful.

   Li Rui was even more red and white at this time.

  Although he wanted to stab, but at this moment he found that he could even understand the design of the other party, let alone stab. .

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