Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 253: , For him, we do everything

   Looking at Qiu Chengtong's speechless expression, Su Yue suddenly knew that the other party had misunderstood.

   For a time he didn't know what to say, was he so untrustworthy?

   "What I just reported is indeed not the email of Advisor Zhang, but the email of his sister Academician Zhang."

   "Ah?" Qiu Chengtong couldn't help but hear the words.

   "The reason for reporting to Academician Zhang's mailbox is that Professor Zhang himself does not have a mailbox."

   Qiu Chengtong: "?????"

real or fake? There are people who do not have mailboxes this year?

   "The second reason is that he doesn't read it even if he has a mailbox. After all, he is a troublesome person even with the Internet."

  Qiu Chengtong: "How lazy is this?"

   After listening to Su Yue's explanation, the atmosphere was a little embarrassing.

   Fortunately, the car happened to arrive at Mizuki University, and Qiu Chengtong hurriedly said, "Thank you Secretary-General Su this time."

   Su Yue nodded blankly, then left.

  Qiu Chengtong came to Huang Zhen's office again, and suddenly found that Wang Lao was also there. When he saw a look of loss in his face, the two couldn't help but ask, "Did you fail?"

  Qiu Chengtong suddenly smiled bitterly, "No, the invitation was successful."

   Huang Zhen and Wang Lao can't help but look at each other: This expression doesn't look like a successful one at all.

   Suddenly Huang Zhen said, "Is that what happened?"

  Qiu Chengtong: You may not be able to say that. I just accidentally heard a bunch of secrets and may be killed at any time.

  However, he can only think about it and dare not say anything.

   "It's okay, but I'm a little bit tired."

  Huang Zhen······

  Lao Wang······

   "Needless to say, we all understand."

  Qiu Chengtong: "Why not? I didn't say anything, what the **** do you understand?"

   "Hey, reasonably, everyone who sees Professor Zhang is in the same mood as you?"

  Qiu Chengtong: "Does everyone who sees him hear the secret?"

   This time, Qiu Chengtong couldn't help but blurt out.

   Huang Zhen and Wang Lao could not help but looked at each other, then nodded lightly: "His existence is a secret in itself."

   Indeed, Zhang Wei's body is really shrouded in too many secrets. It can be said that his every move has always affected the hearts of the top management.

  At this time, in the office of the No. 1 directorate, a group of senior executives were intensively discussing.

   "No, I disagree. Advisor Zhang is such an important person, not suitable for taking risks abroad. At home, we can implement all-round, secret protection without dead ends. In foreign countries, we simply can't ensure his absolute safety."

   "Yes, in case the other party uses any absurd excuse to forcibly detain Professor Zhang, what should we do? Let's go to war?"

   At the high-level meeting, the two big brothers strongly opposed it as soon as they came up.

   No. 1 chief did not speak, and turned to look at another big brother.

The big brother pondered for a moment and said solemnly: "It is indeed inappropriate. Once adviser Zhang is concerned with the national games, he should not take risks. Secondly, his speech to the United States is completely meaningless, reasonable. In terms of standards, even in China, there will be countless people watching live broadcasts and watching videos, and the effect is basically the same."

   After the big man finished, the others could not help nodding together.

   After the big man finished, the others could not help nodding together.

   No. 1 chief also nodded his approval.

   "Indeed, it is very variable to have Advisor Zhang speak abroad, and it really does not have much practical significance."

   Hearing this, several other big guys couldn't help frowning at the same time, and sometimes they didn't understand what medicine he sold in the gourd.

   "However, due to the importance he displayed, governments around the world will soon pay close attention to him. It is conceivable that by that time, I don't know how many spies, spies, and counter-insurgents will surge like waves."

   "Can we defend? I believe we can, because we will protect him at all costs."

   Nods that other big brothers couldn't help but approve, indeed, the value that Zhang Wei showed was worthy of the protection of China at all costs.

   "But one thing we have to admit is that that will cause us endless trouble..."

   The other big guys couldn't help but nod again.

   "So this time I agree with Advisor Zhang to give a speech abroad. The first reason is that Advisor Zhang himself has this will, and we can't forcefully change his mind."

   twitched his mouth on this big guy, and finally failed to say something. Although he was very unwilling to accept it, it was indeed true.

   "Secondly, I would like to take this opportunity to show the world that we attach great importance to Consultant Zhang, and have made every effort to resolve it."

   "But this is too risky."

   "Yes, when Advisor Zhang is in the enemy's country, we will not be able to display it by throwing a mouse."

   "On this point, I already have a complete plan."

   said, the staff hurriedly distributed a stack of materials to everyone.

   A group of big brothers began to look at it immediately.

   For a long time, a big guy took the lead to raise his head, and then looked at the No. 1 chief with a shocked expression.

   "Is this really the case?"

   No. 1 head nodded very seriously, "In order to show our determination and strength to the world, I think it is necessary."

   For a time, all the big brothers could not help falling silent at the same time.

   For a long time a big man said, "Even so, I still feel a little risky."

   "In fact, I dare to do this, in fact, there is another reason."

 0.0  No.1 Chief said at this time Shen Sheng.

"what reason?"

   "That's why I believe Advisor Zhang can't fail to put himself in danger."

   But the big brothers were a little unbelieving.

   No.1 head immediately waved again, and suddenly another material was sent.

   "After reading this, you know why I said that."

   The big crowd couldn't help but looked at the files suspiciously.

   For a moment, all the big men raised their heads in an instant, and all looked at the No. 1 head in shock.

   "Is this true?"

   No. 1 head nodded solemnly.

  At this moment, there was silence in the office of the No. 1 chief. .

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