Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 256: Miscalculation

  Controlled nuclear fusion is a sensitive topic?

   For this problem, it can be understood just by thinking about the experience of the Persian country.

  Because they wanted to develop nuclear weapons, they became the public enemy of almost all countries in the world.

   And the degree of terror of nuclear fusion is unknown how many times stronger than the current nuclear weapons.

   In the face of such a minute that may trigger a world war, can Mizuki University not be nervous?

  However, when the course really started, they were slightly relieved.

   Zhang Wei did not directly talk about the content of nuclear fusion, but talked about the rules of plasma movement.

   The reason why Zhang Wei put this subject after the NS equation proof is because it involves a lot of knowledge in the NS equation solving process.

   As for the relationship between the turbulence of plasma motion rules and nuclear fusion, the most important thing is at the controllable level. Since nuclear fusion is also a kind of plasma motion, understanding the rules of plasma turbulence has a very important role in mastering nuclear fusion.

  However, this effect cannot be directly applied to nuclear fusion. There is still a long way to go to achieve nuclear fusion.

   But even so, Zhang Wei's lecture is of great significance!

   In fact, before today, the research of nuclear fusion has been stuck in a bottleneck period for many years. As for the problem of plasma turbulence, the entire scientific community does not feel that there are rules.

   It can be said that Zhang Wei's lecture is like a lighthouse in the mist, providing directions and guiding goals for the entire nuclear physics community.

   And compared to the explanation of the turbulence problem, in fact, Zhang Wei's explanation of many related knowledge points is more significant.

   If Zhang Wei had a completely new analysis of mathematics when he explained the NS equation, then when he explained the turbulence problem, he had a comprehensive deconstruction and reorganization of quantum physics, nuclear physics, and even popular physics.

  Through his in-depth explanation, the once complicated and profound physics knowledge suddenly became clear and simple.

   The truth that once seemed to be in the mist, suddenly revealed his body completely.

The king of the audience clenched his fists in excitement, shouting in his heart: "This is the kind of feeling, this kind of feeling, when he and I discussed astrophysics, it was this kind of feeling, just like letting me re-understand Physically the same."

   As for other people, this time, in addition to obsession, is worship.

   Even those art students who have little knowledge of physics are also drunk at this time.

   Even those art students who have little knowledge of physics are also drunk at this time.

   It's just that they didn't know that Zhang Wei's heart was actually broken at the moment.

   "Damn, system, what special effects did you apply to me? Didn't you let me apply special effects less? Now what is going on with these obsessive expressions on these people?"

   The system started to pretend to die. It really didn't have the courage to tell Zhang Wei that it had just accidentally applied a special effect to Zhang Wei.

  If Zhang Wei knew this, it estimated that his host might run away.

  Mommy, what do you mean by full special effects? What are you crazy about?

···Seeking flowers····

  It's just that even if it pretends to be silent, Zhang Wei's heart is still bad for a while. Just the expressions of the people under the stands, he feels that things are going to be bad.

"Paralysis, won't there be a few Nobel Prizes in physics this time? If so, I wonder if I will be caught and sliced ​​for research. Is this Nima too weird? Even I accept it myself No!"

   System: "Is it too powerful to blame me?"

   It's just these words. At this moment, it only dare to think about it! Zhang Wei is now clearly on the verge of running wild, and it is better not to provoke the other party.


In such a complicated mood, Zhang Wei finally finished the class. At the end of the course, he looked around the week and said: "I will go to Harvard to give a speech next week, so the last few classes have stopped, when will I reopen Please start to wait for the announcement."

   Hearing this, Zhang Yingxue couldn't help but looked at Chen Sisi. At this time, they could not help raising a feeling. The reason why Zhang Wei agreed to go to Harvard to lecture was to stop the class?

  Not only them, but the king of the audience looked at Huang Zhen at this time.

"I actually forgot this. Professor Zhang went to Harvard to give a lecture, so I can't take classes in China? And considering the time difference and other issues, the delayed courses may be more than a week. This wave is almost blood loss." Huang Zhen this Shi couldn't help shouting.

   For a time, Qiu Chengtong's eyes turned to one side became very strange.

  Qiu Chengtong·····What do you mean by looking at me like this? I didn’t expect so much at all? .

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