Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 322: ,make trouble

  Huaguo, Xinghai Technology, Yang Chenxing and rigorous sat in the office.

   "When do you say the boss will come back?" Yan Yan asked, lying on the table cutely.

  Yang Chenxing, while signing various documents, replied: "Why? When the boss is away for a few days, you think of Chunchun?"

   rigorously said in disapproval: "I don't know who is checking the phone dozens of times a day."

   "I'm afraid that the boss has the latest instructions." Yang Chenxing hurriedly retorted, but for some reason, she didn't believe her powerless words.

   "Okay, you don't want a boss, just think about it?"

   Yang Chenxing suddenly stopped talking.

  After a short silence, Yang Chenxing said again, "I found that there seem to be many strangers looking for me to cooperate recently."

   "Do strangers find us to cooperate?" Yan Jin asked strangely.

   "Yes, they are companies that have never heard of it, but the conditions they have developed are very generous."

   "Is there any problem?"

   "I don't have any questions, but I think something is wrong."

   "Then ignore them, anyway, we do not lack company cooperation."

   "The words are right, but I can't help but worry." Yang Chenxing frowned slightly.

   "Relax, you don't want to think about who our boss is, which country in China will open our eyes and will run away to find us uncomfortable??" Yan Jin immediately relieved her.

   Yang Chenxing could not help but sigh, "If the boss is in China at this time, I don't have to worry about these things."

  Strictly speaking, he couldn't help laughing: "Why, who's joking I was just now, how could someone even whisper about the boss himself."

   "Am I the same as you? I am doing business."

   "Well, you are doing business. We, President Yang, are dedicated to the public, and the grandfather is selfless. There is no love for my children. Okay."

  Yang Chenxing suddenly rolled her eyes and ignored her, this little goblin is now more and more unscrupulous.

  Looked that she was not speaking anymore, her rigorous eyes turned and teased her again, "Will you say the boss will bring us gifts?"

   "Gift? It should be possible, even if the boss doesn't think about it, Yingxue should remind him."

   "So what gift do you say the boss will bring us?" Yan Yan asked suddenly.

   "So what gift do you say the boss will bring us?" Yan Yan asked suddenly.

   "This will probably be some jewelry."

   "Why is it jewelry?" Yan Jin asked immediately.

"It's very simple, you think, in our identity, the boss will definitely not bring any souvenirs, the husband of crafts is even more unlikely to look at it, other rice-owned ones, most of them can be bought in China. That’s jewelry, each of these stores is different, and importantly, it’s expensive, and no one will hate it."

   "It seems very reasonable to say this, but speaking of it, if it is jewelry, I really will not be disappointed."

   "Do you want to be so tacky? Isn't it enough to feel like a gift?"

   "Is there any size in my mind." Yan Yan said without shame.

   "Actually speaking, the boss usually stays at home and does nothing at home, but even so, it makes people feel at ease. I feel confident no matter what I do."

   "But since the boss went abroad, I haven't been so confident in doing things."

   "¨" This is true. It wasn't that this time when the boss went abroad, I couldn't feel it. It turns out that the boss is so important. "

   In fact, the two of them were deeply touched during Zhang Wei's absence. The difference between Zhang Wei's presence and absence was really great.

  Although Zhang Wei is actually nothing to ask about the company, this feeling is so strong.

   "Ah, the more I say, the more I miss the boss." Strictly lying on the table, I couldn't help shouting.

   At this moment, an employee hurriedly pushed open the office door and broke in.

   "Mr. Yang, Mr. Yan, please go to the lobby to see if someone makes trouble."

   "Someone is making trouble?" Yang Chenxing hurriedly stood up.

 (钱钱赵)  "What the **** is going on?"

   "Someone suddenly ran into the company and started making a lot of noise. Then, before waiting for us to call the police, several policemen came. Those policemen listened to the other party's remarks and had to investigate us."

   "Survey us? Do they have a search warrant?"

   The employees shook their heads for a while, "No, they have to search our company directly after showing all the documents."

   "Search us without a search warrant? Where are they?"

  Finally, Yang Chenxing stood up and immediately went out. She wanted to see who was so bold. Dare to be wild in Xinghai Technology Company. .

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