Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 343: ,underestimate

   was originally not very concerned about the club in Stockholm, but when they saw the members of the club, they couldn't help but be lost.

   "Why do so many famous scholars join this club?"

  The King of Stockholm couldn't help but growl.

  However, the Minister of the Cabinet was also dumbfounded at this issue, and he couldn't quite figure out why there were so many people joining this club.

   originally thought that the reason why those scholars would boycott the Nobel Prize was entirely because of Zhang Wei's allegations of racial discrimination.

  However, it seems that things are not so simple.

   "It's hard to say "One Sixty" because they didn't see our announcement?"

   "Why didn't you see it? Our announcements have been sent for more than an hour."

  Just between them, a minister could not help shouting again: "There are more club members."

  The old king's heart attack was almost a crime.

"What exactly is going on?"

  The increase in the number is too disheartening.

   They naturally wouldn't know, in fact, this club was simply created by Zhang Wei's fans.

  At this time, a group of members are discussing in the American Book Club Building.

   "Isn't this too slow? Isn't it better to register directly with us?"

   "No no no, such a one-by-one increase effect is better, the most important thing is that such a small increase will make people feel that we are all spontaneous, without any organization, so as to drive others more."

   In fact, it is exactly the same. As the members of the reading club have joined one after another, many non-reading club members have also been affected and chose to join.

   And this approach does give people the feeling that all people are spontaneous, and for a time, public opinion can't help but slowly shift to Zhang Wei.

  At this time, everyone on the Western Internet slowly began to change their views.

   "Is this really nothing to do with freedom of speech?"

   asked a netizen online.

   "It really doesn't matter, and free speech can't carry racial discrimination."

   "I believe that professors are by no means government spokespersons."

   "Yes, anyone who has heard the professor's lecture should know how broad Zhang Shen's mind is."

   "Yes, anyone who has heard the professor's lecture should know how broad Zhang Shen's mind is."

   "The accusations in Stockholm are nothing."

  As more and more scholars join the clubs that boycott the Nobel Prize, the voice of the people who support Zhang Wei is getting higher and higher.

  For a while, the situation became more and more unfavorable for Stockholm.

  Just as Stockholm fell into infinite passiveness, Zhang Wei's Weibo was updated again.

   "In order to enthusiasm for more scientific workers to participate in scientific research, Xinghai Technology will donate 300 million US dollars a year to reward scientific researchers who make outstanding contributions and make unremitting efforts in scientific research."

   "The specific rewards will be divided into two parts."

   "100 million US dollars is used to reward outstanding contributors in scientific research, 100 million US dollars is used to improve the living conditions of the underlying scientific research workers, and 100 million US dollars is used to fund experimental projects without funds."

   As the news broke out, the whole world was boiling in an instant, and media from all over the world were competing to report it. Everyone warmly discussed Zhang Wei's latest decision.

   And in the Longhu villa, sternly looked at Zhang Wei with a sad face.

   "Boss, you just donated all the country's tax-exempt taxes before. Now you donate so much money to give people awards, don't you bring you such a ruin?"

Zhang Wei Wen Yan couldn't help but glance at the few people present, only to see a few people at the moment looked suspicious, Zhang Wei smiled and explained: "I got this award to completely combat the status of the Nobel Prize... ..."

   "The second reason is that it is convenient for us to launch a knowledge payment project. With this donation, the outside world's acceptance of our knowledge payment will definitely increase a lot."

Everyone can't help but hear his eyes. Indeed, because of Zhang Wei's annual donation of 300 million US dollars, he now enjoys a high reputation in the world. At this time, he will launch knowledge payment, which will not only open the market more easily, At the same time, it will not be questioned into money.

   can be described as two birds with one stone, two birds with one stone.

   figured this out, rigorously can not help but said with emotion: "Boss, you are really bad!"

  Zhang Wei·····Why do you always feel ambiguous?

  Compared with the laughter and laughter in the villa of Dragon Lake, Stockholm is so sad and miserable at this time, everyone is blank.

   One day ago, they were the organizers of the infinite Nobel Prize. How long has passed since they were abandoned by the world as 5.9.

   Just now, the winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry also announced the rejection of this year's Nobel Prize.

To add insult to injury, more and more well-known scholars announced that they have joined the Nobel Prize Club.

   "Why is this? Why is this happening?" The King of Stockholm was going crazy.

   The fact that this is the case is entirely because they misunderstood the situation and seriously underestimated Zhang Wei’s influence in academia.

  One lecture can attract the monsters of half of the world's well-known scholars, and its influence in the academic world is simply unimaginable. .

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