Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 440: , Magical bath

   Soon, Xiaoba prepared warm water, and Zhang Wei was not a nonsense. He took the clothes out and went to the room.

   Although Zhang Wei's private yacht is not small, it is not luxurious enough to have a bath.

   In fact, Xiaoba made a special bath by using a gravity changer, that is, an air bed.

   The truth is very simple. When the gravity regulator is turned on, the gravity of the entire room will change, and people can be suspended in the air, not to mention water.

   Therefore, Xiaoba used the gravity regulator to create a large bathtub directly in the room.

   At this time, most of the room was filled with hot water. Under the restraint of the gravity regulator, the water did not flow out, but it was suspended in the air magically.

  When Zhang Wei opened the door of the room, he immediately saw that the water was inside the door, but he did not pour out.

   And he reached out to touch the hot water. 26

   For Xiao Ba's wit, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel satisfied, immediately nodded at it, and immediately plunged into the water wearing swimming trunks.

   enters the water, he does not need to swim in the water like that, but just like on the land, he steps on the water and steps out of the water.

  Feeling the kind of comfort brought by the water temperature, Zhang Wei's irritability and abnormal emotions calmed down a little.

  Aware of this subtle change, Zhang Wei's eyes suddenly lighted up, and then he closed his eyes and lay quietly in the suspended bath.

  When he tried to calm down his emotions, he tried to see if he could use this to sleep.

  A figure appeared outside the door.

Seeing the arrival of Xiaoba, the person immediately greeted: "Teacher, the host is already taking a bath, it seems that the effect is not bad. According to my monitoring, the host's brain activity is slowly decreasing, but I don't know if it can really help the host to sleep. ."

   After listening to Xiaoba's words, Chen Sisi couldn't help biting her lower lip, and then raised her head a moment later, "I'll go in to help too."

  Xiao Ba couldn't help but blinked, "How can I help?"

   Chen Sisi pursed her lips and said: "Since hot bathing is useful, then I will give him a head massage while taking a bath, the effect will definitely be better."

  Xiao Ba couldn't help but blinked again, is there such a saying?

   But noticed Chen Sisi's expression, smart did not stop.

  Looking at Chen Sisi's appearance, he obviously wants to make up for his mistakes. If it stops, it would be too sensible.

  Chen Sisi saw that it had no objection, immediately took off the bathrobe outside, and then revealed the swimsuit she was wearing inside.

   At this moment she gritted her teeth and got into the bath.

  It wasn't until he got into the bath that Chen Sisi reflected how incredible this bath was in front of him.

   At this time she found that she didn't need much effort to shuttle in this temporary bath.

   At this time she found that she didn't need much effort to shuttle in this temporary bath.

  When it came to the surface, it was found that it could be suspended on the water without doing anything.

   And then Zhang Wei finally noticed the movement, and suddenly looked over.

   "Teacher, why are you here?"

   Seeing Chen Sisi's first glance, Zhang Wei couldn't help but asked in surprise.

   Then his eyes couldn't help being attracted to the other party's outfit.

   In fact, Zhang Wei hasn't really seen Chen Sisi's swimsuit dress, he usually pays more attention to avoiding suspicion.

   At this time, Chen Sisi appeared in front of him without warning. He couldn't help being shocked by Chen Sisi's indomitable figure.

   In fact, Chen Sisi usually wears conservative clothes. Zhang Wei hasn't found her body is so domineering.

   For a time he couldn't help comparing her with Yan Jin and Zhang Yingxue.

   This comparison, he suddenly found that Chen Sisi's figure was even more domineering than rigorous and elder sister.

  The height of the three people is around 170. Among them, the models are rigorous and all the data are very good.

   is only weaker than Zhang Yingxue's near-perfect existence.

   And Chen Sisi's face value is actually better than the strict line, as for the figure, it is completely crushed.

   Even if compared with the near-perfect Zhang Yingxue, Chen Sisi may be slightly inferior in appearance, but his body is more domineering.

   Zhang Yingxue's 667 figure is better than the golden ratio, everything is just right.

  But there are some places in women, sometimes they are not the right ones.

   For women, in some places, the bigger the better!

   And Chen Sisi is very overbearing, even the most overbearing among the people Zhang Wei has seen.

   At that time, the bee~waist~warp~dolphin, sitting at the water and swaying in a natural manner, only Zhang Wei could not move his eyes.

   If it is not that the identity is wrong, Zhang Wei is afraid that he can't help but shout out that nutrition can't keep up.

   At this time, Chen Sisi didn't dare to look at Zhang Wei. He dived directly to Zhang Wei and immediately put his head on his leg. Then he twisted his head to give Zhang Wei a head massage.

  Just in the quiet room, Zhang Wei can clearly hear the heartbeat of the other party's beating.

  Zhang Wei couldn't help but looked up, but found that his eyes were completely blocked.

   Suddenly he could not say anything, and immediately closed his eyes in a hurry, the atmosphere of the whole room became more and more weird for a time. .

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