At this moment, everyone in the broadcast room opened his mouth wide.

   At this time they couldn't help wondering if they had seen a ghost.

  Obviously, the two were still oily, but now they have been soaked in water for a few minutes, and they have become completely clean.

   This is not a hell, what is it?

  However, no matter how surprised they were, the facts were before them, and they couldn’t believe it.

   In fact, not only the audience, but even the two workers were all stunned.

   "How come my clothes are so clean?"

   The other worker looked at his hand with a stunned face.

   "I have never been so clean since I hit the well!"

   looked at the shocked expressions of the two. Those netizens who suspected that they were asked by Xinghai Technology couldn't help being silent.

   If they really care, then their acting skills are enough to win the Oscar.

   So the whole moment became very quiet, everyone didn't know what to say for a moment.

   In fact, Yang Chenxing and Yan Jing are not much better than others at this time.

   Such magical things, they do not understand how 550 Zhang Wei's cleaning powder does.

   It was just that it was obviously not the time to pursue this. Yang Chenxing immediately coughed off the topic and said: "Thank you for your cooperation. Now I believe everyone has seen the decontamination ability of this new product."

   There was still silence at the moment in the live broadcast room.

  What should I say, they did see the decontamination ability of the new product, but their mood was really complicated.

   They really don't know what they should say at the moment!

   But Yang Chenxing did not really want to hear what they said, and immediately said to himself: "Then we will verify the other effects of this product."

   Then she looked at another heavily armed man.

"Everyone should have seen that this new product we launched not only removes stains quickly, but also removes clogged pores in the human body, and clogged pores are the root cause of acne and other skin diseases. So next, we will show This point (cgbf)."

   Hearing this, the person in front of Yang Chenxing slowly took off his mask and sunglasses, and suddenly a face full of acne appeared in the lens.

   Seeing this, many people in the live broadcast room couldn't help but took a breath.

   What a terrible face is this?

  Indecently, after seeing this face, many people on the scene suddenly didn't want to eat dinner.

  Many people who eat while watching the video even feel sick for a while.

   This face is really terrible, that piece of red is completely covered with acne, and almost no good place can be found.

   At that moment, the man faced the camera and couldn't help but bow his head inferiority.

   At that moment, the man faced the camera and couldn't help but bow his head inferiority.

   However, as she lowered her head, a lot of yellow pus suddenly appeared on her face.

  Looking at this scene, the audience in the broadcast room suddenly became more disgusting.

   In fact, Yang Chenxing could not bear it at this time.

   The audience in the live broadcast room only saw this scene through the camera, but she was standing a few steps away from the other party. She could see clearly the situation on the other party's face.

   Even she can smell a little odor.

   At this time, she couldn't help but admire her assistant, she was able to find such a volunteer.

   Actually, this volunteer was found in the dermatology department of a hospital.

   The assistant spent a lot of time to finally persuade the other party to participate in the experience.

  It is conceivable that such a serious acne will inevitably make this volunteer extremely inferior, and trying to persuade her to participate in the experience with the attention of countless people is really not an easy task.

   But because of her trust in Xinghai Technology, she finally stood here bravely.

   At this moment she lowered her head for a moment, then she suddenly raised her head bravely.

"Hello everyone, I am Yang Xi from the province of Jiangsu. Since I entered the university, my skin problem has become more and more serious. Because of this problem, I usually dare not meet people. This makes me feel inferior and do not dare to interact with people. ."

"Originally, it was impossible for me to walk in front of the camera and let countless people see me, but because the company that invited me was Xinghai Technology, and I believe that Xinghai Technology would not deceive me, so I ended up walking bravely Here I am. I hope to use my experience to tell those who are like me that we still have hope."

   After she finished, she looked at Yang Chenxing again.

   This time Yang Chenxing couldn't help but move, she didn't expect the other party to say that.

   has undoubtedly a high degree of trust in Xinghai Technology in that remark. At this time she couldn't help getting more solemn.

   saw her take a deep breath and said: "Please don't worry, Miss Yang, we will not let you down."

   finished speaking, she waved her hand, and suddenly the camera moved to the side, only to see there was a pot.

   The basin is transparent, and you can clearly see everything in it at this time.

   Yang Chenxing took Yang Xi to the front of the basin: "This is a common bowl of water, and now I will put our new product into it."

   said she took out the box again and carefully sprinkled some transparent crystals into the basin.

   Then she turned and said to Yang Xi: "Then let's try Miss Yang next!"

  Yang Xi couldn't help but take a deep breath, then strode to the basin and buried his face deeply in the water.

   Suddenly saw some yellow pus in the water.

   But soon these pus disappeared again.

   And the acne on the face of Yang Xi in the lens actually began to lighten and lighten a little, until a little disappeared.

   At this moment, the live broadcast room with more than 100 million viewers was even missing a barrage! .

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