Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 462: , Is this world really crazy?

   In fact, many people are confused when they see this Weibo!

  Zhang Wei is a real celebrity!

   A celebrity said such a thing, this is really not afraid of big things!

  Strictness didn't even dare to post this Weibo at first, but Zhang Wei asked her indifferently: "LV can do me?"

  Strictly couldn't help but stunned for a while, it took a while for her to feel like this was familiar.

   Then she remembered: Isn't that what the LV boss said cruelly? Chinese people can respect him-Ho!

   thought of this, she immediately doubted _ to go.

  Yeah, even a company such as LV dare not to say such ruthless words, what kind of concerns does Zhang Wei have?

   She immediately posted Zhang Wei's original words online.

  After seeing this Weibo, Yang Chenxing was suddenly happy, and then she posted an announcement on the official website of Xinghai Technology.

   "In view of the fact that the boss does not like LV, Xinghai Technology will not accept customers who wear or use LV brand products."

   With this announcement, the Internet suddenly fell over completely.

   "This is an open declaration of war!"

   "Zhang Shen mighty!"

   "Learn from Zhang Shen, from today on, everyone who wears and uses LV is not my friend."

   "Upstairs +1"

   "Zhang Shen is the true temperament!"

   "Just ask who else is not convinced?"

   "Take it, you must take it, take it orally!"

   "Then it is time to respond to Zhang Shen's call, refuse LV, and do not make friends with LV users!"

  Compared with Zhang Wei's Weibo, Xinghai Technology's announcement is much more controversial.

   After all, companies and individuals are different.

   Almost as soon as Xinghai Technology issued an announcement, LV raised a protest.

   "You are unfair competition like this, you are bullying consumers, you are bullying the market!"

   However, Xinghai Technology ignored all these protests from LV.

   Seeing that Xinghai Technology is so ignoring itself, LV Company simply wants to kill.

   Headquarters of LV company, Patrick Weedon snapped the table.

   "Asshole, Xinghai Technology has too many people!"

  The company's top executives were silent for a while.

   At this time, creative director Jacob said: "In my opinion, they are bragging, so they can't really sell them because customers bring LV? This is impossible."

  Just before the voice of the creative director fell, the marketing director suddenly looked up and said: "Boss, you may want to take a look at this."

   During the talk, he directly connected his mobile phone to the projector, and suddenly a video was played in the conference room.

   The video was filmed in a mobile phone store. I saw a woman arrogantly carrying an LV bag and picked up a mobile phone and asked, "How is this phone sold?"

  However, the salesperson ignored her.

  However, the salesperson ignored her.

   The woman was immediately annoyed, and she said, "Are you deaf? Am I asking you something?"

   However, the clerk still ignored her, but the security guard on the side came over.

   "This guest, I'm sorry, because of our company policy, I need to ask you to leave our shop now."

   Hearing that the security guard actually pushed herself away, the woman suddenly became angry.

I saw her screaming and saying, "You are so hard, you dare to push me? Do you know who I am? Believe it or not, I can't keep your shop open in minutes? Manager, manager? What are you doing? Broken shop, treat guests like this."

Hearing something here, I quickly walked out and saw the woman spitting there. The manager did not say anything, and said directly: "Security, please ask this guest to go out, if she has any physical violation, call the police immediately ."

   originally thought that the manager would help her woman is completely stupid this time, she only felt that her brain was not enough.

   What's wrong with this world? Is there still such a business?

   After a moment of stun, the woman was so angry that she took out the phone and dialed it out.

   "Husband, someone bullied me, is a shop selling mobile phones."

  The woman said two words to the phone, and immediately arrogantly put the phone in the hands of the manager: "My husband wants to talk to you."

···········Seeking flowers····

   The manager heard the words and was not nonsense. He directly answered the phone and said, "I am the manager of Xinghai Technology's Yanjing head office. I advise you to consider the consequences before talking to me."

   Over the phone...Nima, why don't you follow the routine to get the card? And the most important thing is that, Xinghai Technology, he really can't afford it!

   remained silent for a while, and finally the other end of the phone said: "Come on, please give me my wife."

   Manager Wen Yan suddenly returned the phone to the woman.

   The woman answered the phone with a proud look, but her complexion changed in the next second.

   "Husband, me, I didn't do anything, I just bought a mobile phone, and you believe me, husband!"


  However, at this time, the phone was directly hung up.

  At this time, the woman couldn't help but look down at the store manager and asked blankly, "Why is this?"

  The store manager Wen Yan finally couldn't help but sigh, "This can only blame you for carrying an LV bag. Our company has regulations that all customers who wear and use LV products will not be accepted."

   The woman couldn't help but glanced at her LV, and in the next second she made an action that everyone could not expect.

   saw that she opened the bag and dumped everything in the bag, and the next second, she threw the bag directly into the trash.

   At this time, she turned to look at the store manager again: "Is it all right now?"

   At this time, I saw that the store manager had no nonsense. When I saw it, I squatted down and started to help her pick up the things on the ground, and the clerk quickly took a bag over.

  The store manager turned to her and said, "Go get my bag."

   The shop clerk hurriedly ran inside. After a while, she saw her carrying a Prada limited edition bag and ran out.

   "Manager, the package is here."

  The store manager said nothing, just put everything in this bag, and then solemnly handed it to the already stupid woman.

   "This guest, please take your things."

  Woman... Is this world really crazy? .

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