Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 520: , Landing Rainbow Bridge

   At this moment, Zhang Wei was mad at the crown!

  Is there such a way to kill people? What happened to him spending some money? Is he unable to afford it?

   These people actually returned the money to him. What does that mean?

  Cooperate with the wealth of his rich and adversary, can only be put there to rot?

Seeing his thunderous look, Yan hurriedly persuaded: "Which boss does not mean that the investigative team, they did it because they just played the ring with Sister Xing, in fact, the live broadcast platform, fishing. That’s why they do it.”

After listening to the rigorous explanation, Zhang Wei suddenly rolled his eyes, "If you don't trust me, I will reward you. If you don't trust me, you will call them and tell them that the live broadcast platform If there is illegal behavior, they will catch people according to the regulations, but the money I reward has nothing to do with them."

  Strictly heard the words and hurriedly beat the economic investigation team.

   At this time, Zhang Wei added again: "Also, there is no small amount of money for this little anchor, this is my reward for her."

  Because of this live broadcast of Xiaotong sauce, Xinghai Technology's new products will be accepted by the public so smoothly.

  On this point, the profit brought by Xiaotong sauce to Xinghai Technology is more than 100 million. It is nothing to reward her with a little money.

   Moreover, the most important thing is that Zhang Wei spends money, why should he have a reason? Can't he be extravagant and wasteful like others?

  The phone of the economic investigation team was quickly connected, and rigorously conveyed Zhang Wei's meaning.

  After listening to her, the staff at the end of the phone couldn't help but rolled his eyes together.

  Is this sick? Not happy to refund them?

  What a weird thing is this!

   They naturally can't imagine that Zhang Wei has the painful feeling that he can't spend the money.

  Just as Zhang Wei was in full swing, Xiao Tongjiang's live broadcast continued.

   At this time, Xiaotong sauce was obviously scared.

  Although she is the top singer of the platform, she has received so many rewards at once. She has never encountered it. At this time, she feels a little shocked and even worried.

   But soon she can't take care of these!

   Just after the Rainbow Bridge where they were taking another group of people who were suffering, they suddenly sent everyone to an empty place.

  At this time, there were already a lot of people in this place. After Xiaotong sauce and his party walked down the Rainbow Bridge, the Rainbow Bridge suddenly took off.

  Just when everyone was blank, the rainbow bridge stopped above everyone's head.

   Seeing this scene, everyone present was confused. Originally they thought that the Rainbow Bridge was to rescue other trapped people, but now it seems obviously not the case.

  When everyone was puzzled, there was an exclaimed cry from the scene.

   "Look, there is another rainbow bridge over there."

  With the remarks, Xiaotong sauce hurriedly turned the camera past, and suddenly saw another rainbow bridge suddenly rise in the air.

  However, this is just the beginning, and in their surprise, a rainbow bridge rises again in the air.

  At the end of their sight, there seemed to be other rainbow bridges constantly rising.

   Seeing this, everyone on the scene and the audience in Xiaotong sauce's live broadcast room were puzzled.

   "What is this for?"

   "I always feel like I have to do something big!"

   "Are there any other operations?"

   "Shen Zhang, please don't show it, take away the magic power!"

   "Shen Zhang, please don't show it, take away the magic power!"

   "Is this Rainbow Bridge so worthless? So many come out at once?"

  During all kinds of speculations in the barrage, suddenly, a huge roar came from the air!

   Hearing this voice, the audience in the live room of Xiaotong sauce hurriedly turned down the voice.

   "What sound is this? I'm almost deaf."

   "I'm going, who wants to calculate me?"

   "I just kept wearing headphones and almost cried out!"

   "If you lose money, you must lose money!"

  In the overwhelming condemnation of the barrage, a huge dark shadow slowly suppressed.

   At this time someone finally realized what.

   "Is this... an airplane?"

   "This plane is flying too low, right?"

   "No, is this about to land?"

   "Landing? Landing in this place? Are you kidding me?"

   "No, this is to land on the Rainbow Bridge."

   When I saw this barrage, all the audience suddenly froze. As for the people at the scene, it would be even more difficult to say anything.

  The plane is landing on Rainbow Bridge? Is this serious?

   "Am I dreaming?"

   "Damn, don't you dare to shoot big movies like this?"

   "Can Rainbow Bridge carry it?"

   This problem is not only the audience of the live broadcast room, in fact, everyone in the 187 is in the heart.

   Landing an airplane is not a simple matter. Once something goes wrong, the consequences can hardly be imagined.

   Just when there was a lot of worry in everyone's mind, the plane had already landed.

   In fact, countless people are paying attention to this scene at this moment.

  In Yanjing’s No. 1 chief’s office, a group of cabinet leaders were watching the video nervously.

  The video shows the plane landing on Rainbow Bridge.

  Although they have absolute confidence in Zhang Wei, Rainbow Bridge is still too sci-fi.

   They can't help but worry.

  Once the landing fails, there will be a lot of follow-up questions!

  It was in this spectacle that the plane finally began to land.

   However, to everyone's surprise, when the plane landed on the Rainbow Bridge, the original super-fast speed suddenly began to fall sharply.

  Looking at this scene, everyone can't help but stay.

   This year, thanks to the film and television works, many people have seen the scene of the plane landing.

   But now this is obviously different from their previous perception? .

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