Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 531: , Spurt dumbfounded

  As governments around the world have held meetings to discuss, the outside world has learned more and more about this auction.

   Many media have received a lot of inside information, and many media have been exposed. The products of Xinghai Technology's auction can be used for military purposes.

   With more and more such news, the attention of the outside world on this auction is naturally higher and higher.

   Finally, when a media broke out, this product called strong magnetic buoyancy pile by Xinghai Technology could actually transform an ordinary warship into an aircraft carrier. This auction was completely fired!

  Countless netizens are discussing this matter online.

  The power of aircraft carriers is not only for military fans, but anyone with a little military knowledge knows it.

  Now there is such news, which makes netizens unexcited.

   And with this kind of news spreading all over the Internet, finally back to China.

   And when people in the country just heard the news, many people did not believe it.

   "Crap it? Isn't Rainbow Bridge a rescue artifact? How is it related to the aircraft carrier?"

   "It's almost nonsense, and not to mention that a civilian technology cannot be related to the military. Even if it really has a relationship, will Xinghai Technology sell it out? Even if Xinghai Technology will sell, can the country agree?"

   "That's right, the rumors stop at the wise men, such groundless words are simply not credible at all!"

  However, when countless netizens defended Xinghai Technology, a foreign media did not know where to get the video that Xinghai Technology had sent to the applicants. Suddenly, the entire extranet forwarded wildly.

   And this video quickly spread to China.

   This time, the netizens finally couldn't sit still. Immediately countless netizens ran to Xinghai Technology's official website to leave a message to ask questions. At the same time, more netizens ran to Zhang Wei's Weibo to inquire about the truth of the matter.

   To this, Xinghai Technology did not respond at first. However, as more and more people inquired, finally, strictly responded to this news with Zhang Wei's Weibo.

"Emmm, that video on the Internet is indeed true! But to say that having this thing is equivalent to owning an aircraft carrier. This is ripping. The strength of an aircraft carrier is not just a base for fighters. In fact, aircraft carriers have many uses. Its significance is far more than that of carrying an airplane. It can only be said that the strong magnetic buoyancy pile can indeed have a certain supplementary meaning to the aircraft carrier."

  With this official response, the online debate about the authenticity of the video finally has a result.

  However, there was more discussion online.

   For a time, countless people poured into Zhang Wei's Weibo, and began to question wildly.

   "Since this is the case, why should we sell such an important weapon abroad?"

   "Is Xinghai Technology really so short of money? Even this kind of stuff is sold out? Is this still Chinese?"

   "Originally I thought Xinghai Technology was a patriotic enterprise, but now it seems that I am wrong."

   "Originally I thought Xinghai Technology was a patriotic enterprise, but now it seems that I am wrong."

   "Is this in the eyes of money?"

   "Isn't it painful to earn conscience with such money?"

   For a time, countless people began to blame Xinghai Technology. Even Zhang Wei's fans are now knowing what is right and persuading Zhang Wei to change his mind.

   For these arguments, Zhang Wei did not give any response.

   This makes the netizens even more angry!

   For a time, more and more abuses and more and more rumors spread on the Internet.

   Even, even some of Xinghai Technology's product sales have been affected to a certain extent.

  Looking at the overwhelming verbal abuse, many people even thought that Xinghai Technology might be over this time.

   However, at this moment, the country stood up.

  The country deals with the most bad guys on the Internet who can’t wait to jump out and want to take advantage of the opportunity.

   Over the night, several official media outlets shot at the same time and hung up nearly a hundred rumors.

  At the same time, the police also disclosed and arrested these rumors.

   Immediately, without waiting for the reaction of a large number of netizens, the procuratorates in various places broke the news one after another, prosecuting these rumors.

   And the crimes are even more shocking. Many of them are not only making rumors and rumours, but also suspected of treason and enemy special serious crimes.

   Faced with this quick and hard blow, many netizens were stunned.

  However, this is only the beginning.

  Just when some netizens were at a loss, the government's major official media also disclosed several messages at the same time.

   "`" The Chinese government has reached a purchase agreement with Xinghai Technology, and Xinghai Technology will sell a number of strong magnetic buoyancy piles to the Chinese government."

   "Xinghai Technology will establish a shipbuilding base in Weihai, and the Chinese government has ordered several new vessels from Xinghai Technology."

   "Xinghai Technology and the Chinese military signed an order worth tens of billions of dollars. The Ministry of National Defense of China solemnly commends Xinghai Technology for its outstanding contribution to the national defense of China."

   With the disclosure of this series of news, the netizens who had been rushing around before suddenly became dumbfounded. .

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