Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 539: , Your violent girlfriend is online

   In fact, Zhang Wei did not brag!

   The gap between his level of knowledge and ordinary people is really like a world of difference!

   However, this is not the most terrible!

   What is really scary is that Zhang Wei's learning ability is hundreds to thousands of times that of ordinary people.

   And more importantly, the current knowledge of the earth is limited, but Zhang Wei has an unlimited amount of knowledge to learn.

   This gap accumulates, making the gap between him and ordinary people bigger and bigger. Even, every minute, Zhang Wei is doubling the lead of others.

  Excuse me, how can we balance this gap?

   The answer is, you can't chase it!

"Zero Three Seven"

   That's right! Can't catch up at all!

   is actually so cruel, but Zhang Wei has never said this before, so that many people mistakenly think that they are constantly narrowing the gap between Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei.

   This illusion is not only for those who listen to lectures, but even for Yang Chenxing.

  However, at this time Zhang Wei's sentence directly wiped out this illusion completely.

   That is, Chen Sisi never thought of catching up to Zhang Wei, otherwise Zhang Wei would be so ruthlessly hit, it is absolutely desperate.

   At this time, Chen Sisi took a deep breath, then looked at the time and said: "It's almost time, we should start."

   Zhang Wei asked painfully, "Is it so early?"

   To this, Chen Sisi directly gave him a comprehension.

  Dare you dare to be lazy?

  Looking at Chen Sisi's eyes, Zhang Wei finally got up from the sofa, and a wheelchair on the side next second slid directly in front of him.

   Immediately, Zhang Wei took a wheelchair and flew directly from the balcony in Chen Sisi's speechless eyes.

  Looking at Zhang Wei like Lao Cheng, Chen Sisi's heart is also desperate.

  Just thought of that kind of thing, she took the initiative to charge on it, and she soon relieved.

However, although she was relieved, she couldn't help thinking, "Should I go to the gym? Recently, it seems that my waist strength is limited! Also, there seems to be a kind of electric hip dance recently, do you want to learn it? "

   Just when Chen Sisi accidentally fell into some unhealthy thoughts, Zhang Wei's voice came from the downstairs: "Old class, don't be dazed, let's go."

  Chen Sisi woke up instantly, and then Hongxia covered her entire cheek unstoppably.

  Wait for her to sit in the car, Zhang Wei couldn't help but asked strangely: "Old class, why are your faces so red?"

  Chen Sisi suddenly froze. After a while she stuttered and said, "I, I just ran a little anxiously."

  Chen Sisi suddenly froze. After a while she stuttered and said, "I, I just ran a little anxiously."

   At this time, Xiao Jiu's voice came suddenly: "Ms. Chen's breathing is stable and the blood circulation is stable. It is not like doing vigorous exercise, but more like mood swings."

  Chen Sisi·····emmm, how to dismantle this robot?

   Fortunately, before Zhang Wei saw her angrily, she quickly changed the subject and said: "How many teachers and students of Yanhang have passed this lecture?"

   Hearing this problem, Chen Sisi didn’t have enough time to settle the account with Xiaojiu. He said: “This time, about 100 teachers and students from our school will go to the 100-year lecture hall.”

   Zhang Weiwen nodded, "It seems that our school had good luck this time!"

Hearing this, Chen Sisi couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Yeah, luck is okay, but now many people are saying that I walked through the back door and specialized by virtue of your relationship with you. That's why More places."

  Zhang Wei: "emmm, I can testify about this, you really didn't go through the back door..."

  Chen Sisi just prepared to nod, but the next second, when her eyes inadvertently glanced at Zhang Wei's expression, she couldn't help but suddenly stop.

   For a time, the car suddenly fell into a strange quietness. After this atmosphere lasted for a while, Chen Sisi suddenly rushed to Zhang Wei.

   Seeing Chen Sisi seem to be a violent female warrior, Zhang Wei hurriedly begged for mercy: "Then, I didn't say anything!"

   "You didn't say anything? I have to call today until you can't speak."

   "Don't bid farewell, the heroine spares her life, I'm wrong, I will never dare again."

   "You are wrong, where are you wrong?"

  Zhang Wei·····How do I answer this? In the end, Xiao Jiu rescued Zhang Wei.

   "Master, I will be at Mizuki University in a few minutes. Would you like to organize your appearance first?"

   Hearing this, the violent female warrior Chen Sisi returned to normal, and then very gently and thoughtfully arranged clothes and hairstyles for Zhang Wei.

  I don't know why, but Zhang Wei always feels a bit chilly behind him, as if he was stared at 4.5 by a wild beast.

   Fortunately, at this time, Mizuki University arrived.

   As soon as Xiaojiu stopped, Zhang Wei couldn't wait to jump off the car.

   This scene has left ordinary journalists in a daze for a while.

   "Is this really Zhang Shen?"

   "Zhang Shen is so agile?"

   "This is not really Zhang Shen!"

   "It must be that I opened it incorrectly. I just saw Zhang Shen jump."

   "This is not scientific, is the sun coming out from the west today?"

  If Zhang Wei knew these online complaints, I was afraid that his mood would be complicated. .

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