Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 549: , This is too unscientific

   "In fact, everything you see now is 3D imaging technology. They don't really exist. If you don't believe it, you can try to touch the object in front of you."

   Everyone heard the words and immediately reached out to look at the things in front of them.

   Sure enough, the next second, their hands passed directly through the lifelike objects in their eyes.

"How could this be?"

   "But what happened just now?"

   "Yeah, I just did feel the snow fall on myself."

   "I also feel the wind blowing on my body."

   "Yeah, are these all illusory?"

"Six, two, three" "This is too incredible, right?"

   Representatives present at this time shouted out.

  Nuo Lan watched all this and couldn't help nodding for a while, then she was stunned.

   "Wait a minute, why do these people all speak Chinese?"

   It was not until this time that she suddenly noticed that many of these representatives were foreigners. However, the strange thing is that they are all speaking Chinese in a perfect language at this time. Are the representatives of various countries all proficient in Chinese?

  Nuo Lan could not help being surprised for a while.

   She is not a foreigner who has never been proficient in Chinese. However, no matter how proficient Chinese is, those foreigners will inevitably have a certain strange accent when they can speak. It is rare to be able to speak like this.

   However, it is obvious that this is not the time to ask this question, so she can only bear the doubts and continue to pay attention to the further development of the matter.

  At this time, the electronic sound appeared again, "I understand your doubts very well, so I said, I have to introduce the effect of the strong magnetic buoyancy pile."

   Everyone at the scene couldn't help but looked at each other, it seemed that they could not understand the connection.

Fortunately, electronic sounds don’t sell, but directly introduce: "In fact, what you just felt, the touch on the sand, or the touch of snowflakes, or even the wind blowing on your body, all are strong magnetic floats. The force pile is achieved by changing the force field, maybe everyone can’t believe it, then we turn on the effect of the strong magnetic buoyancy pile, and then everyone reaches out to touch the item that has just been touched."

   The sound of electronic voices just fell. Everyone present felt that there had been some changes on the scene. The most obvious thing was that the ground under their feet suddenly became firm. It really seems to be standing on the asphalt road.

  Secondly, they clearly felt that the air seemed to be flowing at this time, which felt like a wind blowing across their cheeks.

   felt all this, they were a little stunned for a while. Is this too unscientific?

   At this time, they deeply felt that the inherent knowledge of the world that they had built over the past few decades seemed to collapse.

   At this time, they deeply felt that the inherent knowledge of the world that they had built over the past few decades seemed to collapse.

   However, what most despaired them was that they seemed to have become accustomed to this feeling.

   This fact makes them a little bit tired for a while, what the **** is going on?

   However, at this time, they didn't care about them. At this time, they reached out carefully to touch the objects they saw in front of them.

   Not long ago, they all confirmed that all these in front of them are just non-existent images.

  However, when they tried again, they immediately felt the change.

   They discovered that they were still false objects not long ago, and now they all become real today.

   Many people couldn't accept it for a while, and couldn't help but stepped forward and looked at it very carefully.

  Heaven and earth conscience, it is no wonder that they have a shallow knowledge, and this scene is really unbelievable.

  However, no matter how close they are and how carefully they look, they can’t find any false places in front of them... 0...

At this time, the electronic sound rang again: "In fact, the resolution of this 3D imaging technology has exceeded the limit of human vision. That is to say, without the help of equipment, humans cannot distinguish the trueness of this technology. fake."

   Hearing these words, many people present could not help being shocked!

  The information contained in this sentence is too large, and even too large for them to accept for a while.

  A long time ago, a representative asked with a tremble: "You mean, people can't tell the truth here?"

   For this question, the electronic sound was silent for a moment, and then solemnly replied: "In fact, this is true, at least, it cannot be distinguished by vision alone."

   Hearing this affirmative answer, many people on the scene couldn't help but took a breath.

  Although they have always said in the past that what they see may not be the truth, but they have never felt the meaning of this sentence as truly as they are now.

   But soon, they put their attention to another point 0.7.

   "Then what we are touching now does not actually exist? But why can we really feel all this?"

   For this question, electronic tone also gives an answer.

"Because human touch is very deceptive, in fact, your touch is just your epidermal neuron, responding to the force of the object's feedback, and what you think is normal is just your neuron combined with past experience , With the visual system, a fixed cognition is formed, so you will mistakenly think that you are really on the streets of Yanjing."

   Hearing this, many representatives were present and couldn’t help feeling that his spirit was about to split. Nima, is this too unscientific? .

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