Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 905: See myself in the mirror

Compared to Wenhui's side, Zhao Jie's piece is much easier to handle.

First of all, the mini-game of "Wu Dao Faunjun" must be handed over to him. Although the program below has been changed, the others are still there. After all, this is an on-hook game, and the transfer is relatively simple. Moreover, in the timetable, "Wu Dao Hun Jun" went online first, and then the timing of the merger and acquisition took place, so the colleagues of Pakistani Games can stand on this last shift, but the employees of the new company will be handed over in actual combat. What is the problem.

Secondly, Zhao Jie has a little temper and a normal temper. The main thing that needs to be appeased is his nerves. This is easier to appease, because he understands the value of Pakistani Group stocks better than ordinary employees and the scale of dividends before the next Spring Festival. So you can't see money before New Year's Day, and you can definitely see a little bit before the Spring Festival.

Once again, when setting up a subsidiary this time, Zhao Jie and Yu Wenhui are both similar to entrepreneurial models. They are not a formal entrepreneurial structure nor an incubation model, but an intermediate state, with a small amount of equity + a large number of options. Equity exchange with DKP is the same as Yang Jiangang’s initial incubation, but it does not have as many DKP as Yang Jiangang, and does not partner with others, so it supplements with a large number of options and cashes out according to the milestone model.

But these two companies need to burn money in many places. Whether Yu Wenhui develops VR or Zhao Jie develops the platform and editor, they need to burn money out of sight. Therefore, after the Pakistani people made money, the angel wheels of the two companies were much larger than the 30 million peak visual effects of Yang Jiangang, and the proportions of Zhao Jie and Yu Wenhui were relatively low.

Finally, Zhao Jie’s main job now is to recruit, build a team, and find co-founders. Specifically, according to the talented people in the industry, this feeling is actually very refreshing. It is the CFO that is more difficult to recruit. Chu Yuanxi can no longer be the CFO for the two of them.

The "Wu Dao Hun Jun" platform first aims to produce a high-quality RPG game while taking into account the production of the editor. The easiest way is to follow Daewoo and Zhulong, especially the original fanatics and Domo studio members.

But this is difficult, because the goals are too moist, the business is flourishing, and there is no need to change places. So I can only step back and look for the Mavericks with relevant experience.

There are not a few domestic companies or foreign companies in the Celestial Division that have tried 3D RPG game development, but later many have switched to online games. There are actually quite a few small partners who have worked in Shanghai and Beijing, but the salary is relatively demanding and the liquidity is not small.

In fact, Zhao Jie's suggestion to Chu Yuanxi was to dig a team directly, even if it was a foreign team, the speed of formation would be fast, but Chu Yuanxi looked at the salary expenditure forecast and decisively rejected this suggestion.

In the end, what made Chu Yuanxi harden in front of Zhao Jie was that Zhao Jie licked his face and recruited a CTO. Chu Yuanxi said that you are a program, and recruiting CTO is a prelude to being lazy?

However, this CTO who was salvaged by Zhao Jie is called your precious brother. His work experience is extremely dazzling. It is said that he is a great engine and has a brilliant record in the perfect world. However, he has not been able to catch up with any good projects. I got it.

A programmer who can be an editor may not be an engine, but someone who can be an engine can definitely be an editor, so technically Chu Yuanxi doesn't worry about it. What he is worried about is planning. The planning team is about to transplant the whole to Lingxi, which is completely empty.

Fortunately, whether Chu Yuanxi, or Zhao Jie and Yang Jiangang, have been in contact with the domestic game industry for a long time, and the peak period of domestic game teams is close to 20,000. In the past few years, there have been batches of bankruptcy. Stopped, so there are not many high-level plans waiting for jobs in the market. Some of them also have successful project experience and are relatively easy to recruit.

This situation is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi dared to send all the talents of the game company to Lingxi, because the environment is not good, but it is good for the new company in terms of talent selection. Otherwise, a calf like Gui will not get paid for half a year in the previous startup company and be taken away by Zhao Jie.

While Chu Yuanxi was busy working on two new game branches, suddenly Yuan Jing called.

Chu Yuanxi was about to thank Yuan Jing for blowing hard enough, but Yuan Jing rarely said in a rather anxious tone: "I now have a chance to vote for VIPchild, do you mean to vote?"

"What?" Chu Yuanxi was taken aback. Yuan Jing in the original world often asked him to be a consultant to see if he could do investment opportunities in other companies and fields, but this time it was quite rare.

"I mean, VIPchild, the number one unicorn in the domestic English one-to-one education industry, originally Zheng De would definitely not be able to invest. Unexpectedly, there was an opportunity to open up to us and be able to invest. Now it is too late to do research. It was too sudden, and the urging was too urgent, we can only judge directly."

"What did Zheng De's investment committee say?" Chu Yuanxi asked according to the process. Fund companies generally make decisions through the investment committee.

"The differences are quite big. Some people think it's a golden opportunity, some people think there is a big problem. I have the information here, send it to you, and use your entrepreneur's idea to help me refer to it in detail?"

"If your information is complete, I will help you re-run it." Chu Yuanxi saw Lie's joy, and soon received a super detailed information.

Chu Yuanxi was stunned by the details of this information. Did this copy VIPchild's hometown? The core data is so bright, it's more than upright!

It can be imagined how strong the resentment of VIPchild financing is. The core data is actually hurt when it is seen by competitors. It must be shown to investors if it can't be controlled.

It doesn’t matter at this point, I almost saw a big drama. I didn’t expect that the capital that should have been raised in August was led by Penguin. They were internally inserted. The financing committee sent a letter to potential investors in the E round. If there is a problem with the core data, this capital cannot be integrated...

No wonder it! Chu Yuanxi put herself on the spot and took it in, and couldn't help feeling a chill jump up from the tail bone. This is a life-threatening, ultra-fast rushing state of the enterprise, any round of financing is delayed by two or three months unplanned may collapse.

Isn't it the sudden frustration of the IPO, which is stronger than WeWork's $45 billion valuation? Immediately, the situation that cash flow would break within a few weeks was spread all over the world. Why is the well-off in the original world so hungry for funds? For the same reason, if the growth rate is too fast, the supplement of capital flow cannot keep up, and problems will immediately occur.

But, finding a broad track without an iron curtain, can entrepreneurs resist running wildly? Can't restrain it! This is simply a reflection of the original well-off world. The crooked melon and jujube, which was originally unacceptable, have now had to put down the shelf and release their share. Zheng De is this melon and jujube.

Chu Yuanxi gradually lowered her heart and analyzed this case carefully.

Then, he wrote down a certain sentence and erased it several times. This sentence is-valued at $4.5 billion, which I am not very optimistic about. It is indeed the first in the industry, but it is also expensive.

The reason for writing this is because the other party’s financial data actually recorded a very large loss, billions of dollars a year. Although this is the current practice of entrepreneurship, Meituan Didi is still suffering a huge loss this year, but the loss in the education industry is also so large, which is very different from local life.

Local life pays attention to high-frequency subsidy users, burning money to occupy the market, burning competitors, and then monopolizing price increases. Obviously, high-frequency subsidies are not possible for education. Brand advertising should be the main cost. Can this gadget generate billions of advertising?

But he wiped it off several times, because, it was so alike! VIPchild is too similar to the well-off in the original world, which makes him hope that the other party can live. This is called empathy.

So originally he only wanted to spend twenty minutes holding a glance, but now he decided to spend a little more time and look for the meaning carefully.

What is the idea of ​​finding the connotation? Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, first looked for the cause of the stabbing incident, and found that it was caused by the tearing force, which was too common and not worth analyzing, and then looked up to find any major changes before the stabbing? Although tearing may be daily, such a major tearing cannot be without a reason.

However, there was no such thing in the data. Chu Yuanxi had to ask on WeChat. Yuan Jing thought for a while before replying: What major changes have taken place in the company? Values ​​have suddenly become an important indicator of assessment this year.

Damn it! Chu Yuanxixin said that it was cold. The company was established in 2014, and there is a predecessor. Only this year did they emphasize values? It must be riddled with holes, otherwise, why do you emphasize values?

The value of this thing is very magical, when it is added to the company's assessment indicators, it has gone away from the company. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize values ​​as early as possible, and it cannot be written as stripes. The meaning of writing as stripes is: look, everything else is fine.

Especially for halo-type start-ups, the establishment of values ​​is more urgent than growth. Unfortunately, many companies do not have this leisure and only have the same growth rate in sight. Only when facing the growth trap did I finally feel the dilemma.

Chu Yuanxi reviewed the information provided by Yuan Jing and found that VIPchild had been tossing in the trap for a long time, and even had to turn off his engine to slow down, and it was still difficult to climb out. And the reason is obvious at a glance. In the face of the choice of product-driven sales or sales-driven products, I finally chose a sales-led radical strategy, which gave sales a super-high percentage of commissions, so they rushed forward and the number of students was increasing.

At this point in the replay, Chu Yuanxi screamed "wipe it". Sure enough, the problems encountered by VIPchild and Xiaokangyuan World were the same at this time, it was like looking at herself in the mirror.

The scale is large, but the organizational capabilities and values ​​are still in place or even reversed. What is the result? When the company finds that it can no longer be sales-oriented, and finds that crazy sales do more harm than good to the company, employees can ignore that. The running bison couldn't be pulled with the reins, and could only shoot, and even hit the head with a shotgun.

When everyone is picking up their own small abacus and ignoring the company's market, the company's interests will be in strong conflict with the individual. Organizational ability cannot keep up, even if this fatal drawback is discovered, it cannot be corrected. If you don’t change the sales KPI, you will die, and if you change the KPI, you will die, and you will fall into the paradox of Chang Kaishen’s party or the country.

The reason is that the correct values ​​have not been guided from the beginning. This time, VIPchild being stabbed by his own people is actually the same root cause. The interests of small groups cannot be satisfied, so they dragged the company to blow up.

This kind of growth trap, no matter how you start a business, as long as it grows quickly and has not been pitted without painful lessons, you will be beaten. It's not just the well-off in the original world, and VIPchildren, but the strength of the beating is different. There is no need to cite complicated examples. Take the simplest example, Internet celebrities carrying goods will be madly beaten by growth traps.

Tik Tok lipstick, this can be regarded as a big Internet celebrity that has grown like a rocket. Today, the influence has surpassed any single member of Pakistani Entertainment, and now it is starting to roll over. If you bring hairy crabs, the hairy crabs will roll over, and if you bring non-stick pans, the crabs will roll over. Why?

Because he has advantages and barriers in beauty makeup, especially lipstick, and has a strong KOC (Key Opinion Buyer) background, it is not easy to overturn. But because the growth rate is too high, just making lipsticks is not enough. It must be diversified. This diversification will enter other categories, but other categories are not his advantage projects, so it is easy to go wrong.

At this time, the safe way is to pick up whatever the risk is small, and hairy crabs are obviously the most risky category. So obviously, the hairy crabs gave a lot of money, and the team's back-end product selection took sales and profit as the more important evaluation indicators, and the front-end Internet celebrities would overturn.

But in fact, VIPchild has done much better than most halo companies. It is impossible for the expansion goal and speed to drive the company to challenge, and it can be said that it has won repeatedly in the early stage. Choose a track that others dare not enter, called North America. One-on-one tutoring by the foreign teacher quickly established barriers, and then he broke the siege and became the leader in the track. So looking at it this way, in fact, VIPchild still has a high investment value, as long as it can solve the difficult growth trap.

This requires investors to make corrections. At this time, investors use money to speak, which is much simpler and more direct than the founder's use of his own radius of ability to influence.

Or there is another way, that is, the way that the original well-off world finally overcomes the difficulties, come up with amazing products, and cover up all the problems.

Because what she saw was herself in the mirror, Chu Yuanxi couldn't bear to break it. In the end, she sent a thoughtful sentence:

I found out that this is a company with a particularly prominent military exploit culture, and this is the source of all problems. Education is a strong content field, and the founder is a strong person who has cultivated content for more than ten years and has great advantages. But now he is attacking from all sides, attacking areas where he has no advantage. The founder's radius of influence is significantly lower than that of the sales team, but the source of customers in first-tier cities has already peaked, so problems have been exposed.

But the bright spot of this company is also obvious. The integration of education and Internet products is fast and powerful. So, what are you and your investment committee worried about?

Yuan Jing replied: What I am not optimistic about is that the founder team looks forward and backward, unable to distinguish between offense and defense. There is also a slow pace of trial and error. We don't feel any major problems with the specific products and sales, and the core data does not seem to be problematic. As for our investment committee members...not to mention it.

Chu Yuanxi: I think so. The development method that VIPchild chooses is destined to step on all the pits of education and Internet companies, so it is normal to encounter problems. The founder is very good at providing educational services, but now the problem is that if it doesn’t continue to grow, it means death, so the contradiction has intensified. The founder's ability to use to the limit is an internal cause, and the problems of organizational ability not keeping up with values ​​and so on are only external manifestations.

At this point, Chu Yuanxi also began to reflect on herself. In fact, this internal and external is a simple sentence. Before the ability is used to the limit, the organizational ability must be improved. Otherwise, it is impossible to improve at the limit, because there is no more energy.

Why does it die if it doesn't change? Because the plate is already big, it needs a lot of capital support, but it will be difficult to get follow-up financing if it doesn't continue to grow bigger, and if it doesn't get financing, no matter what kind of business, no matter whether the product is good or not, it will collapse.

This is the trap of growth, a one-stop process that all dragon-slaying teenagers in the Internet age have to face. UU reading www. Chu Yuanxi deeply understands the power of this dragon. This time the dragon-slaying knife prepared for Xiaokang is the Pakistani group, and he filled the trap with sufficient cash.

Yuan Jing is actually very anxious because of this rare investment opportunity. What he wants to hear is a simple conclusion: to vote or not to vote?

I saw Chu Yuanxi replied: I don't think I will invest in you, I think it is difficult for one to dominate the education track. This investment target will probably be deconstructed into an "old brand" education brand, and retreat to its own basic market. They have too many extension brands now, and it is a burden if they cannot make a profit. If I were you, I would not look at their data and talk to the founders directly to see if their development ideas are right. I think even so they still have investment value, the key lies in the valuation.

Yuan Jing did not reply for a long time, because the problem is not whether it can be invested, but Chu Yuanxi's suggestion can actually be interpreted as: the development model and investment model of the proposed investment object actually do not match. It may be foolish to invest in the investment logic of the unicorn.

And Chu Yuanxi did not continue to speak, because it was already dinner time, and Chu Yuanxi was about to go out for food. Suddenly, a message from the Pakistani people came to a reminder: Watch the news at speed!

Ba Ren Information has always retained the information sniffing unit established in the company's early days last year, collecting sudden hot information at any time, but Chu Yuanxi read this prompt twice and found that there is no possibility of misunderstanding.

So I opened the CCTV network and looked at it, I went! He handily forwarded this reminder to Cao Xiang, and then concentrated on watching the news broadcast in the confusion.

Today’s news broadcast style is extremely rare, and it took up to eight minutes to talk about the blockchain...


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