Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 926: Chu Yuanxi Exploration Class

Chu Yuanxi thought "haha" in her heart: "You are not right. You are not exhausted, but you are enriching your skills and experience while operating and making money. Therefore, even if you want to do it, you should make a movie instead of a TV series. Yes. For Pakistani Media, either a movie or a TV series can be made, but for the Pakistani Group, the future of game companies and copyright companies has to be considered. TV series are not strong enough, only movies that have a successful box office reputation. Each unit of the enterprise has enough help."

Uncle Sheng carefully tasted it. It seems that this is the truth?

With an absolute crushing attitude, Yang Yuanmei became speechless again, and Chu Yuanxi continued: "I think so. When we make short video dramas, we reserve the option of making movies. The actors in the follow-up group said that if they perform well enough , Through cooperation to gain our approval, you can directly enter the film crew."

Uncle Shengxin said that as long as it doesn't become a bad check, it's fine. "Oh, right, in this case, let's assume that the style of filming is also such a real sense of martial arts, right? It feels older, like the feeling of the ten's."

Chu Yuanxi nodded: "You are right. I feel that Monica's needs mentioned at the beginning are like this. It feels like those martial arts movies shot when Wolf Warriors were young are almost the same."

"No, right? Monica asked to pay attention to artistic conception." Zhu Yan looked at the two boys, "Do you have any misunderstandings about martial arts movies? There is a sense of artistic conception and realism, obviously there is still that feeling."

Yang Yuanmei inserted in a timely manner: "Don't fight, you have a different understanding of reality and artistic conception. And short videos are short videos, and movies are movies. There is no need to unify the style, right? You can go back and talk about the artistic style. Anyway, according to your wishes, we are planning two movies at the same time? We have no experience at all."

"It's easy to handle, and experience is gained." Chu Yuanxi said very easily, "Ask Zhang Dongdong film bureau if she wants to save, if she wants, she will go ahead. Let's shoot workplace bullying followers. Just behind it, perfect."

In fact, Yang Yuanmei had already grabbed the right to speak several times today, but she didn't grab it once. She couldn't tell whether she was admired or frustrated, because she discovered that Chu Yuanxi really seemed to have some kind of "leadership".

Like today’s informal discussion, several people are relatively equal. No one cares about who is the president and who is the co-founder. She speaks more unscrupulously, and squirts as she wants. As a result, Chu Yuanxi always occupied the core position with a few words casually, instilling his ideas into the people around him, and others could not resist it.

Not to mention the level of running the enterprise, it's just that in terms of leadership, the gap with Chu Yuanxi is almost infinite.

At this time, Chu Yuanxi finally remembered that she had come to the squad, and that she needed to have a good greeting with the celebrities and the celebrities during the rest time, and fulfill the purpose of giving Zhu Yan platform. Especially on this special day today, it is inevitable that some people will have different emotions and need to be comforted.

But now, Yang Yuanmei and Zhu Yan also need to inject positive energy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his arms, Yang Yuanmei immediately complained: "It's so boring to stare at me every day. It feels like I'm like a jugger

Then, she asked a particularly sharp question: "Chu Yuanxi, do you usually feel bored?"

Uncle Sheng had to look at Yang Yuanmei with a caring and mentally retarded gaze. It was not boring for him to watch his creation being adapted into various influential products day by day. How could Chu Yuanxi be boring?

So Uncle Sheng said on behalf of Chu Yuanxi: "Why is he boring? I guess Chu Yuanxi can't sleep with excitement every day."

"Hey, uncle, you can't say that." Chu Yuanxi clearly understood it wrong, "I will be bored too, as long as it is a human being, it is impossible to be completely free from boredom."

"Then if you are bored, what will you do? I mean that chunks of time are boring, not scraps of time reading the news or something."

"Me? I don't have such a long window period. But if it does happen, I might..." Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, then blurted out: "Yang Yuanmei, you are just idle. I can see it, you It’s not boring, you don’t have any ambitions at all."

Unexpectedly, when he finished speaking, Uncle Sheng suddenly said faintly: "Who can this depend on? People have hundreds of millions of fortunes and don't inherit them. They should have been working well as social workers."

"Yes, my career aspiration was clearly killed by you!"

Chu Yuanxi also thought about it, her only life goal has suddenly been achieved, so what kind of ambition is needed? He quickly clapped his hands: "I digressed, I will tell you, what should I do if I have time and become bored."

Zhu Yan bulged his cheeks: "It must be a loss."

"It's not a loss. I will apply for a job, submit a resume according to the normal process of unemployed employees, and then go to the interview."

"Vote for your resume? In your name?" Uncle Sheng was shocked! What international joke did you say?

"Definitely you can't vote for me, for my cousin, but the resume must be changed. There are so many product managers, and there are so many bankrupt companies. I just randomly draw up a normal resume of product managers. It should not be seen by others. ?"

"You are really boring, Zhu Yanxin, I am convinced."

Yang Yuanmei was also puzzled, "When the time comes, the interviewers will be people in the position of Lu Yu's younger brother, at most mid-range employees. It's fun to be interviewed by such people?"

"Oh, yes, don't you always emphasize the need to continuously improve yourself?" Uncle Sheng raised his head and said. After he recovered from the shock, he carefully tasted the product, and found that it seemed a bit interesting? Applicants seem to be able to clearly know how much they really are after taking off their status and status, and how much their skills and experience are worth in the eyes of others?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi's explanation: "This is not to improve yourself, but to get to know yourself. Except for Zhu Yan, I think you can try it if you have time. You don't need to change your name. Just optimize your resume. Don't laugh. , Interviewing as an ordinary employee can give you a deep and direct understanding of society, especially when people ask you to go back and wait for news."

Zhu Yan's question mark face: "Why except me?"

"You are too famous and beautiful again. Unless you reverse the makeup and make your face look yellow and thin."

"That's not makeup, that's disguise." Zhu Yan imagined for a moment, and quickly expelled similar thoughts from his mind. "Will you be rejected then?"

"I don't know, I have to look at what company and job position I am facing. I should be able to interview Sankei on WeChat and Toutiao, but I don't have to go to Ali."

Yang Yuanmei was teased and chuckled, "You black Ali..."

"What is black? I don't understand e-commerce, but the interview is not normal?" Chu Yuanxi patted Uncle Sheng, then stood up, Qi Yu had already started to rest.

Uncle Sheng hurriedly followed, Qi Yu and Bai Sha had actually seen them coming over there, and the four of them gathered together and didn't pay attention.

But when Chu Yuanxi greeted him, he took it seriously, feeling that he really should go out and try something. I used to be freelance so I didn’t have anything to include in my resume. Even if I wanted to interview, I was rather shy, but now it’s different, and I’m not even afraid of others to memorize him. You can greet some brothers in advance.

However, which position has become a problem again. It seems that the available options are very narrow. Unlike Chu Yuanxi who goes out for an interview, if you don’t want to go to a big factory, you can try many different sub-types of operation posts in it. Any business, marketing, Sankei and even pr public relations are all OK.

And I may interview, the first is company m, no papers, short video scripts, music and sound effects, and even take a shot, I can do it, but this kind of interview is too boring and low-level.

The second is film and television drama companies, but in general, only the content direction can be applied for jobs, such as script planning and content supervision. Especially the adaptation of male frequency networks is a problem in the industry, and there must be room for its own play.

Third... Uncle Sheng suddenly thought of a position that he might try?

At this time, Chu Yuanxi had already expressed his concern for the entire variety show crew, but the false big void was the main thing, because it was really inconvenient to say "I have arranged an ambulance oxygen device and cardiopulmonary resuscitation." This is equivalent to saying that I am ready to **** you to death, and guarantee that you will not die. Especially today this occasion is too inappropriate.

But there is nothing to care about in other aspects, mainly because of unfamiliarity, Qi Yu Baisha is not counted, in this team he is only familiar with Li Zifeng.

However, Li Zifeng now admires Chu Yuanxi for being a five-body cast, because all the things he said at the beginning have been fulfilled, and because he got a set of books from Chu Yuanxi in advance, he said that he was involved in the role when shooting. The thief is fast, the most sloppy spray in the entire cast, and even the king of Qi is sprayed ruthlessly.

It is a pity that the character of Zou Yan's character is not strong enough. In fact, what he wanted more to play was Shen Buhu. This role is also the director of Taoism and Legalism, which is equivalent to having two skill trees. As a result, Bao Chunlai was more restrained and proclaimed more subjects according to the script, and he did not play Shen Buhu. Strengths.

This scene is a small one. Huan Yuan, played by Jing Boran, proposed to King Qi the policy of "wasting the power of the country", encouraging the scholar-official class to compare vigorously, spending more money on extravagance, and digging out all the money buried in the ground. Spend it to alleviate the national economy of Qi that was almost destroyed after the defeat in the foreign war.

Of course, this proposition must be strongly opposed by the Confucian Mencius, which is not in line with Confucian values. But Zou Yan usually wears a pair of trousers with Taoists, and Shen Buhui is half Taoist, so Mencius must draw Gongsunlong to help him spray.

On the other side, there are contradictions inside and outside Taoism. Gongsunlong also has his own small abacus, so everyone needs to do a lot of cooperation first, and then pk in front of King Qi.

During the break, the first scene of Huan Yuan Jinyan had just finished filming, and Li Zifeng took the opportunity of Chu Yuanxi to take a photo with them and suddenly said, "Chu Yuanxi, I want to shoot, no, I mean the short video group I want to join. "

After he finished speaking, he also made a pose, "I am good at martial arts, and I can do general routines."

It seems that this is already known that Pakistani Media is recruiting actors for the short video group?

What Chu Yuanxi admired Li Zifeng more was his body management. He was full of tendons and he was born as a male model. If you shoot according to the number of times, he has no advantage other than his appearance, but if he is in the style of punching to the flesh, he takes off his shirt, reveals a whole body of tendons and then starts the fight, the hormonal effect will definitely not be low. The TV crew also specially caught such a set of shots when filming.

"Will this be too wronged?" Chu Yuanxi asked, "Your current cafe, I think it's pretty good to play short videos by yourself, and it's pretty good. Will joining the short video crew cause any controversy? But it's pretty low."

Although it won’t be the form of prostitution that is nearly white, but short videos have to have the rules for shooting short videos, even if big Internet celebrities like Pan Yiyi, Abby, and Kaitnan do street photography. Overwhelmingly demanding prices, the income of this crew is definitely not signed in the form of "remuneration". In this regard, even if the Pakistanis have money, they will not break the rules.

"Where is there any controversy? It's all about working for the company." Li Zifeng said and lowered his head and smirked. "This drama will definitely be officially filmed in the future? I'm joining now. There will be an advantage to grab the role by then, haha... "

Chu Yuanxi said that it was awesome, and Li Zifeng even thought of this. "You are now the top player in Pakistani media, do you still need to grab a role?"

Li Zifengxin said that you are such a layman! "President Chu, I am a veteran, and the better the Pakistani media, the better, and my motivation is also great."

Chu Yuanxi understood it after a few thoughts, saying that he was thinking far enough? This can be regarded as a hard-won opportunity after the old rivers and lakes overturned?

"Okay, well, Uncle Sheng is here. The short video script for this play is still undecided. What do you want to say to Uncle Sheng?"

Li Zifeng eagerly went to find Uncle Sheng. When Chu Yuanxi turned around, Qi Yu was behind him.

It has been a long time since Qi Yu returned to the imperial capital, but the company and the studio have to pass through most of the imperial capital, so he usually doesn't show up. When he first came back, Chu Yuanxi hadn't seen her for a long time. .

And Qi Yu's mood is very complicated. On the one hand, it was because of Chu Yuanxi and on the other hand because of himself. Because Chu Yuanxi is his bizarre view of love, he crushed his three views half a year ago; because of me, because my mother and dad have urged her about her marriage many times, and recently he has not only urged WeChat by phone, Also flew back from the United States, human flesh urged.

Now I'm also a second-line variety show host anyway, if I get promoted to the first-line in case of fire, that's why it is even more embarrassing.

Before leaving the temporarily rented apartment this morning, her mother stopped her and looked at her daughter who was busy with work and said, "Daughter, Xiaofeng told me everything he knew about your affairs with Chu Yuanxi. Can you guys hurry up? Don't talk about getting married, it's okay to confirm the relationship first.

Qi Yu couldn't laugh or cry, leaning on the door frame and asked: "What are you talking about? Mom, it's not what you think!"

"Why is it not what I think? What do I think? My star girl is not worthy of him?"

"Why is it worthy? What did Qi Feng tell you?"

"What else can it be? It's nothing more than how you came and went, you love him and he loves you, etc. What's the matter? Hurry up and crisp, great years are delayed like you. Hurry up and get married. What is better than knotting?"

Qi Yu's whole body is petrified, and he has the heart to choke Qi Feng! "What nonsense is Qi Feng talking about? He doesn't know anything! Chu Yuanxi doesn't love me at all!"

"What!" Qi Yu's mother thought about it in an instant, "Oh! I love him with you, but he has a new love for empathy! This scumbag!"

"No! He has always been single and never talked about a girlfriend!"

"You don't have to shield him! I have raised you for so many years, don't I know what your character is?" Qi Mu said angrily, "You dare to say that you don't love him? If you don't love him, you will get up and greedy him every day. I come back at midnight every day and leave at dawn? Do I believe it?"

"This is my job, Mom, when I was on Mango Channel, I recorded a show for longer than this time. Do you think it's a good star?"

"Impossible, I don't believe it. Look at the circle of friends you just posted. It will kill you if you do it! You are my stupid girl, and people don't love you anymore. You are still infatuated to cover him... Damn it! How did my daughter meet such a scumbag? Wait!"

Qi Mu was taken aback, and Qi Yu was taken aback, and then suddenly tears glistened in her eyes, and she sighed deeply, "Xiao Yu, did he deliberately sell it to you when he sold the house back to save your dad? Coming?"

"That's not called deliberately selling well!" Qi Yu said, remembering that when she lost her job and desperately wanted to go, Chu Yuanxi directly introduced her to President Zheng De Yuan Jing, which was equivalent to going through the back door and directly entering the job. Immediately after she discovered that the Ba people had a better chance, she took the initiative to jump back to the Ba people. Chu Yuanxi gave her the ones that should be given to Zhu Yan no matter what she looked at, created a big internet celebrity, and finally pushed her in. Mango stage became a star host.

If this is called deliberate selling, please come a little more deliberately...

But at this time, she saw her mother blushing with blood and her neck thick, "Then you can tell me clearly what is going on, or I will go to his company and scold him!"

"It's very simple. He helped me a lot. It's so big, so I want to repay." Qi Yu said, hurriedly opened the door and left.

However, even though she had escaped from the apartment, her mood was always difficult to calm, especially when Chu Yuanxi suddenly appeared and ran to warm up the field for condolences. For a while, Qi Yu felt particularly stunned, because not only did the sense of distance not decrease, but instead became stronger, Chu Yuanxi was by her side, but she felt farther and farther away.

At this moment, suddenly, she saw her mother sneak in along the crack of the door and walked to her a few steps.

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